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Corrados are not selling!

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what about the people who only recently bought there houses an just got a mortgage,to find out that the house they just spent 100k on has now dropped down to 80k an still droppin!!!

think i could cope we the rado bein worth less if the houses stop droppin down in value so much :?


Providing you don

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My house is worth about 225k, but it is irrelevenat as im not selling it!!! fact is i bought my first house for just under 50k 12 years ago (when it was just the right time 8) ).........sold it 2 years ago for 165k :lol:(just the right time) bought the current house for a lot less than the market value as the owner had emigrated/it needed a bit of work/& i dont pay the asking price for anything :lol: !


It really dont matter when you buy property, as long as you dont pay silly amounts for it and you can afford the mortgage repayments by calculating worse case scenario % rate before you buy it, then you will never loose out, it will just be your profit on selling that will be slightly less, tis the land your actually buying anyway, the house is just a few bricks on that land, and most houses could be rebuilt for about 100k


And yes i so wish i had bought 3 houses in the same road 12 years ago!!! Its the best and easiest way to make top money, if i had done that i could have had 300k profit in 10 years :shock: not many bank accounts give that return!!! makes you think dont it

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Yeah but it's that attitude that got us into this fine mess in the first place.


All those Sarah Beany wannabees going out and ticking up loads of properties on buy-to-let interest only mortgages, it's pushed the prices up way beyond a reasonable point and what's happening now was always inevitable, it didn't take mystic Meg to work out that there was going to have to be a correction at some point. Who cares if those feckers get their greedy fingers burnt? not me!


I own my house, but like others have said - I'm happy to ride out the storm. I made sure my mortgage is easily affordable, as much as it was tempting to go and spend a load more than was sensible (the mortgage company basically told me I could have as much as I wanted, a sure sign that things were going tits up!) so i'm not particularly bothered if my house looses 20% in the next year or two, especially considering that it's worth 15% more than I paid for it.



Hopefully they'll drop enough for young people to be able to afford to buy their own houses again, as for the last few years that's not been the case. Good luck to those that have had to stay living with parents or pay rent for the last few years due to ridiculous house prices, IMO :eek:

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i hope it all collaspes and goes wrong, i'd rather pitch a tent abroad somewhere and live in that than get myself in 25yrs of debt to live in a overpriced brick cube in the UK

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fact is i bought my first house for just under 50k 12 years ago (when it was just the right time 8) ).........sold it 2 years ago for 165k


My sister did this within the space of 2 years recently, she bought her first house (a 2 up, 2 down terrace house with toilet in the back garden :lol: ). It was 50k just before prices started to rise in Northern Ireland. She sold it 2 years later for 160k and bought a house for 175k. The house she bought continued to rise and she had it valued at 225k at one point :nuts: not bad for a three year period, but as prices started to fall the value of her house has now fallen back to 175k with the possiblity of falling further, as builders have stop building homes in her area as they just can't sell them. She's still quids in, but it's all relative.....

I'd hate to be a buy to let investor having problems finding tennants, but they deserve whats coming for being greedy in the first place :norty:

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Back to the original post, Pistonheads is having a bit of trouble at the mo, due to their new system. Basically, only premium ads go to the front page of the search. All old, pre-Premium ad adverts are now classed as Premium ads. This basically means that any new non-premium (free) ads, will go to the back of the queue until the old ones expire. I placed an ad for my Lude the other day, and it appeared on page 9 of the Prelude section!


So it may seam like no new Rado ads are going up there, but they actually are. The new free ads will be several pages back ;)

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i hope it all collaspes and goes wrong, i'd rather pitch a tent abroad somewhere and live in that than get myself in 25yrs of debt to live in a overpriced brick cube in the UK

thanks a fucking bunch i hope your tent blows a way , some of us dont have a choice you have to live some where , and i am not giving some greedy landlord my money .

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Oh dear, its all going pear shaped!! Look guys, times are hard, we are not to blame, there are bigger forces at work, and it all happens for a reason, you should all check out zeitgeist, that will open your eyes a bit!! In the meantime, batten down the hatches, be careful and it will pass! I'm an ex-estate agent, now redundant, no job.... but its only money after all. As long as I got my family, friends and C, I'm happy! If they reposses the house, they can shove it up there a****, a few years down the line they'll be shoven credit & mortgages down your throat all over again!

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all i can say with regards to the housing coments are that im glad i bought i small house up here in the north east within the commuter band for newcastle, paid 83k for it in january and an identical house next door has just gone up for 105k, to be honest small house prices up here dont realy appear to have changed much it would appear to be the larger houses that have changed, besides the point the financhial market always fluctuates, its a huge cycle and as neo3670 correctly states it wont be long till they are ramming credit offers and martgages to anyone again,

anyhow back to the topic eh

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Corrados prices will eventually pick up - remember there were only 9000 in teh UK, loads have been broken or written off and when the country becomes a little more financially stable prices will pick up again. Hold on to yours if you can - perhaps in 1 year it will be a more appealing market. Its supply and demand, their is of course no more supply, demand can only go up. I was offered £5k for mine recently, but decided against it, maybe daft, but what do you replace it with? Yes if i could afford A20Lee or the ex-Renshaw Corrado perhaps, or Cheesewires, they would be on the list. Hang in there and dont lose hope.

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Yes supply is reducing but the $64,000 question is whether demand is reducing at a greater or lesser rate than the supply.


I think in due course the C will become very much sought after but thats a good few years off yet

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2 two bedroom houses near me is still £140k, personally i think they're taking the piss. Builders are being laid off, half built houses are being left where they are, and yet they still try to charge last years prices for house, idiots.

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Lets be honest I think the main reason they are not selling is the recent petrol crisis.


I mean who wants to buy a small car with a 3.0L engine! £80 to fill up is just crazy in a car the Corrado's size!!! :cuckoo:


And I know that should only effect the VR and some ways the G60, but their prices are only going to knock onto the lower end models.


Then there is the issue of practicality, running costs and insurance which in a bouyant economy wouldnt be as much of an issue but when so many are tightening their belt...


Mine is staying put now for the foreseable future. I mean it just isn't worth selling something so fun for peanuts.

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