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Basic Competitive Motorsport

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Probably a bit of a long shot but anyone been involved in some form lower level competitive motorsport? Either as a driver or as a crew helper etc?


Reason I ask is that I've recently been getting more and more interested in various types of motorsport, and I've been on a rally driving day, driven round the Nurburgring, and recently done a trackday and I've really enjoyed it all (and received quite a few positive comments about my driving) so people have been suggesting that if I like it so much why not do it as a hobby.


Now obviously I need to do a few more trackdays etc and that'll be my plan for next year, but I like the idea of a bit of competition!


So with that in mind I've been looking into what cheap, accessible and relatively straight forward racing I can get into. I know all about what I need to get my race licence but I can't decided what kind of stuff to start with. I've been looking at the golf cup and mini 7's series as they seem the most accessible on a low budget, but even then most racers seem to have a full pit crew and team winnebago!


Now I can probably get a few very knowledgable mates to help me out, and I might even be able to get access to a trailer, But paying for a 'pit crew' will be a little beyond my means.


So anyone got any experience with this stuff? I know a few people have done work for bigger race teams etc so any advice/comments/suggestions welcome as it'll give me stuff to think about over Christmas.


Cheers in advance


Mic :salute:

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Yeah I have thought about Karting, and I've got a friend who already does that, and I don't think it's much cheaper. I know my friend is always moaning about the cost of tyres being really bad as they're a specific slick compound and last no time what so ever.


ATM The golf gti cup is top of my list as the cars are almost standard, and costs for a year of racing (not including crash repair and travel to/from each venue) is roughly £2500-3000. Which is a lot less than I was expecting and something I can cover myself without the need for anything like sponsors etc, plus I'd probably build up to a full season as no doubt my first few races will end with repairs needed etc.


It's more a case of if I went for something like the golf cup am I kidding myself that people are able to do it themselves when everyone else is spending a fortune on almost professional outfits?

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I'm going to be doing a couple of karting races next year with a team at work, we are hiring tracks and these guys http://www.club100.co.uk/ to bring the karts. No worries about cost of repairs or maintaining then, plus these guys really know what they are doing and race prep them on the day for the track and the weather.


They are seriously quick 98mph at top direct drive so instant power without a cluth and if you lock up the brakes the engine dies and when you lift off again it bump starts itself!!! takes a while to get used to but extreme fun.


I am also getting a Mk2 Golf race prepped and together with a mate for a couple of track days next year then looking to start racing the year after. Let me know what action / track days you are planning to go to and we'll try to meet up, I think we are going to try to do all the Castle Combe action days as we live 30 mins away.

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Golf GTI cup would be a great place to start. My mate did mighty minis (Cheaper than mini 7's!) and loved it. He would still be doing it now but he relocated to Canada with work.



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How about hill climbing/circuit racing? Good fun reasonably cheap and you dont have to worry about other people on the track or wiping your car out :D

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How about the 750 motor club.




Myself and a friend where thinking of building a lotus 7 type car with the possibility of racing it. We went to one of the race meets at Snetterton to watch and ask a load of questions. They have a load of different series that you can compete in, one of which is the golf GTI series, however we were interested in the Locost. Cheap (ish), lightweight and RWD.


We are still building a Locost car but as track car, as having gone to the race meet we realised the time and money that it would consume. However it looked like a really good race series to get into. Compared to the Golf GTI racing is was much closer and appeared more exiting, to watch anyway. The atmosphere in the paddock was really good as well, people friendly and willing to give advice and help each other out.


They have the regulations for all the series on the website.

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Cheers for the replies so far guys, all good stuff to think about.


Leonard, hadn't really thought about Hill Climbs and tbh I think I'd prefer a good battle with a fellow competitor than a 1min dash up the hill.


G60_edge, good link there, interesting to read up on some of the other series. That Locost series looks good but probably for someone with a lot more time to do car setups and stuff. Half the appeal of a standard-ish series like the gti cup has to be the fact that the modifications your allowed to do are so small that it should be easier to just get in the car and race.

