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What an annoying noise Ive discovered

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My VR has started squealing bad but can;t be sure if there isn;t a rattle. Its definitely coming from the drivers side of the engine and I think its related to the Aux serpentine belt. I had this changed for a cheapo (GSF or Eurocarparts) one, cost about £15.


It didn't make a noise when it was done about 2 months ago but I only drive the car a couple of times a week. Ive noticed the top of the tensioner unit moves a bit when the engine is running but I guess thats normal.


I changed my ECU and fuel pump relay tonight and when I fired the car up the noise was worse than ever (coincidence?). Swapped back the old relays noise still the same. At idle the noise was loud so I sprayed some 3 in 1 silicone spray on the belt and tensioner and the noise immeadiately subsided. However as soon as you rev the car the squeal continues and gets louder with the engine speed.


I took it for a drive and performance was spot on but the noise was there, it stops though when you depress the clutch and change gear.


Do you guys think this is the aux belt/tensioner (hope so) or could it be engine related?

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It sounds like it could be the tensioner bearing going rather than the belt. There's a very good looking thread on the wki (under knowledge base) on how to change the bearing rather than buying a new unit. I hope it's a good guide, as I'm about to do it myself for just that reason! Mine has started squealing under load above 4K rpm.

If you do use the article, the price of the bearing has gone up to about £7 + VAT rather then £7 including. The extra expense nearly put me off :)

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Thanks for the reply Tom. I have indeed seen the guide. Its obviously a lot cheaper than a new tensioner but Ive read you have to be spot on with the new bearing or it can seize and shred the belt instantly. I also read that getting the belt on is tricky. I don't have any means of jacking the car up, can the bearing be done and the belt refitted from the top of the car?


Ive done a few searches, and seems there are some peeps with similar problems. From the threads it suggests a failing water pump could also make this noise and by reducing the tension on the belt can confirm this.


Im not sure what that means, i can see if you release the tension on the belt and the squealing goes away it could be the belt. But what would it do to the water pump, get louder or disappear?

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you sure its the drivers side? as depressing the clutch and noise stops usualy is the release bearing on the clutch.


have you removed the belt,started it up and checked the if the noise stops?

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I haven't removed the belt yet but plan to over the weekend. I squirted some silicone spray on the belt/pulley and it dramatically reduced the squeal at idle but made no difference when the throttle is pulled. Im pretty sure its on the drivers side. It had a new clutch a couple of years ago.

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That sounds Crazy, love it. Have to ask the missus if I can borrow some cause I never use it :camp: If that works it'll be chuftie of the day :D

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I had a loud noise from my serpentine belt aswell and it was because of a cheap belt I used, from GSF funnily enough.


Replaced it with a belt from VW (continental) and the noise went completely.


I would say though that as others have said, if the noise goes when the clutch is depressed, it does sound like a release bearing issue. Try the belt from dubya first though, as it's a cheap way to outrule that at least.

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use talcum powder mate,while its running sprinkle it on,it will stop the belt noise.


Wd40 ect is no good for polly V belts.


God Darn it, it worked. Made a bit of a mess with the talc though and made myself a nice paste engine :lol:


I guess the belt is a bit loose. How do you tighten it? Ive seen you can thread a bolt in to loosen the tension but how do you increase it. As an aside, my car sometimes cuts out at low revs (you don't even notice it until you see the lights on the dash) usually happens at junctions if I use a slow downshift. The engine will restart by releasing the clutch. Could this be linked to a loose belt as I know it works the alternator?

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its self tensioned mate,its not loose,if the belt is to dry it will make the sound you were on about hence using the powder as thats what is on the belts from new but weather,engine temp etc wash this off.


as for the cutting out mate,yet another vr problem,check for air leaks,make sure the damper pot on the side is not cracked,clean out the ISV with brake cleaner as with the throttle body,see what happens after that.


glad the noise is sorted mate with a bit of powder.. :D

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I have a noise thats developed and im pretty sure that it is the clutch release bearing, high pitched noise and if you just rest the weight of your foot on the clutch pedal and slightly depress, the noise goes away. The clutch and bearing were replaced not so long back, about 6 months ago. Is there any way of stopping this noise??

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The serpentine belt is around £25 from VW - and replacing the bearing is quite easy, and yes you can do the belt without jacking the car up.

My tensioner went from making a noise at idle - to collapsing within 10 miles.

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nope,its a gearbox out job to inspect and replace,if you are unsure i would have someone else look at it to confirm.


Oh well. the next time the gearbox will be out is when ive rebuilt my engine to go in with a spare gearbox. So ill just have to put up with it. :(

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