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So maybe going to look at a G60 at the weekend (if the bloke ever gets back to me) and the supercharger has been replaced is this usual, I mean the car has done 117K and the charger was replaced in 2004.

Any info would be great. Don't want to end up buying a dud.


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Uhoh.. The G-lader minefield!


Bascially all G-laders will have been "refurbished" at some point in thier life (and cue some-one who will correct me), a new Lader is not exactly an uncommon thing, you just need to pay attention to the chargers history since then.. as much, if not more than you would the engine's history...


and now some-one who knows more than me will be along shortly and blow all that out the water! :lol:

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Not all g-laders will have been refurbished, there'll be plenty around that are original, especially on low mileage cars. I've had G60s with original chargers, and have also had G60s with chargers that have been replaced. VW recomended that the charger was replaced at 80k miles so those that didn't realise that they can have the charger refurbed will have just had it replaced.


Personaly, if I bought a G60 that didn't have a rebuild certificate from a reputable company (basicaly G-Werks) within 10k miles i'd be budgeting a rebuild into the cost of the car. A standard rebuild will set you back around £400 and will mean peace of mind for another 40k miles.


There's alot of hearsay/old wifes tales about G-Laders, but as long as you have them rebuilt they're great fun and are no problem at all, and £400 every 40k miles is hardly a big expense.

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Right so let me gets this straight (I'm not the most mechanically minded person so bear with me)

If they can show a rebuild cert from a company we've heard of like G-werks, and everything else on the engine is ok. Then I should be ok??

If not then maybe walk away or budget another £400 into the price?

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Its not usual, but its not uncommon! 117k isnt anything to worry about really, most C's are getting there or well over by now.


Obviously ask why it was replaced (my guess would be it grenaded) and check what mileage has been done since then (to be honest, unless its been rebuilt recently your probably just as well off getting the charger serviced on any car once youve got it for peace of mind)


The G-Lader is a reliable unit as long as it is well maintained and regularly serviced.


Paper work is only half the story, just because a car has a full service history doesnt mean it wont need work or runs perfectly. Take it for a drive and see whats what and go from there, if it doesnt 'feel' right walk away.


If you can take someone with you who knows a bit about the G60 so you have a second opinion, and read the buying guide at least and maybe take a copy with you.


Good luck!

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Unless the charger has been replaced/refurbed within 10k-20k miles, personaly i'd be having it done straight away for peace of mind. So i'd either make sure it's been done, or budget £400 to have it done myself (which would be preferable)


If the chargers not been done it's a great bartering point, you can sometimes knock quite a bit more than £400 off the price of a G60 if the charger needs a rebuild.

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Unless the charger has been replaced/refurbed within 10k-20k miles, personaly i'd be having it done straight away for peace of mind. So i'd either make sure it's been done, or budget £400 to have it done myself (which would be preferable)


If the chargers not been done it's a great bartering point, you can sometimes knock quite a bit more than £400 off the price of a G60 if the charger needs a rebuild.


Agree with that. A rebuild certificate is no indication of how the car/charger have been driven since its rebuild. Even if it was done 10k ago, better safe than sorry to get it done!

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i would like to echo what he said /\


If they can show no paperwork that it has been re-furbed then use it as a bartering aid.


you know..

"we'll i'm gonna have to pay for charger to be re-service blah blah blah so .."


good luck. :)

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Cheers everyone it's all much clearer now.

I mean it's up for £2,200 so if it had done more than 10k since replacement should i be offering under the £2k mark?

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The other really critical thing with the G60 is that the oil changes have been done frequently, I would even look to be doing them at 3-4k instead of the 8k the book states. Make sure it has a genuine VW G60 oil filter fitted as well, the pattern ones dont have a valve in that keeps some oil pressure in the system and this causes extra wear on start-up. You can spot a G60 oil filter as it will have VW on it somewhere and there will be a hexagon shaped nut on the bottom of the filter.


The reason you want regular oil changes is that the supercharger uses the same oil supply as the engine for lubrication so to get the best out of the G60 and prolong its life it will need good clean oil.


Make sure it is running a standard pulley and that there is no boost return deletion (should be black plastic pipes going to both sides of the supercharger and the car will not make a whoosh noise when you accelerate hard and then come off the throttle.


Otherwise the supercharger can run for a lot more than 80k but you can check how healthy it is by using the MFA interogation in the wiki here (bottom of page and the figures you should expect to see)

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