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my car isnt near my pressure washer atm..I still got my block in, that shouldnt be a prob?

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my car isnt near my pressure washer atm..I still got my block in, that shouldnt be a prob?


Shouldn't be a problem buddy. You can get to where you need to with the block in situ. Just give it a scrub with some shampoo and a sponge.

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i have no idea or a plan, I just started to take parts off, looks like your up to the same or do you know whats going on? :D

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I'm loving this project but have felt for the past few weeks that I've been treading water a bit. So thought I'd do a before and after pic of the bay. :D






Pretty chuffed to be honest. :D


Bled the brakes today but still loads of air in them so will make a better job of it at a later date. At least there is fluid in all the brake lines now.


Will get some pics up of the engine next week. The head is going back on next Thursday! :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:


I think you've over done the pressure a bit, the engine's gone. :shrug:




Looks great :D

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i have no idea or a plan, I just started to take parts off, looks like your up to the same or do you know whats going on? :D


Haven't got a f*cking clue what's going on or when it's going to stop! :lol:


Looks great :D


Cheers matey! :D

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Started on the head today during my lunch break at work. Should have it done by tomorrow ready to go back on on Thursday when I have a day off. I'm just lapping the valves in, changing the valve stem seals, and cam shaft seal. :D The head is in very good nick!



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That looks very serious.

Thats the one thing I farmed out,head re-build.Good to see you taking it on.

The only thing i'd say is that when you do the valve guides you should get the seats re-cut ideally to make sure everything aligns 100% for a perfect gas seal.

I know you have some expert eyes there to rely on and get advice from and I'm sure you know what your doing .Just thought i'd mention it as someting to ponder 8)

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That looks very serious.

Thats the one thing I farmed out,head re-build.Good to see you taking it on.

The only thing i'd say is that when you do the valve guides you should get the seats re-cut ideally to make sure everything aligns 100% for a perfect gas seal.

I know you have some expert eyes there to rely on and get advice from and I'm sure you know what your doing .Just thought i'd mention it as someting to ponder 8)


It's cool, it's all in hand. There's nothing like having a factory trained VW master technician looking over your shoulder to give you a bit of confidence! :D This project has been such a boost it's unreal. I've already done stuff I never thought I'd ever do. Even if it blows up when I turn the key I'm so happy with what I've achieved.


What did the lads at work reckon of it? Recently rebuilt?


They were very impressed with it. Especially after seeing the state of my original one! :lol: Hard to tell what work it's had on it before though.

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nice :)


you getting new valves & guides too?


i'm not a big fan of grinding in valves - it's such a boring monotonous job, especially knowing how many you've got to go when you start! (imagine doing a 24v head! :? )


it's all looking good pal 8) i'm bit surprised you didn't steam clean the block/head before putting it all back together though...

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I cheated with the head, I bought a fixed up one, I may refurb my old one though. Good to see, im not the only one wihout a plan :wave:

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nice :)


you getting new valves & guides too?


i'm not a big fan of grinding in valves - it's such a boring monotonous job, especially knowing how many you've got to go when you start! (imagine doing a 24v head! :? )


it's all looking good pal 8) i'm bit surprised you didn't steam clean the block/head before putting it all back together though...


The head has been degreased now (after that pic was taken) and has come up a treat. And to be honest now the block is painted I could have told you it had been steamed and you wouldn't have known any different were it not for the photos. :D I gave it a really thorough clean myself with a degreasing agent and the pressure washer. Honestly mate, you wait until it's all back together! 8)


I cheated with the head, I bought a fixed up one, I may refurb my old one though. Good to see, im not the only one wihout a plan :wave:


I just woke up one morning and indiscriminately started removing things and here I am! Four months and two grand later I have a car with no engine in it! :lol:

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that's cool (wasn't criticising!), i also meant steam clean the inside of the block more than the outside just so you could paint it.


if you steam clean the inside it obviously removes all the old oil/contaminants etc and the new oil stays shiny!

(unless of course you did that after taking the photos, or i'm just being blind and looking at the pictures in some strange way...)


please don't think i'm criticising like i say - just curious is all :)

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It's cool buddy. I didn't steam it but I did make sure I cleaned it really thoroughly with a really strong (nicked from work) degreasing agent and a pressure washer. It might not look that clean in the pics (poor lighting in the workshop probably doesn't help) but it's fine for my needs. :D Should have another update tomorrow. :cheers:

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I am p!ssed off. I had hoped to get the engine in tomorrow but VW sent me someone else's parts order today so I don't have the bits that I need. :bad-words: So that's another weekend gone and no Corrado. :(

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mega mega frustrating when something like that happens :(


its come on a long way since i last looked tho :salute: but take it you couldn't repair the damaged head then.

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No mate, wasn't worth repairing unfortunately. Real shame. But very pleased with the one I rebuilt. :D


Probably gonna spend tomorrow cleaning and painting a few bits up. Not the exciting stuff I had planned. :(

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Just checked the engine number stamped on the block with that on the V5. It's not the original engine.... :lol:


This car has got a pretty fecked up history. Wonder what happened to the original engine. Bet the charger blew. The charger I have is in way too good a condition to be the original.

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