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female corrado drivers?

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how many female Corrado drivers are about?


i know 3!!

my gilfriend - 1.8 16v

mates girlfriend - G60

another girl - Vr6 Storm (mates old one)!



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my ultimate dream combination, might even be a wet one, girls and corrados,....oooh err think i might go for 40 winks now....hehehe


Hope that wasn't a typo!

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My fiance occasionaly drives mine, but says she feels too conscious and uncomfortable cos im sitting in the passenger side! The other night, she had to go out, and said "can i take your car?"

i was like.... "No"

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before my missus` bought hers i let her drive mine home one night after i was drinking-she wasnt!!


i found it quite nice getting driven about in my car until.... :)


whilst cruising around a bend she decided she was going too fast and slammed on the anchors... :shock:


back end stepped out one way then the other!! :cry:


i shut my eyes and waited for a bang-but (i think it was a miracle) she recovered the car and drove me all the way home... :D


i decided then if she wanted to drive a corrado then she`d have to buy her own!!


she`s been practicing her skills in her own car for a few months now(under supervision of course) and i might let go fer a spin in mine for her xmas present!!! :lol: :lol:

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she recovered the car


I'm well impressed dude! thats good stuff. Watch she dont get over confident and wrap your pride and joy round a tree!

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I let me mad ex geordie lass have a go of mine, i nearly ended up in an early grave! The only time when the combination of girls and corrados go together is when either its there own corrado or there sat in the passenger seat of your own!

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I drive a VR and I surely don't let my bf have a go in the C!

He can stick to his A3 1.8T 8)



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whilst cruising around a bend she decided she was going too fast and slammed on the anchors...

back end stepped out one way then the other!!


I did the same in a VR on a test drive one dark and stormy night. I had no choice, there was a bend, I hadn't seen it (it was dark and raining! rubbish wipers, eh?!), so I had to slow from about 80.. I recovered it too (hey a VR has enough castor on the steering you can just let go and it'll steer into it), and on we went. The poor bugger selling the car was a little shaken tho.. :shock:


As was I, if I'm totally honest! ;)

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Ben (benji16v) your always geting Sonia to drive you about when your pissed.


The last time I saw you both, you even sent her down to the shop in her corrado to get you more beer! Handy because I was thirsty too!!! :D Cheers Sonia! :D :lol:

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Look up! There's one there... (ka`!)


There are a few others as well... 8)

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There's also Amy that drives the yellow 20VT. Saw her and her other half at stealth a few months ago..... not that they knew who I was though!


As for girlfriends driving Cs, I used to let my X drive my VR on her own....didn't have a problem with it. In fact, I'd rather she was in a solid german machine than her brittle Ford Ka. I also let my Mum and Dad drive it too, bless em!



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There's also Amy that drives the yellow 20VT. Saw her and her other half at stealth a few months ago..... not that they knew who I was though!




kev you should have come and said hi :cry: :cry:

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There's also Amy that drives the yellow 20VT. Saw her and her other half at stealth a few months ago..... not that they knew who I was though!




kev you should have come and said hi :cry: :cry:


I wasn't sure if it was you or not at first, but had an idea.......it wasn't until you went home that it dawned on me, Automatic VR6 Golf + Yellow 20 VT = Penny dropping!


I' m sure our paths will cross at Stealth again some day :lol:



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cool 8)


golf has gone :( hubby now has a seat leon and the raddo is mine :twisted:


i shall be at stealth again on 11th jan with quite a few other female dubbers ;)

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My sister drives mine when she wants to, not very often mind because it means i get to drive her Mitsubishi Evo 6 Tommi Makinen :lol:

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great combo! girls and C's! never see any in the US though. It's a big deal if i see a dude driving a rado, let alone a girl!

I'd rather she was in a solid german machine than her brittle Ford Ka.

good thing! but when push came to shove, which one?? :lol:



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i shall be at stealth again on 11th jan with quite a few other female dubbers


That's a long way from surrey isn't it :(

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Paul K its not that far when laddies are involved lol


only kidding mate but it should be about 1:30-2 hours away from you depending how you drive


for example it took us 1:20mins when we were coming up from bournemouth via guildford

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