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Track Days

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Anyone know if there is a specific corrado track day? Or if anyone has organised one before?


I quite fancy giving the VR a blast in a controlled environment (ok, semi-controlled :lol: ) but I don't fancy going to one of these complete free-for-alls until I've at least had a couple of goes as I've heard plenty of horror stories about people turning up to these open events and just driving like tw@ts and ruining it for everyone else (obviously I could be wrong).


I'm off to the Nurburgring on september with the other corrado guys and would like to have at least one go in my car on a track so I know kind of what the car will/won't do.


Anyone got any ideas?

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im off to goodwood tommorrow to go out in my mates Mk5 GTi volkswagen racing cup car, doesnt really apply to the topic, but im really excited!


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We did manage one back in 2001 which had (I think) sixteen cars on track together but it's been tried many times since and to be frank with you it's not worth the effort of trying to set it up.


What happens is that loads of people (perhaps 30 or more) show interest, but when it to the moment where actual money has to replace mouth interest suddenly disappears and you're lucky of you're not standing on your own.


The best advice I can give any budding VW trackday nut wanting to play amongst friends is to book into one of the Autometrix VW track days which are usually in April at Mallory Park (Leics) and in July at Castle Combe (Wilts). These are professionally organised events at proper circuits, with top quality organisation, marshalling and instruction available. The "manners" of other drivers at these particular events is also very good in my experience.


Personally I'd try for Castle Combe if possible as the weather is (generally) more dependable and the circuit is less hard on tyres than Mallory (whose first bend is a long n/side tyre shredding fast right hander) and is a more open and fast circuit, which sounds terrifying but in practice means the faster cars can actually pass you a lot more safely.


Good luck. I'm hoping to be a Combe myself this summer again.



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I'd recommend an airfield course too if it's your first time .. the armco tends to be miles away. Bruntingthorpe for example is huge, lots and lots of run-off space if you mess it up.

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I think that between the 30 people who are off on the Karmann/Ring trip there may be a number who have no track experience (me included) :D


Maybe it would be worth trying to organise something between us? (More chance of people committing if we're already going to Germany)

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Some good ideas there gents, except Stoney who's just showing off! :lol: wish I had a mate with a race car.....


I'll have a look into Bruntingthorpe and Mallory Park as I they are both pretty close to me. Always wanted to go to Castle Combe but unfortunately to far for me to travel.


I know people often have problems getting 'interested' parties into actually committing to these things, but as yorkshireone says with a few people going to the 'ring in sept and no doubt not being able to resist a quick blast round the famous track maybe we could organise some kind of meet up?

Guess we'll see if many reply to this thread and in the meantime I'll try to get a bit more info.

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Some good ideas there gents, except Stoney who's just showing off! :lol: wish I had a mate with a race car.....


I'll have a look into Bruntingthorpe and Mallory Park as I they are both pretty close to me. Always wanted to go to Castle Combe but unfortunately to far for me to travel.


I know people often have problems getting 'interested' parties into actually committing to these things, but as yorkshireone says with a few people going to the 'ring in sept and no doubt not being able to resist a quick blast round the famous track maybe we could organise some kind of meet up?

Guess we'll see if many reply to this thread and in the meantime I'll try to get a bit more info.


Sounds good :)

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I've done a lot of trackdays in the past 8 years but I have it on very good authority that nothing, nothing will prepare you for the Ring. It really is like no other circuit on earth. The surface changes, changes in materials, lumps, potholes, concrete, massive elevation across the lap, weather which changes within the confines of the circuit all combines together in a narrower-than-normal track which is over 13 miles long, and which except in a few places has almost no run off.


The grip from the tarmac is inconsistant, sometimes between adjacent bends, and even in summer there are areas where the overhanging trees not only drop foliage onto the track, but also serve to prevent the track drying out until well into the day, meaning sudden unexpected damp patches occur - sometimes in the middle of bends. As if that isn't enough to think about you also have a huge mix of traffic pounding around the place, from novices to wannabes to veterans to Ring-nutters, with everything from coaches to motorbikes to road legal GT2 racecars going around the place, most of which will be left hand drive (so you'll be looking in the wrong mirror most of the time)


I would almost advise that doing a track day before going to the Ring is probably a bad thing, because it could very easily give you a false sense of confidence which could caused a mishap in Germany. It's probably better just to arrive with a healthy fear of the place and just trundle around slowly.


Anyone here who is considering driving the Nordschleife should also check Ben Lovejoy's Nurburgring Site which contains pretty much all the essential knowledge you must read before you go. Make sure you have all the correct insurance, full european recovery, and enough money available to get yourself recovered should the worst happen on the circuit. Understand you will be charged fees if you hit the barriers or require recovery, and that the German Police may well investigate and charge you if you cause another car to have accident as a result of your own actions (the Ring is a Public highway and as such is covered by normal traffic laws). There is a lot to understand and read up about before you go.


Hope this helps,


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All good points John, I'm hoping to go in May just to drive round it I'm not going to set lap records!


I've head horror stories of over 1500euro per meter to replace Armco!


Oh and Mic, a mate who's an ex professional race drive told me of a story of Undertaking a tour bus full of Grannies in full attack on opposite lock mid corner! Just to make you aware! He says it's really no wider in places than a dual carridgeway but with 5ft of grass and then Armco/ concrete..


Personally sling in Nurgberg ring and crash into youtube as well, then see what you think....


Above all enjoy the experience but like John says maintain a heathly fear at all times.... remember the in-car vid of the guy in the M3 who made it one corner before crashing?

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I think I'll still have a go on a trackday here in blighty but having had a chat with Jon and the replies on here, plus a quick search on youtube and I think the ring needs more than a few goes on a normal track.


