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top gear, Sunday 8pm repeated wednesday 7pm BBC2

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Did anyone see the number plate on the red MG Maestro that did the corkscrew jump this week?


I'm just watching it on iPlayer and PMSLing! :shock: :shock: :shock: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Dunno if any of you TG lovers have seen this - but I think it could be really good news if they left though I doubt very much that they will! fingers crossed though as it may be a chance for the program to get back to where it was before it turned into some sort of 'three stooges' rip off :camp:

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Yeah, I wont believe it untill I see it, but I did laugh at the difference in wages, Clarkson gets £2m while the other two get £350k :lol:

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"I'm not stomping around about Jeremy's contract with BBC Worldwide. Quite frankly, I couldn't give a **** about it."

Typical May.... ****= C0ck? :nuts:


Oh and for those with long enough memories, remember what it was like when Clarkson left?




Ok the purist may not like the 3 stooges effect but all in all TG is a Light Entertaiment show... if you want "serious" car reviews read a mag like Evo etc... If you want Clakson turning the Brooklands in a WWII Battleship watch TG...


TBH I couldn't give a stuff what he earns

(as long as it's not like the floppy haired Tw@t Ross... £15m for being a Kn0b :bad-words: )


remember he's been doing TG/ car stuff since Hamster was in short pants, and May was just out of dresses*!



Oh and next week's looks like a corker... Skyline vs Bullet train...

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Oh and for those with long enough memories, remember what it was like when Clarkson left?




Ok the purist may not like the 3 stooges effect but all in all TG is a Light Entertaiment show... if you want "serious" car reviews read a mag like Evo etc... If you want Clakson turning the Brooklands in a WWII Battleship watch TG...


Liking your posts today. You're mirroring my thoughts :D


You only have to look at the TG audience now (compared to the first series) to see how the public treat them as celebrities in their own right, rather than stuffy car nerds.


Did you see that hotty right at start behind Clarky boy? White top with push up busty bra and denim mini-skirt.....awesome :D


A cynical attempt by the BBC to draw in more male viewers...... or shallow women hoping to get talent spotted? :D Either way, good viewing for us even shallower blokes!


Clarkson is a legend and been on TV for eons, so the midget one and the scruffy one can't expect to be in the same league as Clarky boy, salary wise.


Thinking back to the days when Quentin Wilson, or that really dull blonde haired bloke was on Top Gear, it wasn't the TV event it is now. TG is the perfect comical release to end the week and an hour just vanishes.


As much as I love Clarkson's humour and the show, I thought power sliding the Bentley was just crass and unnecessary. I think the show in general highlighted they're out of material and I think the producer/s should move onto a different program (or career).

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Ok the purist may not like the 3 stooges effect but all in all TG is a Light Entertaiment show... if you want "serious" car reviews read a mag like Evo etc... If you want Clakson turning the Brooklands in a WWII Battleship watch TG...


Errr, you're comparing a TV show with a magazine, a magazine will never be a replacement for a TV show and shouldn't need to be. And speaking from a personal point of view, im no purist and I certainly wouldn't want straight cut 'serious' car reviews but that doesn't mean that I want to have to endure those 3 stuck up self absorbed bell ends reading from a script and ruining what used to be a decent program by trying to be funny.


There was a middle ground for a season or two where the show was entertaining, informative and funny without being cringe worthy but the line got crossed and TG has continued to get more and more up it's own arse as time has gone on, the 'cool wall' for example - who the f**k are they to tell us what's 'cool' and what's not? :lol: someone shoot me in the face the day I start letting people like them tell me what car i'll look 'cool' in :wave:


As for the group of bum lickers that stand around hanging on every word that comes out of Clarksons mouth, they're also an embarrassment, it's a bit like watching the old Top Of The Pops audience or Jools Holland, a bunch of company car driving A class tosspots stood around in 'smart-casual' clothing, desperately trying to be seen on camera so that they can brag to their workmates that they were amongst 'the chosen ones' :lol:


Each to their own, and i'm aware that i'm in a minority as per usual, but for me it's a shame as there's plenty of comedy shows to watch but no decent car based programs any more, which TG used to be :(

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As for the group of bum lickers that stand around hanging on every word that comes out of Clarksons mouth, they're also an embarrassment, it's a bit like watching the old Top Of The Pops audience or Jools Holland, a bunch of company car driving A class tosspots stood around in 'smart-casual' clothing, desperately trying to be seen on camera so that they can brag to their workmates that they were amongst 'the chosen ones' :lol:


You do know that Ben was on last week's show? (Or was it the week before??)


