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Fuel Prices Petition

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1.16 for normal unleaded round my way. It was 80 odd pence per litre when I started driving, and that was only a year ago! :lol:

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Tossers panic buying today as well. Went to the good food show and every petrol station I passed was absolutely jam packed. Ugh - desperate.

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Yep, noticed the same at Tescos. They had to employ some bloke to stand at the entrance coordinating people to the pumps.


I can't believe the stupidity of people. I thought the 21st century would bring about a more intelligent breed, but clearly not.


Do they really think 1 week's (or day's for some people) worth of petrol will see them through the petrol crisis - that doesn't exist? Feckin dorks.


Wait until they start rationing petrol.... THEN we will have a petrol crisis!

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UPTO 1/10th of the nation's stations not getting fuel for a weekend isn't exactly a crisis...


Most of these muppets have probably forgotton the blockade of refinaries a while ago, and most probably can't remember the Rationing that happened in the 70's either!


"Oh my god I'm not going to be able to use the car for a whole weekend if I don't fill up now!" Idiots, try taking a walk, or cycling instead! It's not exactly the middle of winter out there...


Same "horder" mentality in Atlanta when it snowed, people were stripping the shelves like the next war had come! All for 1/8th inch of white stuff that lasted a day!

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Horder mentality - spot on there. You should see our local Tesco on the weekend. Its as if the world is ending and the global food supply is drying up in the next 3 hours. Right, i'm off to fill my tank 110% and all the jerry cans to the brim....

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try taking a walk, or cycling instead!


I don't think the majority of said idiots know what either of those activities are.....


If all the world's petrol were to suddenly evaporate over night, I honestly don't think my life would suffer that much.


Work is 15 miles away, which I could cylce no probs.


Shops are local.


My family are reasonably local.


When I think about it, do I actually need a car at all?


To damn right i do :D

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try taking a walk, or cycling instead!


I don't think the majority of said idiots know what either of those activities are.....


If all the world's petrol were to suddenly evaporate over night, I honestly don't think my life would suffer that much.


Work is 15 miles away, which I could cylce no probs.


Shops are local.


My family are reasonably local.


When I think about it, do I actually need a car at all?


To damn right i do :D


i totally agree - i have to say it's also very surprising to find on car enthusiast web sites, just how many are actually prepared to walk and cycle places and leave their cars at home!


a credit to all who love cars if you ask me - guess we just appreciate what they do for us far more than most :D

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Yeah - been doing my bit and cycling to work now a few times a week. It's actually pretty good fun even if it does work out to nearly 20 (hilly) miles a day - that and having already been knocked off by some careless tw@t in an SUV who then had the gall to imply that I was at fault!


But yeah - the petrol thing is just ridiculous. I've still got over half a tank. That'll last till next week when this 'crisis' will be over and the normal service will resume!


Funny actually - i've nearly done 180 miles on the bike already - thats already £25-£30 in fuel saved!!

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yeah, rado is def sleeping lots these days, going out in the evening is expensive too, i swear the cab companies add a quid to the price for every 5p extra at the pumps, should make cycling home legal, and as long as everyones doing it, it will be much safer than drinking and driving too.. maybe... seriously though, been cycling loads, weathers perfect and it beats sitting in traffic on a sunny day

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My butt still hasn't adjusted to cycling yet - especially on a light, slim road bike! If I cycle more than twice in the week, I feel like i've spent a weekend with Toad!! :camp:

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With the VR6 appetite for fuel, I'll take it out for fun an necessary journeys only! I'd much rather enjoy the times when I drive it rather than sitting in traffic.

Travellling everywhere at maximum attack on the bike is superb fun anyway (especially when it's busy).




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It's all down to the media. We just go from one apocalypse to another. Bird flu, global warming, petrol crises then back on to global warming again, then perhaps another petrol crisis, then economic collapse, then more global warming, then immigrants, then another petrol crisis, blah blah blah whatever sells newspapers at the time. H5N1 just seems to have been forgotten about completely. Unless you read National Geographic that had a article on it not so long ago. It just works all the same way as any other form of advertising. Push it in people's faces all the time and they'll soon buy into it. After all, surely if it's on the news then it must be true....

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The papers and the goverment make it far worse than it should be, saying if everyone panic buys we will all go hungry and have no fuel.

So what do people do?

Oh I will buy before they panic buy.



Im manager at a petrol station so see the idiots everyday, you wouldnt believe the idiotic shit I see.


I wont run out though, if it gets bad we turn the pumps off when we have around 1000 litres left to keep for us hehe

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