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Project Plum - The Plan of Attack

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I would love to get hold a mk2 but finding the right one which is in good enough condition is getting more and more difficult. Mk1 with a VR6 would be heaven!

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Whilst I'm researching coolant system parts, I started to draw up a very comprehensive list of rear beam components. I had one from VW which had all of the fixings and specialist parts, Febi which had majority of the normal parts and GSF for a brake pressure regulator.


Laptop just decided the tables were corrupt and deleted all three files :nuts:


Vista is b

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That would at least tell me if the impellor is impelling :nuts:


That was the problem with mine......blades intact.....just not spinning :D

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How would it not spin though? It's connected to the alterbator via the fan belt and that spins just fine.


How was yours not spinning, had the pulley worked itself loose or something? I will get back underneath it tomorrow.

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How would it not spin though? It's connected to the alterbator via the fan belt and that spins just fine.


How was yours not spinning, had the pulley worked itself loose or something? I will get back underneath it tomorrow.


The fan belt was spinning the pulley ,that end was fine but the impeller wasn't turning.......i didn't remove it myself but i was talking to the mechanic as he removed it from the car.....the blades themselves were in ok condition(plastic) but there was a break between the two ends so as one spun the other didn't.......its worth checking while you have it in bits anyway........the new one had metal blades btw :D

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Wow, that was a lot cheaper than I thought! VAG pumps are ~£35 exchange :shock:


I made sure they had one in stock and then took my old one round, along with a list of the fixings and fittings. btw, pumps come with 2 new rubber o-rings for the pump to block seal and the stat to pump seal :salute:


They said they would order the fittings and would be in stock tomorrow. The total price for the pump, fittings (pulley bolts and washers, pump bolts and washers plus the studs for PAS bracket) and 2 bottles of G12++ was ~£52 :clap:


That's the local VW place too which are normally crap, and which is why I drive the 20-mile round trip to the one up in north oxford. Glad they've sorted their act out :grin:


I'll start stripping the alternator, PAS and bracket and finally the pump and see what state it is in. Tempted just to leave the PAS pump off the car: it's not doing anything at the mo :salute:

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Yeah kidlington are awesome, Dave is a legend.


Iffley road used to be a migraine, but they're under new management now. They were happy to give me trade discount just cos Dave does although I did flash my CCGB card, so things are looking up for them now too.

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Got the pump off now and cracked it open:




External casing not damaged





Impeller still intact AND attached to pulley shaft... the plot thickens... :scratch:





Outer pulley is fine, doesn't look very old. Had to Erwin the allen bolts out but have ordered some new ones.





I guess this is the money shot. Opinions?? :shrug: The inner/larger pulley was spinning freely before I took it off so I thought maybe it's own bolts had sheared and it was kept in place by the outer pulley, but they share the same bolts. Darn. Then When I prised it off, all this crap fell out (see middle of pulley), looks like clutch or friction material? What is it? :shrug: :shrug: :shrug: Also, do I need to order a new inner pulley with all that brass stuff? :scratch:







Block has seen better days, but the o-ring is still intact....hmm...





Lastly, PAS pump. Still making good suction despite being dry. Think i'll take it off the car for now and see if it's servicable.

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It may be a viscous clutch for the water pump? It will allow the pulley to engage/disengage when it is not needed. It works on a temperature system. My old BMW E30 had one for the cooling fan...

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ok, i've found out from Toad that I should just replace it with a Mk2 Golf solid pulley and go from there. But as the outer pulley was still attached, surely the pump was still working?


Any help appreciated! :scratch:

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if the viscous coupling was buggered then it might not have been turning....


i had a 306 S16 which had a similar pulley, only instead of that "clutch"style coupling it had a layer of rubber between the inner/outer pullies; presumably to act as a dampener for whatever reason. over time this layer of rubber destroyed itself which led to me hearing a nasty crack when driving along and then watching half of my pulley sail off down the road in front of me! :shock:


if you can replace it with a solid one at least it will be a start and one more thing eliminated. it does sound more thermostat related if rad hoses were cold - but then if your thermo was opening in the water.... :shrug:



only thing you can do is eliminate one thing at a time and see how you get on really - good luck! :)

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Cheers pete :salute:


I think I'm gonna pull most /all coolant hoses tomorrow and just check that they don't have blockages in. I've put up a few wanteds for a solid golf pulley, but tbh I might just order one into VW and pick it up.

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The reasoning behind the dampening, I would take an educated guess at is, to eliminate a sudden load being transfered to the water pump and its fins on start up. There would be no inertia in the water and the sudden load over time could damage the fins. Especially if it has plastic fins on a metallic spline drive - eventually leading to the fins not turning with the pump.


Imagine it like this, water is soft when you touch it gently, belly flop into a pool tho and you find it's not so soft!

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Not sure yet, still haven't grown arms long enough to reach the ignition barrel and the compression tester at the same time!


Hopefully, I'll be able to do that tonight or perhaps in the morning depending on when Prod comes in.

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Only just had a quick skim of this mate but pump looks ok, new ones are only £22 from VW trade and you want the cheaper one with the X at the end of the part number, the other one is just the impeller half and not exchange. Buy all new bolts, stat and plastic housings. I'd also think about new metal water pipes too as I remember your coolant was really bad when you drained it before, VW also do a special flush to try and stop corrosion in the water system. Block looks fine to me, but i'd flush every pipe / rad thoroughly before connecting things back up again incase you have an internal blockage. Those infared thermometres are useful in finding coolant hotspots, RAC etc carry these on the vans now so if you are still having problems after maybe give your breakdown a shout...

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What is VW Trade: TPS? They still haven't responded to my application for an account :scratch:


Do you have a part number for the coolant flush from VW?


I think there is only 1 metal coolant pipe, it's the one that winds around the front of the block? I have a good one of those spare so I may swap it out if the old one is dead.


And yeah, I think it's time I reactivate my breakdown cover :nuts:


Cheers Steve :grin: :salute:

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Right. The inner pulley isn't on a clutch or anything like that. It's simply an idler. The outer smaller(iirc) pulley drives the pump direct.


The idler mech wears and clatters and is shite, so it can be replaced with the solid pulley arrangement from a golf apparently. The rotation speeds aren't *that* different, and the added wear on the belts can be lived with, I would imagine.


You could weld the pulleys together, but they look pretty knackered now you've been mangling them.

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Yeah TPS or just a decent discounted dealer price...


Coolant Flush is G052188A3


Trade is 15% which seems pretty decent? I haven't bought the parts yet as I'm waiting for the bolts to be in to pick them all up at the same time, the total was £50 ish with 2 bottles of coolant and some random bolts which could cost a fair pop each, so maybe the pump is only about £20ish quid :shrug: Won't know until tomorrow.


Cheers for the part number :salute:

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