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Kevin Bacon

1 x Lupo rear wiper mod

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New from Haywire Engineering Ltd, a Lupo rear wiper mod.


Looks somewhat neater than the standard Corrado item imo.


Apologies for the pics, my camera has a pathetic flash on it.


Pics of it on the car to follow tomorrow.



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is that actually a lupo rear wiper then or a combination of the original C wiper and a lupo one?


dare i ask...part numbers?

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Aye, it is indeed a combo of the stock arm and Lupo blade. Took a bit of work to do but I've put it on the car now and even though it's dark, I can tell already that it's an improvement. It sits a lot flatter to the screen and has a bigger wipe area to boot.


Basically you need to remove the blade mount from the lupo front arm, chop the curled end off the corrado rear arm and attach the lupo blade mount to the C arm, if that makes sense!


Thankfully I have a dremel with numerous angle grinder blades, so it only took a couple of hours.


If it gets the thumbs up pending pics of it on the car, I will of course post full instructions.



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No problems at all with my std Corrado rear wiper, although the Lupo front wipers are great - had them for 6 months now !

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nice one kev, i was too thinking about this, and from your description i get how you did it. i might just remove mine altogetther but this is definatly a good one that at least balances up the looks of the car when you have the front ones fitted :D

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Nice idea, i had the same idea, i also used my original in combination with a lupo front one... i already have it for some time now, i still need to get it closer to the glass, the upward curv in the original wiper arm is what i need to remove, it doesn't look good and lifts the blade up to high



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Yeah mine's the same but flat all along and parallel to the seal. I chopped the curved end off the C arm. Didn't get a chance to take a pic over the weekend, hopefully tomorrow!



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Looks like I know the next mod I'm doing after I get the car back in one piece.... 8)


Great idea Kev, nicely executed too... 8)

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Cheers chaps. Just as when I fitted the front lupo wipers, I wasn't sure at first, but the more I look at them, the better they get. They're ugly things, but VERY effective :lol:



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Nice toaster, i wanted one but at £126 i thought i'd just cook my toast in a £10 one.


Look, i can read the numbers on that credit card if i zoom in using ACDsee!






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Haywire Engineering Ltd - heh - can you imagine buying electronics from a company called Haywire Engineering?! :D :D :D :D :D :)

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OK, I think that this is a fantastic mod, and as I said I would, I've done the same! 8)


Cheers for the inspiration, Kev... 8) I think mine needs a slight tweak (with a large hammer! :wink: ) to get it to sit exactly how I want, but I'm well happy with it so far! :)

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Nice one Henny! Nice to see other people following suit :lol:


You've done a very neat job of it.


Personally I'd take a blow lamp to the arm section and bend it down a few degrees. Then just sand and paint it again afterwards 8)


Well done!



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Nice one Henny! Nice to see other people following suit :lol:


You've done a very neat job of it.


Cheers! It'd be nice to be able to do a new mod of my own, but you seem to get the jump on everyone with these little mods you keep coming up with! :wink: :lol:


Personally I'd take a blow lamp to the arm section and bend it down a few degrees. Then just sand and paint it again afterwards 8)


Yeah, blowtorch and hammer time! :wink: I think it only needs a couple of degrees bend in it to get it to sit absolutely parallel with the window rubber... 8)


How did you do yours? I cut off the back of the lower bit of the original arm where it crimps onto the shaft with a dremmel, then cut the new shaft to the right length and JB Weld-ed the new shaft to the old mounting part... It's lovely and neat from the outside, and once I've bent it and re-painted the lot, it'll be difficult to tell it's ever been modded... :D

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I just removed the wiper attachment end off the Lupo arm and bent it round the Corrado arm! Took some doing as the ends of both arms are barbed!


The fun part will be when we order 3 blades from the dealer, should raise a few eyebrows, LOL!


That's the good thing about VWs in general. You take the basic car, which is already good, and apply a few choice mods!



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