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Singapore Grand Prix

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Yeah Massa's good until it goes wrong then he fails! Mentally he's not as strong although he does try to convince us he is during tv interviews, but you can see that he is not in his eyes. :lol:

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Yeh, he totally just gave up after that pit stop went wrong, resigned to failure. If that had been hamilton he would've fought till the end

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I feel Hamilton could have done better though too. Getting passed Coulthard for a start, he was stuck behind him for way too long. As for the Alonso win, yeah good driving, but he didnt win due to his own efforts.

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I feel Hamilton could have done better though too. Getting passed Coulthard for a start, he was stuck behind him for way too long. As for the Alonso win, yeah good driving, but he didnt win due to his own efforts.


He's has been rapid all weekend though.I think he deserves some credit.



It was a weekend for riding your luck.

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i suppose that WAS a little harsh. But its only the race that really counts. It would have been interesting to see him up front with the Ferrari's and Mclarens, even the BMWs (well one of them). I hope Kovelienen improves his qualifying positions in the next 3 races, to help Hamilton along.

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i suppose that WAS a little harsh. But its only the race that really counts. It would have been interesting to see him up front with the Ferrari's and Mclarens, even the BMWs (well one of them). I hope Kovelienen improves his qualifying positions in the next 3 races, to help Hamilton along.



Kov was poor today.

What's the Japanese track like?

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Cetainly a better season than there has been for a long time.


I think Alonso did really well, utilising the advantages when things went wrong for others.


I too, made a mental note to myself - that is a Grand Prix Track I will be visiting.


I think the night race adds a great dimension to the racing. Everyone from Drivers, to all Technical support and Pit Crew living western times in Singapore cannot be easy.


Shame Hamilton did not do better, he did seem off colour so to speak, but so did Kovaleinan, so was it the McLaren ?


However, I would work for McLaren any day over Ferrari - who in my opinion have their own rules that Bernie and whole FIA seem to role over to. Off now - with my overcoat ...................

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Cetainly a better season than there has been for a long time.


I think Alonso did really well, utilising the advantages when things went wrong for others.


I too, made a mental note to myself - that is a Grand Prix Track I will be visiting.


I think the night race adds a great dimension to the racing. Everyone from Drivers, to all Technical support and Pit Crew living western times in Singapore cannot be easy.


Shame Hamilton did not do better, he did seem off colour so to speak, but so did Kovaleinan, so was it the McLaren ?


However, I would work for McLaren any day over Ferrari - who in my opinion have their own rules that Bernie and whole FIA seem to role over to. Off now - with my overcoat ...................


The Ferrari seems the better car at the moment,unless it is raining.

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However, I would work for McLaren any day over Ferrari - who in my opinion have their own rules that Bernie and whole FIA seem to role over to. Off now - with my overcoat ...................


No i agree, i could never work for Ferrari, anyother team YES, Ferrari NO. As you say they seem to have their own rules. Though not everything goes their way. Although i think Mclaren should have been allowed Hamiltons Spa position back, considering the stewards at the time said he gave the place back sufficiently. But we must forget such things and move on.


Also id love to go to Singapore GP. :D


Not sure what this Japanese track is like, ive only just seem on forumla1.com that its not actually Suzuka :( Shame really, because that was one of the best tracks in the calender. This 'new' japanese track wasnt on last years calender was it, if it was im going mad cos i dont remember is :lol:


As for the ferraris having the edge, i think Massa in a Ferrari has the edge at the moment, yes. Though Mclaren have been limited with development with their car this year due to last years fiasco. Looking forward to BMWs 2009 car, seen as they've cut the funding early to the 2008 car.

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Hamilton would of fought tooth and nail to get 1 point if he were in Massa's situation. I understand Hamilton being cautious with overtaking Coulthard's a liability on a race track of late, thank god he's retiring.

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Yeah, although that would be a really difficult thing to come back from Massa is supposed to be a professional sportsman. He doesn't seem to have the mental reserves of a true champion. I don't mind admitting that I probably wouldn't give a rat's ass about him if he didn't drive for ferrari. Give me Kimi over Massa any day. Just a shame that Kimi seems to just have random crashes at the end of races.

