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New Corrado Club of GB Website

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Hello Everyone,


Well after months or is it years in the pipeline the clubs website is finaly operational :D so why not take a look and see what you think, you will all need to register/re-register to view the members only content as the site is completely new so the old registerd members could not be migrated over.


There will be many technical features to view in the very near future as well as lots of other information all Corrado related!


You will now have the option to join/renew your membership electronically through paypal too!


So what better time to join the club and all for the cost of £10.




Very special thanks must go both to Cole (saysomestuff) & Dave (CrazyDave) & Karen (CrazyKaren) No guessing who that is then :lol: for all their very hard work in what must have been a mammouth task!


Thanks Guys we owe you all an awfull lot! :notworthy:

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A link might help, to make it easier for people who haven't already been on the site :wink:

On my way over now, I always meant to join but never got round to it, so doing it on the net will be much easier :clap:

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If you know your old number and you fill it in as a returning member then i cant see why not! :)

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havent got a clue what my number was....i will just join with a fresh number,is the sprinter mag still going?


Yup, Jim has taken over editorship....

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havent got a clue what my number was....i will just join with a fresh number,is the sprinter mag still going?


Yup, Jim has taken over editorship....



oh dear...pink covers then... :tongue:

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Now that was easy, fully paid up member now after all these years :salute:


Mate i thank you personally for re-joining and i'm sure you will not be dissapointed with the new magazine and membership pack which will be with you as soon as possible :salute:

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Dave has allowed me into the site for a few weeks, thinks it looks great and shows how the Corrado Club is really getting back on track - long may it continue :D

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Now that was easy, fully paid up member now after all these years :salute:


Mate i thank you personally for re-joining and i'm sure you will not be dissapointed with the new magazine and membership pack which will be with you as soon as possible :salute:


I never was a member, which is quite bad on my behalf, just never got round to getting a form, so the online ordering process makes it so much easier to click a button and hey presto.


Look forward to getting the membership pack and sprinter to see what i've been missing :dorky:

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Welcome back to old members, and welcome aboard to new ones!


Most recent Sprinter came out in April, next one is due in October - got some good stuff lined up for the issue :)


Just want to back up the comments about the website. This is the refresh we've wanted for so long so thanks Dave for coming onboard and getting it moving. I think it looks superb.

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I never was a member, which is quiet bad on my behalf, just never got round to getting a form, so the online ordering process makes it so much easier to click a button and hey presto.

just joined for the year... :tongue:

kerching!! on the back of these new memberships we can look forward to next year's all expenses paid agm in the british grand prix hospitality area :grin:


seriously though, great news and will hopefully do a lot to help promote and prolong the appeal of the car.


well done chaps and chapess! :clap:

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:shrug: :scratch:


Sorry too slow tonight. Been on the Rose....


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I'm in.....filled in my old number.....if thats any use....looks great guys :clap: well done :salute:

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