But I'd still like to see how good my car really is, I don't think I'll ever pushed my car anywhere near its limit

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I don't think I'll ever pushed my car anywhere near its limit

Tell you what, give me the keys and jump in the passenger seat! :lol:


While you're on Youtube have a look for Trois Riviers ALMS race now THAT is a truely mental rtrack, and to think I was offered the keys to a brand new race-prepped GT3 there.. no race licence, nada, just a case of "here you go sling my hemet and overalls on, take her for a blast in one of the practice session"! :shock:


Needless to say I declined turning a $1/2 million car into a small cube of metal! Mind you he said he had just had another one delivered to his Garage at home. Same color as his road car and that he was going to sling his number-plates on when he got home and go hunting Muscle cars! :shock: :cuckoo:

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Silverstone would be awesome, and pretty near me as well.


Do you think they'd do us a deal if we could get enough people interested?

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Do you remember the last forum related trip to the ring?


3 of 4 cars ended up bent, one had to stay in Germany, one came back with no bumper or drivers side headlight, and the other was set about with sledge hammers in the campsite to get it drivehomeable.


Still. I would like to try my car round there, but ultimately think that UK based trackdays will be more satisfying.

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Its hard to know what to say about the Nurburgring really - I went in 2006 with a bunch of guys off here and on the 2nd lap did give the car some stick and ran into absolutely no problems.. but I suppose I had a few things working on my side:


* Amusing as it sounds i'd played the track on Gran Turismo a lot, and knew where a lot of the corners were

* I never drive beyond my limits - so didn't take corners quicker than I felt comfortable, or do stupid speeds on the big straights

* Had the track almost to myself most of the time until the last few corners, so had room to take corners however I liked

* Had virtually perfect road conditions - warm, dry summers evening


I think if you just don't drive like an idiot and be aware of the other cars coming up around you (you'd be surprised just how quickly something like an M3 or a 911 can be on you, and then past you), then you should be fine! And if the conditions are anything less than perfect, BACK OFF! :)

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Its hard to know what to say about the Nurburgring really - I went in 2006 with a bunch of guys off here and on the 2nd lap did give the car some stick and ran into absolutely no problems.. but I suppose I had a few things working on my side:


* Amusing as it sounds i'd played the track on Gran Turismo a lot, and knew where a lot of the corners were

* I never drive beyond my limits - so didn't take corners quicker than I felt comfortable, or do stupid speeds on the big straights

* Had the track almost to myself most of the time until the last few corners, so had room to take corners however I liked

* Had virtually perfect road conditions - warm, dry summers evening


I think if you just don't drive like an idiot and be aware of the other cars coming up around you (you'd be surprised just how quickly something like an M3 or a 911 can be on you, and then past you), then you should be fine! And if the conditions are anything less than perfect, BACK OFF! :)


Time to start hammering Forza 2 then! :D

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And if the conditions are anything less than perfect, BACK OFF!

I think thats definitely it, seeing how easily some of the slides in that video start in the dry, you wouldn't even want to start a lap if it was damp at all! Theres just so much camber change everywhere which seems to be the biggest issue...

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Silverstone would be awesome, and pretty near me as well.


Do you think they'd do us a deal if we could get enough people interested?

i would do silverstone.

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Last year it looked like someone from Motor Sport Vision was going to put a deal together, but the thread kind of died.. http://the-corrado.net/.archive/forum/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=42668&st=0&sk=t&sd=a


MSV have a good choice of tracks and they might be better prepared to do a custom meeting than somewhere like Silverstone.


Who is organising the forum ring trip.. i might be interested.

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Silverstone would be awesome, and pretty near me as well.


Do you think they'd do us a deal if we could get enough people interested?



I'll see what I can do?

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Ive done a lot of track days up until the last 2 or 3 years in both the uk and abroad and can highly recommend them. Theres some great deals at off peak times thoughout the year at most of the circuits so its advantageous to get on their mailing lists to find out when these are.

Oulton park and Cadwell are two of my favourite tracks but ive also got a soft spot for Anglesey (which can be had very very cheaply) and Lydden here in kent.

We used to go to the Ring 2-3 times a year with the bikes and as stated its in no way the same as any track day. Its a toll road not a track and people treat it as such.

Oddly enough when gt3 came out with the the ring on it the accident rate went up there approx 50%. I remeber seeing lots of posters around their basically saying forget what youd learned on the ps2. Becasue its such a long track and the scenery is pretty similar its pretty easy to get confused as to where you are on the track if comparing it to gt3 and thats where people were making mistakes. Taking a line expecting one bend but actually being another.

The Biggest thing that hit me the first time i went round were the gradients. Some of the dips and hills are bloody massive (another thing gt3 doesnt replicate).

Dont get me wrong it is worth going but just be very careful. Also be prepared fo a wait as it often gets closed for 2-3 hrs at a time if theres an accident and there are many accidents

Some of the exotica that goes round is simply jaw dropping and worth the trip in itself.

I was lucky enough to take and ex frank beila touring car round a few years ago and it was one of the most amazing experiences in my life.

Alos dont forget to check your insurance before you go as many ins companies actuall state now your not covered to drive round the ring even though its a toll road.

The european circuist as a whole have a very different feel to them than the uk. The whole attitude is very different to the uk.

Personally spa is my favourite circuit by far. Ive only been once but its fantastic.

Folembret is also very good too in the south of france but the quality of tarmac wasnt particularly good last time i went but it does have the advantage of only being about an hour or so away from calais but never seems to be very busy.

word to the wise, First time i took a rado vr round oulton park it had stock brakes and i went through 2 sets of pads in a day. Take spares



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Oh and another thing....when you do take your car rounbd any circuit be it uk or abroad, nask up or take off your number plate. Their are more and more ins companies now going to track days and noting peoples reg plates.

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