Also liking the look of that stock hatch series as I used to have a 205 gti and I bet one of those would make a great race car.


I am also getting a Mk2 Golf race prepped and together with a mate for a couple of track days next year then looking to start racing the year after. Let me know what action / track days you are planning to go to and we'll try to meet up, I think we are going to try to do all the Castle Combe action days as we live 30 mins away.


Nice one! We'll definitely have to meet up when I get myself sorted, have to had a look on the forum on here http://www.golfgti-racing.co.uk/ ? They seem like a nice enough bunch and the regulations etc seem pretty straight forward....


Keep the ideas coming guys, especially anyone who's already done it. Also how many people have already got race licences?

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Nice one! We'll definitely have to meet up when I get myself sorted, have to had a look on the forum on here http://www.golfgti-racing.co.uk/ ? They seem like a nice enough bunch and the regulations etc seem pretty straight forward....


Yeah will keep you informed on the progress, that golfgti racing looks like a good laugh but we have a g60 engine waiting to go into the golf so we wont be able to join that race :(

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I'll come and throw spanners around if you want, and if you promise to give me cuddles and beer afterwards.

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Two of my mates entered the Golf GTI series this year and done really well, one even came 3rd overall i think it was in the the 16v class....dont cost much when you get sponsors!!

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Mic, get yourself to the Autosports show, you'll find all there series represented and you can ask the organisers/competitors questions...

That is if you can stop staring at the acres of Lycra on show! :lol:


Best Bet is try to Blag a Friday pass as Sat/Sun are public days and rammed...

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Two of my mates entered the Golf GTI series this year and done really well, one even came 3rd overall i think it was in the the 16v class....dont cost much when you get sponsors!!


Nice one, were they novices? 3rd is a good result. Not sure I'll be that competitive but hopefully I'll do ok. And I'm not sure how I'll get on with sponsorship, might be able to get a bit out of the company I work for as they love it when Staff do these kind of things.


By the sounds of it next year will need to involve a bit of research, buy a suitable car and do a few trackdays. Then see how I get on. Those that are interested in joining in, or just coming along to laugh will be more welcome (including Toad!)


Pretty excited about it all now!

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I did sit and read the rules the other night, should be an interesting little series. 16v?

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I did sit and read the rules the other night, should be an interesting little series. 16v?


They seem pretty straight forward don't they, and should be easy to maintain etc. Just need to find a good base car. And I've obviously still got the Corrado that I want to fettle with next year as well.


I've only done about 3/4hrs max on track so far so no competitive racing next year, just trackdays which anyone is more than welcome to join me at and I'll let them take the car for a spin (minimal crashing please John! :wink: ) and we'll have to see where we go from there.


Perhaps we could look at putting a team together. Share the fame and the blame! Always more fun that way! :D


:lol: Team CF! Nice one! Although if people want to race a corrado we could just enter the pre-93 touring car championship which is pretty much the same costs as the gti cup but we'd be able to enter a C?

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Yeah mate, we've got to make this happen. Let me know next time you're going to a track day and I'll make sure I'm there. :D


A Rado would be pretty awesome. I'd love to track a mk3 ABF too though. But given the choice I'd go Rado every time of course. Mind you whatever car it is it would be soooo much fun! Just think how cool it would be pick up some old valver and kit it out and then race it. :clap:

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Well I'm not sure when I'll be back out on track in mine as I've got plans for a few mods which will take it off the road from May, although I might do one more session before then....... hmmm


As for a corrado on track, get your G60 out there Mr Riot?!? :wink:

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i would be more than up for helping out/providing help/tools etc


i have always ALWAYS wanted to do something like this myself.


i've not done any track days or anything yet - but i've always been itching to have a go!

promised myself that i will track the 'rado once it's all finished and running :)

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As for a corrado on track, get your G60 out there Mr Riot?!? :wink:


It'll need some new suspension first!!!! :shock: :lol: I might do. But I might be a bit too attached to it now. Not wanting to sound sentimental or anything.... I think I'd rather pick up an anonymous car that is only ever going to be a track car to me. The more I think about it the more I want to do it though.

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