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Rear speakers help!

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Hi chaps,


I need a simple, reasonable set of rear speakers for the Corrado. I believe they are 6 x 4 speakers (stupid question...but is that the same as 4 x 6 speakers?!). One of my rear speakers has died, so I guess I'll just replace them both - must be simple enough to do, right?


Don't really want to spend more than £50.





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Simple enough, but you may need to dremmel out some of the underside plastic to accommodates larger magnets.

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I believe they are 6 x 4 speakers (stupid question...but is that the same as 4 x 6 speakers?!)



Forgot to add that although they are the same it stii depends which way your looking at them and whether you work length x width or width x length so it can all get a little confusing :lol:

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Cheers for the headup, but unfortunately I dont have the tools, or ability to make any kind of MDF adaptor plate here in Germany. I'd rather just buy 2nd hand standard Corrado VR6 speakers, or just buy some reasonable 6 x 4 speakers off t'internet.


Thanks for the headsup though.

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You should check out the 'breaking' threads, I think B5VWC has a pair of speakers going for a tenner.

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