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the delta force

Not again...

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My rado has been vandalised again! This time someone has climbed onto the roof and jump on it. It was parked on my road about 100m from my house and happened between 26th and 31st Dec. I noticed it on the evening of 31st Dec.


A very similar incident occured in the early hours of Boxing Day 2007 where someone jumped on the bonnet, damaging that.


I've attached a few photos. The damage to the roof is just behind the sunroof and it looks as if the sunroof is open on tilt but thats the dent. The sunroof also has small dents in it.


I have reported it to the Poilce and they are sending a forensic officer as there are three clear foot prints on the roof and a hand print on the bonnet.


Does anyone know if damage like this to a roof can be repaired?




Stefan :(

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little to**ers. a similar thing happend to my daily in 2007, woke up one morning to find foot prints all over the bonnet and a pretty hefty dent in the nearside wing. was not a happy bunny.


gutted for you mate, i hope the police catch them. makes my blood boil this kinda stuff..

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FFS.. you've really not had good luck mate :( I'd have thought the roof can be pushed back into shape though if the roof is double skinned, not sure how easy it'll be. Good luck getting it sorted - hope they catch the pr!ck and get him to pay for it.

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really bad luck Stefan, dont know if that can be repaired or not although you hear of people swapping roof panels occasionally so even at the extreme i'm sure theres always a way. were there other cars damaged too? can't believe someone just chooses one time of the year to just target your car? :pale:

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I don't know as it had been parked in the same spot for about 4 days. Just seems weird that it was literally a year to the day that it happened last time. :confused4:

I am due to go down to JMR on the 9th for some other work and will see what he says.


really bad luck Stefan, dont know if that can be repaired or not although you hear of people swapping roof panels occasionally so even at the extreme i'm sure theres always a way. were there other cars damaged too? can't believe someone just chooses one time of the year to just target your car? :pale:

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Tw*ts! It might be worth putting in a small camera to catch em as its happened a couple of times. I hope it can be sorted and not to costly.

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Little f**kin ar**holes :censored: :censored: :censored:


I honestly don't get what goes through people's minds when it comes to vandalising cars, no f**king need.


Good to see the police are sending a forensic out though, fingers crossed they can find the rat :nuts:

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Had the same problem with a previous car and my mate had the same thing happen a few months ago and on both cars the roofs' popped back out, BUT both cars were left with crease marks in the metal work.


A bodyshop may be able to do a better job. Hope it works out.

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Stuff like this makes me feel absolutely sick. Personally I havent ever had this done but only owning a car for 3 years I am sure it will probably happen to me one day and I will probably just cry! Chances are if the police were sending out forensics they would beleive they have an idea who this maybe? Perhaps happened to a few in the area from someones local walk back from the pub? Anyway i hope they catch the little t**t and he/she is brought to justice.


Hope you can get it sorted soon and it isnt too expensive mate.

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I think you can pull that out - it only has a bit of a depression so a good body shop should be able to do that from the top. If not, assuming the roof is single skinned, you can remove the roof lining and massage that out. Best of luck and hope you get it sorted.

btw, looks like a nice street, somewhere you wouldnt expect that kind of behaviour...

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Thanks, I actually moved it onto my sisters drive just up the road from where I live.


My road isn't that bad, there are a few little sh*ts around. The shoe prints on the roof are quite big so I am asuming it was someone older who was probably pissed...




I think you can pull that out - it only has a bit of a depression so a good body shop should be able to do that from the top. If not, assuming the roof is single skinned, you can remove the roof lining and massage that out. Best of luck and hope you get it sorted.

btw, looks like a nice street, somewhere you wouldnt expect that kind of behaviour...

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Gutted for you. It's a horrid horrid feeling finding stuff like that has been done.

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wounded mate. little shitbags are everywhere. it used to happen to my car maybe every 6 months. thats when i got the garage for the car, given if i want to drive it i have a 10 min walk to get there but its safe and locked up!


annoying thing with it was

the insurance put my premium up because the car was away from where i live!?!? wtf

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That's real bad luck, it's happened to me a couple of times too, I'm installing one of these where my boot lock used to be


http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Rear-View-Parking ... 240%3A1308


Also you could use a 2 stage microwave proximity sensor on your alarm that instead of giving an audible sound on the first zone (1ft around the windows/roof) being violated (remember the cliffords with the 'please stand back from the car' warning!) it can just page/text your phone instead. So they don't know they've been rumbled....


It costs about a hundred quid to add it onto your alarm, but you could end up catching them.....


Hope you get it fixed ok, it looks fixable tbh, the key scratch could be polished out, maybe with the help of some touch up lacquer.

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C*nts! Feel for you bud, I've had a car keyed which was gutting enough but nothing like this. Hope you can get it sorted and they catch the buggers that did it

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100v line attached to the bodywork sounds good to me. The problem is they've got nothing better to do. Really feel for you dude. Gutted :(

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dude gutted or ya


these little f*?!*rs just need to be shot or maybe maimed ar simply run down a few times what ever works best


hope ya get it sorted man

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I'm sorry to hear that man, a good bodyshop might be able to help you out, but the problem lies with the little scunners doing it.

My street seems to get done on a semi regular basis; my Christmas present was a half eaten bacon burger across the windscreen, and the allegation "I f**k children" (with accompanying drawing) scratched into my bonnet...

Chin up & don't let the little arsehats get to you!


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Mate wounded for you! am sure the roof will pull out by good bodyshop. Hope it goes well friday mate. :salute:

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Took the car to a bodyshop recommended by JMR.


The bonnet is way beyond repair so a replacement is required.


The roof is seriously f*cked, worse than originally thought but can be repaired... I've booked it in for early Feb (just the roof) as I can't afford to get everything done at once. I'll had to live with the bonnet for a little longer. :(

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