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Phil K

My perfect personal reg plate!

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Just bought my perfect personalised registration plate this morning... I realised a few years ago that this would be the best and only way of getting my full name on a reg plate but for some reason DVLA hadn't released F prefix plates and didn't know when they would... anyways, I exchanged a few emails asking when it would become available and was always told that they couldn't help but to check back regularly - I also signed up for their update emails!


So imagine my surprise when by complete chance I was having a quick through the Piston Heads forum and spotted a thread about F prefix plates! They were released yesterday morning and the phone lines had been open from 8am to 6pm but a lot of people were posting that they'd been totally unable to get through as all lines were jammed! I guess a lot of people were after various combinations starting with F1...


Well it was after 6 so that was that for yesterday but I checked DVLA's site and the one I wanted still appeared to be available. I also checked reg transfers . co. uk and they too claimed to own it so I didn't know what to think - reg transfers wanted an extra £200 more than DVLA would sell it for... I discussed it with the wife and we decided that all I could do would be to sleep on it and let fate decide!


Phone lines re-opened this morning at 9am so armed with my credit card and a quiet corner of the office I sat patiently (ok getting more and more stressed) hitting re-dial for nearly an hour before I got through - and the good news is they still had it WHOOOP! :cheers:


I still need to work out how I'm actually going to pay for it on the next statement but at least it's mine! So, bearing in mind that my name is Phil Kett here is my new reg:




What do you think? Close enough (FIL KET)? Bit of a tedious link? OR just a total gay?

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PMSL spotted that myself - was thinking I could have some fun getting away with it on the front but not the back :lol:

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That reads FU KET to me as well.


I like that tho LOL


Yep and me, just wait and see how many times the police pull you for that plate Phil!

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I don't expect to have too many issues tbh as it's all legally spaced and won't have any dodgy screws in silly places... father-in-law seems to agree too (ex-surrey traffic) - fingers crossed!


If it does prove to be an issue then I'll just stick it on the Mrs car :lol:

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Like that, nice one 8)

As for the plate being dearer elsewhere, they all are, all the reg companies advertise all the plates available on DVLA, then just buy them when someone asks, robbin barstewards :lol:

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I tried for 9 hrs yesterday to get through to get my F prefix plate and finally managed at 5.35pm.....so now I have three private plates...oops. Strange thing is, I have also seen another F plate I like.....I think I have a bit of a problem :lol:


I have B19 VWC, and the other two will remain a bit of a secret for the moment :wink:

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am trying to decide how much of a rip off an F1 plate @ £1299 is... my surname does start FI but even so.... :(

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they do seem to take the pi$$ slightly with the pricing tbh... mine wasn't overly cheep - but I'm happy enough with it!


I suppose the more expensive ones should hold better value as they will be more sought after/have clearer ways of being read...

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yeah £700 extra for a 1 vs any other single digit number is a lot but keep helping me justify it phil!


am trying to forget that it would pay for new suspension, or to fix all the paint on the car, or insurance on a bike.. etc etc...

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Campaign had my plate J13 VRG - my name's James and I was born on the 13th. But I think its gone to Ireland now...I'll never fekkin get it!


Nice plate Phil, plus if you ever decide to sell it, its so close to FU KET you could sell it for loadsa money to a chav or a thai.

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i drive past a clio v6 on the way to work with the plate V60 YES, which sounds llike "V6? oh yes!" in my head :)

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Don't forget Phil, you only have to wait until 2011 to have "PH11 KET"


Then you just need a new car to put it on :lol:

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