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Anyone else heard the rumour that Ferrari have appealed against Massas drive through penalty - they claim the ruling was inconsistent with the punishment received last time - stewards have upheld the claim and given Massa a 3 min time rebate - he has therefore been declared as the winner of the GP.


McLaren have been given a 10 place grid penalty for both cars at the next race for being unsporting behaviour for laughing at the Ferrari pit crew when they were running down the pit lane to retrieve the refuelling line

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Interesting race, although once again the racing was overshadowed by a few external factors.


Fascinating to see both Kubica and Massa come completely off the pace once they were both at the back end of the field - despite clear air. I can see why Massa would be miffed after giving away points due to teh team messing up again but it would only take another safety car and some luck to throw a points opportunity their way if they had driven harder.


Though Hamilton was a little disappointing given the amount of time he spent tucked up behind DC, gave away a 2nd place and 2 points; there was no way the Red Bull is a quicker car and they were both on identical fuel loads and the brakes were going on the Red Bull.

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Anyone else heard the rumour that Ferrari have appealed against Massas drive through penalty - they claim the ruling was inconsistent with the punishment received last time - stewards have upheld the claim and given Massa a 3 min time rebate - he has therefore been declared as the winner of the GP.


McLaren have been given a 10 place grid penalty for both cars at the next race for being unsporting behaviour for laughing at the Ferrari pit crew when they were running down the pit lane to retrieve the refuelling line


Yeah, yeah real funny Andy. Ha ha. That is a joke right?...

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I'm just worried that if Hamilton & MacLaren do actually go on to win their respective title that Ferrari will spend the whole winter dragging them both through the courts.


On a seperate note, did anyone else notice Alonso's chicanery in the first lap? Presumably if that had been Hamilton he would have been given at least a drive through penalty based on the recent FIA interpretations of the rules. Considering Hamilton was docked 25 seconds at Spa for something similar and 10 grid places at Magny-Cours for a less severe 'cut-across' is it asking too much to expect a little consistency from the FIA?


p.s. I'm not begrudging Alonso his win - that was a magnificent drive - but consistency in the decision making would be nice.

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Corozin - Consistency and FIA in the same sentence - thats just too much to ask for.


Great drive from Alonso and a good race overall, the pace car seemed to genuinely mix things up, Alonso got lucky and a masterstroke of forward planning by the Red Bull team.


Had to laugh at Massa's misfortune - adds credibility to the thinking that "what goes around comes around"


When Massa is in front hes an awesome driver but when he has a setback he just seems to throw the towel in, not what you'd expect from someone fighting for the championship. Though Hamilton was off the pace, I expected more from him but may just be playing the percentage game

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Had to laugh at Massa's misfortune - adds credibility to the thinking that "what goes around comes around"


One just hopes that Ferrari don't use the same circuitry in the brake warning lights of thier road cars as they do in the pit-stop gantry... y'know Italian electrics are infamous etc, etc. LOL

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Was staggered to nhear that they gave the contract for nthe floodlights at the race to an Italian electrical company - talk about high risk

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Was staggered to hear that they gave the contract for the floodlights at the race to an Italian electrical company - talk about high risk :D

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Well since you bring that point up Andy, isn't it rather ironic that in a time when F1 is trying to promote itself as all 'green and hugging the polar bears' with gimmicks like kinetic storage devices, that they simultaniously push for the building of even more (and even grander) 'state of the art' Formula One facilities.


Concrete processing generates almost 1 tonne of CO2 for each tonne of concrete made. Did you see the size of those concrete buildings in Singapore? How many thousands of tonnes of C02 was produced by all that building of a pitlane that will only be used once a year? Then of course we have the night race, with floodlights powered by tens of double-redundancy diesel generators for no other reason than to put the show on at 2pm European time 'live'.


I'm not the greatest tree-hugger in the world, but wasting all those precious resources simply to get a live feed on time strikes me as pretty bloody wasteful.

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It does seem very contradictory. But again, i dont completely buy into this WE must cut down on CO2, especially when the industrial side of things are still billowing out tonnes per year.

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Yeah we should all turn the telly off and get horses and carts and live in caves. :D Oh but we may have to burn down the remaining trees to keep warm. :scratch:



Just keep chanting "The carbon cycle is the root of all life and the earth has been coping fine for millions of years", and will be long after it's washed the human nit infestation out of it hair. :D

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