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scarlet_vr6's blackberry!

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He then accused me of waiting for someone to damage the rear so I could profit from it!




Now i've heard it all! Maybe he doesn't have any idea just how expensive it is trying to keep a car like the Corrado on the road let alone managing to find money for bodywork! I've never dared take mine to a bodyshop for fear it'll punish me for neglecting mechanical repairs!


If he tries to make a meal out of it, then take him through the insurance companies - it'll be his word against yours but with photographs and a statement about exactly what crap he came out with when you went to talk to him, you'll get it sorted in your favour.


Alternatively, send Goldie & Toad round for a friendly chat :)

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are you comprehensive on your insurance fay?


if so then just tell your insurer and they will handle it all. I suppose its concievable they could take the same view as him regarding the state of the paint already, but if not then they will contact his insurer (based on his address that you can give them) and with your photo evidence there will be no "choice" in the matter for him - his insurers will have to pay. all as far as i understand it at least.


good luck :)

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thanks for all the replies guys. I felt in need of some reassurance, even though I know he should pay


LONG LIVE CF :notworthy:


He then accused me of waiting for someone to damage the rear so I could profit from it!




Now i've heard it all! Maybe he doesn't have any idea just how expensive it is trying to keep a car like the Corrado on the road let alone managing to find money for bodywork! I've never dared take mine to a bodyshop for fear it'll punish me for neglecting mechanical repairs!


I have to admit I was a bit upset by that comment afterwards. Mine hasn't been near a bodyshop or had any big mods done for the same reason - an excuse to chew through something else under the bonnet! Oh, and he hadn't even heard of a Corrado so no chance of him knowing their running costs :roll:


Alternatively, send Goldie & Toad round for a friendly chat :)



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Alternatively, send Goldie & Toad round for a friendly chat :)


What a cock! I would happily drive my old toyota down to his house and drive it into his living room just for fun! see what the dork thinks to that! Dont worry mate its insured :grin:


As said though Fay, he doesn't have a prayer, do it through insurance!

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Alternatively, send Goldie & Toad round for a friendly chat :)


What are you trying to suggest Jim???


You know I'm a lover, not a fighter... although that approach could work too. :lol:


In all seriousness though, that's really bad form of your neighbour, I'd lose my temper I think. I'm always available for the old turd through the letterbox too.


Good luck in getting it sorted!

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I'm always available for the old turd through the letterbox too.


Are you ever NOT available for that? I'm kinda retaining my address in case you get bored on a tuesday or something... :shock:

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Alternatively, send Goldie & Toad round for a friendly chat :)


What a cock! I would happily drive my old toyota down to his house and drive it into his living room just for fun! see what the dork thinks to that! Dont worry mate its insured :grin:


As said though Fay, he doesn't have a prayer, do it through insurance!


Well if were any marks on the front of his house before you drove your car through you wouldn't have to pay.

From his logic anyway.


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What a cock! I would happily drive my old toyota down to his house and drive it into his living room just for fun! see what the dork thinks to that! Dont worry mate its insured :grin:


As said though Fay, he doesn't have a prayer, do it through insurance!


thanks Kip - I'm sure the Toyota would be happy to oblige since it would be helping a Corrado!! dirtytorque def has a point about the front of house damage, somehow I expect 'one rule for one, one rule for another' might apply here, in his humble opinion of course!


There isn't any way I could lose my no claims over this is there? It's not protected until my renewal on sat. I guess not as it would be a non fault claim


You know I'm a lover, not a fighter... although that approach could work too. :lol:


pmsl! reckon that approach might work. Shall we drop in on our way to Stealth - it would only be about 20 mins extra...!

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Since I have a new job, I bought myself some new shoes.... and then I thought it was hardly fair to buy myself some but not Bosun so................




............I'm collecting these tomorrow :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:




To say I'm looking forward to it is an understatement :mrgreen: :D :clap:


I was looking at Audi wheels mostly cos I thought I could pick them up a bit cheaper but these came up for sale on E38 and I couldn't say no. Tomorrow I will find out if 5 RXs inc. tyres fit in the boot of a rado :wink:


Many, many thanks to Billcor for pointing them out on here as I would never have found them myself :notworthy:

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NIIIICCCEEEEE! I do so like RX's and when i get bored of standard (yeah rite) these are what i'd choose.


Will be a squeeze to get them all in with the seats down Fay but they will go with a little thinking about it :grin:

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Definately a great choice for the VR, without a doubt! One of my favourite styles of wheel for the Corrado :)

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Since I have a new job, I bought myself some new shoes.... and then I thought it was hardly fair to buy myself some but not Bosun so................




............I'm collecting these tomorrow :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:




To say I'm looking forward to it is an understatement :mrgreen: :D :clap:


I was looking at Audi wheels mostly cos I thought I could pick them up a bit cheaper but these came up for sale on E38 and I couldn't say no. Tomorrow I will find out if 5 RXs inc. tyres fit in the boot of a rado :wink:


Many, many thanks to Billcor for pointing them out on here as I would never have found them myself :notworthy:

the questions is, who's shoes were the more expensive?!! :grin:

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Many, many thanks to Billcor for pointing them out on here as I would never have found them myself :notworthy:


Well done, great wheel choice 8) just glad someone bought them, they were a bargain at the price :wave:

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They will look fantastic :salute: - had more chufties in the last 3 weeks since I put mine on that in the last 12 months ( lowering probably helped as well)


Enjoy :D

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thanks guys. On my way to collect them shortly :clap:


:lol: @ John - my 2 pairs totalled £100 so they were considerably cheaper!I've thoroughly enjoyed my week of shoe shopping :Fade-color


Kip, I'd be very upset if the day came that saw non-std wheels on yours, not that I think that day will ever happen!! As much as I want to personalise my C, it's very important to still have superb examples of how they all started life


Ben, it was on seeing yours at Stanford that made me go from 'want RXs' to 'must have RXs and soon'! What a beautiful car yours is


Vaughan, glad you're getting loads of +ve comments too. Lowering would def help on mine too but I haven't worked out which coilies to go for yet (nor do I have any money to go towards them now...)

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good choice! wana see some photos with them on.


how did you get on with the power steering rack by the way i forgot to ask




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we need pics!!!!!! was looking at those rims myself .as for lowering if your on a budget go for a weitec ultra gt kit amaizing for the money :wink:

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Ben, it was on seeing yours at Stanford that made me go from 'want RXs' to 'must have Rxs and soon'! What a beautiful car yours is


Thankyou :D

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