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Note left on my car..

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I've had my car parked in the same spot for the last few weeks as i've had the charger off and been doing other bits.

I've been expecting to come home one day to find a note on the car telling me to move it as its outside someone elses house.. I come homem tonight and there is a note on the car, but it says:


to the person who owns VW golf

If you are interested in selling it

please give me a call


on ********


ask for Morgan




What should i do?

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if you've got a golf to sell give him a call :wink:


i'd give him a bell, cant hurt and see what he has to say!

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What should i do?


Tell him its a corra......beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep.(he puts phone down)


:lol: Only joking...If you want to sell it then give him a bell! :)

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yeah should have mentioned it was on the corrado.. the car is for sale but if he doesnt even know what it is i think he'll fall over when i tell him how much i want for it!

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If he doesn't even know what it is then he has no concept of what it's worth. Tell him it has the rare Karmann interior and add a grand to your asking price.... :lol:

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If he doesn't even know what it is then he has no concept of what it's worth. Tell him it has the rare Karmann interior and add a grand to your asking price.... :lol:

And you have fitted a very expensive electronicly adjustable rear spoiler.......

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I don't think its being too snobbish to say that if he doesn't even know what it is, i'd be reluctant to part with it! I don't think I would.

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I don't think its being too snobbish to say that if he doesn't even know what it is, i'd be reluctant to part with it! I don't think I would.


That's what I'm thinking.


Although it could be a good time to educate someone new about the wonderful world of broken cars and empty wallets :D

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consider that if he can't figure out what it is, he's not likely to be able to fix all the annoying bits that will eventually fail on a Corrado. If he's local, you might have to be stuck watching your former car go downhill.

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If it's for sale, then why wouldn't you contact him? you'd be mad not too IMO!


I've had rados sell themselves before, when they weren't for sale. You're probebly alot more likely to get your asking price from someone that's fallen in love with your car in particular rather than eleswhere where there's more competition etc.


Go for it I say!

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I think the person who left the note was taking the piss by calling it a Golf just to annoy you.


Think he would have called it scirocco to do that :D .....that normally pi55es me off....no offense to any scirocco lovers out there :wave:

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