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how pi$$ed would you be if this happened to you

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good job my brothers ex wife didnt see that.. would have given her too many ideas ;-) the way people fly off the handle about stuff, it could even been summat as stupid as some cocky kids he cut up in traffic and didnt even realise...

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Guys - it could just have easily been a bloke who did it ? !!!! If you don't mind :roll:


If that happened to my car - there would be little, if any consoling me.


Whether I like a particular car or not - that would be really awful.

Someone owns it.


If it is revenge, how shallow and weak is that - appalling !!!

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A girl I know had Nitromors chucked over her car regularly for several months. She did have a bit of chemical dependancy and tended to sleep with the wrong people though.

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A girl I know had Nitromors chucked over her car regularly for several months. She did have a bit of chemical dependancy and tended to sleep with the wrong people though.


sounds like the car had a chemical dependency more like :lol:


...i'll get me coat.

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One of the lowest things to do to someone. Fucking cowardly.


I know how he feels to have woken up to it... Twice..


edit: or maybe he dinged the paint bad and thought "bugger it, i might as well do it properly" :)

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Had a similar thing happen to my old Punto. Ok its not quite a new scooby but its not the point. People who do this deserve to have their balls chopped off and be forced to eat them!


Heres my old Punto :(








Due to the idiot who done this i now have stupidly high insurance :mad2:

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A girl I know had Nitromors chucked over her car regularly for several months. She did have a bit of chemical dependancy and tended to sleep with the wrong people though.


you got her number mate?? :norty:

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A girl I know had Nitromors chucked over her car regularly for several months. She did have a bit of chemical dependancy and tended to sleep with the wrong people though.


you got her number mate?? :norty:




I'll pm it to you if you want.


I'd double bag though. lol.

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A girl I know had Nitromors chucked over her car regularly for several months. She did have a bit of chemical dependancy and tended to sleep with the wrong people though.


you got her number mate?? :norty:




I'll pm it to you if you want.


I'd double bag though. lol.


Ooooh, a double bagger? Not good. :lol:

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really sucks that. ive had vandalism to a few of my cars but never to that extent thank god. now the corrado stay6s locked up away from the house for 6 days of the week!

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