If you want a more serious car-head show then 5th gear's probably a better watch.


However TG is firmly in the Light Entertainment camp these days, yes the days of Quentin and Tiff Noodle's Magazine programme are well over, and I quite like the new C0cking about direction, it means that I don't have to watch it on "the small telly" as the missus likes it too! Plus anything that makes our hobby look less "nerdy" to joe public and makes them aware that there are nice motors out there, is only doing some good. (Ok by Nice motors they mostly mean Super-cars)

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As for the group of bum lickers that stand around hanging on every word that comes out of Clarksons mouth, they're also an embarrassment, it's a bit like watching the old Top Of The Pops audience or Jools Holland, a bunch of company car driving A class tosspots stood around in 'smart-casual' clothing, desperately trying to be seen on camera so that they can brag to their workmates that they were amongst 'the chosen ones' :lol:


Ooh yeah, the "Stay pressed" Chino, grey slip on, white terry towelling sock, leo gemelli cardigan wearing sort of people :D Like me in the 80s, ha ha!!

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As much as I like TG and the benefits of being able to watch it with the Mrs, is it just me BUT do they need new ideas for stuff to do? With this latest series its all getting a bit predictable. :sleeping:

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As much as I like TG and the benefits of being able to watch it with the Mrs, is it just me BUT do they need new ideas for stuff to do? With this latest series its all getting a bit predictable. :sleeping:


Indeed. How hard can it be? :?

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Hey they didn't give the Alfas to the Stig this time... Concours show was a good little twist...


And come on the whole "Buy a .... for £1k" will always follow the same route! But Hamster's Water-pump fix was inspired! :lol:

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The format is a little predictable but I think given what they started with and what they've become, they've done a bloody good job.


I still find the scripting a tad annoying (yeah, i'm sure they were able to drive round 3 abrest at the track day WITHOUT getting lynched) - but then some of it is still as funny as ever. I was really laughing a LOT during the Alfa segment. It is slightly sad to see cool cars now falling afoul of their abuse though - in the past it only used to be rotters, but stuff like the Fiat 20V Turbo and the Alfa 75 that Jeremy had were a little TOO cool to wreck.. nevermind!

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I agree it's gone downhill recently, but it still makes me chuckle :lol:. I think that getting rid of the 'star in a car' would be a good, productive first step towards improvement ..

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I agree it's gone downhill recently, but it still makes me chuckle :lol:. I think that getting rid of the 'star in a car' would be a good, productive first step towards improvement ..



How about "sales rep in a reasonably priced car" that'll show them... only problem is there's no "outside lane" for them to tool about in all day! :bad-words:


I'm still waiting for the '80s Hot-hatch for £1000 challenge, Clarkson loved the original Git and you know he'd find one somewhere... and kill it! May would pick the BX Gti :pukeright: and god only know what Hamster would find!

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I reckon they should ditch Star in a Reasonbly Priced Car as well...


I reckon a feature asking folks to offer up their tuned / modified cars and see what sort of lap times they would put in would be excellent. They get various sports cars going round and get all excited but i'm willing to bet that some tuned up cars out there amongst enthusiasts would put in some impressive times in the hands of the Stig....

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No way Jezza rolled the Alfa - camera working before and after but zero footage of him actually rolling it. Complete set up - what's the sodding point?


Very funny episode though; the bits that were genuine anyway.

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Yeah, I don't see why they feel the need to set up so much stuff. It's the unsetupable stuff that's the funniest. The look on May's face when Clarkson was spraying his car was just priceless though.

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I do love Top Gear and always look forward to seeing it but like you all say yes its gettin very predictable.

Its all scripted and part is written by comedy writers (so I hear)


Star In Car should be binned, its crap.

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I do love Top Gear and always look forward to seeing it but like you all say yes its gettin very predictable.

Its all scripted and part is written by comedy writers (so I hear)


Star In Car should be binned, its crap.


It's not getting predictable, it's there now : Shitty cars with things stuck on hilariously, A N other ferrari nailed round the track. One of the three racing some nobs who can't grow up and either skate/cycle/pogo when they should really be leaving that to teenagers. How about a star in a fu**ing Lotus Exige?.. that's got a nice ring to it. And sketches like the dude jumping over the cars on the ramp was just lazy filler nonsense.


Don't get me wrong I still watch and do like the presenters, I just think they've gotten incredibly lazy and need to ditch some of the aforementioned boringnessness.

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