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MOT booked for Monday!

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when u undid the down pipe did u have the intake manifold on?


Yeah, I jacked the car up and got them from underneath with a bar. Much easier than fiddling around with those allen bolts. Just took the head off with all the manifolds still attached.


The head is back on now.... for the second time. I made a bit of a c*ck up. In my haste to get it done I managed to wedge the downpipe between the studs on the exhaust manifold and the sub frame and without checking around the back of the head I tightened up all the head bolts. Then when I went to put the six manifold to downpipe nuts on I couldn't line the downpipe up with the exhaust manifold. So um I undid the head bolts again and lifted the head up just enough so that I could line the studs on the exhaust manifold up with the holes on the downpipe. I've tightened the head bolts up again but I have been thinking to myself have I now made a complete hash of this? Obviously the head bolts are brand new and were literally on there five minutes before I realised my mistake, slackened them off and did them back up again. Is this too much of a risk? Had I better just get a new set of bolts and a gasket just to be safe? Most people I've spoken to, like my mechanic, have said I'll most likely get away with it.


Would be interested to know other's thoughts though.

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I think you'll be alright as long as you didn't do the 180? or is it 90? turn on the head bolts. That's when they stretch!

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Was going to say if you've not stretched them (the 2x 90 degree turns) you'll be ok but sounds like you have? if so how did they feel the second time??


If it was the G60 id say doit again but to be honest you'll probably be ok and i'd be tempted to leave it...

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I kinda did that mistake in the sense that i had to take the head off once it had been torqued up including the 2 90degree turns, just bought some more to be safe, engine never turned a beat and put new ones in. Still going strong now almost.

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I had already stretched them with the angle tightening. They defo didn't feel that much different, perhaps a little looser but not hugely. Obviously they are really only meant to be used once and technically I've used them twice now but they haven't been subjected to any temperature or anything. Most people are saying just leave it. But I'm still worried about it. Might just do it for my own piece of mind. Really don't want to spend any more money though. I've spent enough as it is. Just wish I'd been paying more attention. Was trying really hard to do a good job and I feel like I've messed it up now! :mad2:


Junkie, after you'd taken the head off and put it back did you replace the gasket as well or just the bolts?

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Just the bolts Jon, mine is under immense pressure comparitively speaking to yours i would imagine so thought best to do them, i never skimmed the head either as people were saying it will not seal properly but it seems fine to me.


I got the bolts from GSF about £12

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like I said earlier today mate at the AGM, I've reused bolts before with no problem and on the valver on which the head gets hotter than an 8v too. I'm a penny pincher and I'd say leave it :)

I've spoken to mechanics about this before and it seems you can get away with re-torquing those VW headbolts a second time, if you were going to have trouble it's most likely it would have already happened on the 2nd stretching :)

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like I said earlier today mate at the AGM, I've reused bolts before with no problem and on the valver on which the head gets hotter than an 8v too. I'm a penny pincher and I'd say leave it :)

I've spoken to mechanics about this before and it seems you can get away with re-torquing those VW headbolts a second time, if you were going to have trouble it's most likely it would have already happened on the 2nd stretching :)


Yes mate, at least they didn't snap! :lol:


Well, there are a hell of a lot worse things that could have gone wrong in the course of changing a head gasket so I guess I shouldn't be too hard on myself either.


Oh and Junkie, my name is Joe! :wink: :lol:

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:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Just pleaded my case to my parts supplier who took pity on me and got me some VW bolts and a gasket for next to nothing. So I'm gonna change them. At least that way I can get on with my life and stop worrying about it. Sad as it is I know I'm just going to keep worrying about it and beating myself up if I don't sort it. Sooooo, tomorrow evening will be the big switch on! No celebrities are going to attend I'm afraid.

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I think for peace of mind you're doing the right thing Jeff, the whole reason you took the head off in the first place was because of the head gasket, you don't want it going again and you being back at square one.

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:lol: :lol: :lol:


Yeah, I'm a chronic worrier about things like that so even if it didn't blow the gasket again I'd be constantly worrying about. So by changing it again I will at least spare myself that. And I'm at a stage where changing over for a new gasket and bolts is a ten minute job. I wasn't going to be able to do any more until tomorrow anyway as I had to order a new cam belt tensioner today as well. Somehow the old one has been damaged although to be honest I didn't really notice if it was in good nick when I took it off. Looks like it has been dropped or something.

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Finally I am at peace with my Golf again! :clap:


As you can see from the pic head is on (again). Funnily enough when I was putting it on this time I made sure the studs on the exhaust manifold lined up with the holes in the downpipe flange. :roll:


Also all timed up and cam belt back on. As you can see still a little way off starting it. Didn't have as much time this evening as I would have liked but all the major tasks are taken care of now. THANK FOOK!!!!!!



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Well done Dirk. Nice to see you getting there, and glad you decided to swap the bolts and gasket. :)

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Well done Dirk. Nice to see you getting there, and glad you decided to swap the bolts and gasket. :)


Cheers mate, It's a good stage to be at right now. The engine bay looks well dirty in that picture though!

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Top stuff Janet :salute:


Sorry I couldn't make it on sunday but I believe you know the story of my abduction? Still recovering now.... :gag: :lol:

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Top stuff Janet :salute:


Sorry I couldn't make it on sunday but I believe you know the story of my abduction? Still recovering now.... :gag: :lol:


Yes buddy, I was let in on it by a one Mr Beige! :lol: Hope you had a good time mate! :D We will catch up eventually. Hopefully there will be a Northgate meet soon.

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haha! Yeah they got me good that's for sure. I'm surprised the next Northgate meet hasn't been sorted yet but definitely catch up then if not before.

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haha! Yeah they got me good that's for sure. I'm surprised the next Northgate meet hasn't been sorted yet but definitely catch up then if not before.


I keep meaning to come along to one of the Cambridge meets. You'll have to let me know when you will be there next. :D

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Couple of pics from this evening's work. It's pretty much there. All belts and pulleys are on. Turned the engine by hand just to be doubly sure I'm not going to bend anything when I turn the key and also to check the tension on the cam belt. All seems good. Returned to TDC perfectly. Just need to clean up the last few bits that need to go on which hopefully I'll get done tomorrow. I'm not rushing it now as I don't want to make any more mistakes and I have Friday off so it will be finished then at the latest. :D





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Looking good matey, those 8v's are a dream to work on when compared to the Corrado. So much room to work in.


Next cambridge meet in two weeks tomorrow, doubt I'll be there though as that's the weekend before my wedding so I'll be doing stuff for that. They're a pretty good bunch though down at fendubbers so get yourself along if you're free, I'll definitely be at the one in May as that'll be the last time the C is going to be in one piece for a while! :grin:

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