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Banana Man

How stupid is this????

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I made an online purchase from MSW for some subframes for my new corbeau sets last night, the total came out at £115 inc vat and delivery, I gave all my credit card details and everything and all went through ok. I ve just got home and have an email from them saying that unless I can produce a copy of the seat purchase I cant have the subframes for £115, the new total for the subframes will now be £226 instead what an effing rip off that is!! Surely if they have got them up on the site for £115 they have to sell them for that price dont they under the trading standard laws am I right?? anyone care to comment??




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Well i heard a story bout a woman who seen a TV priced at £10 or summit in a supermarket which was supposed to be £100 she kicked up a fuss and got the tele for £10 think theres must be summit you can do.

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yeah you are right Ant. they cant advertise it at one price and then try and sell it at an increased price. Tis da law 8)

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I'll phone em up I think as I can kick up a fuss that way! He gave some stupid excuse like corbeau have changed their policies from 1st of dec and that they haven't had time to update the website. I'll get them for £115 mark my words thieving scumbags who's going to pay £230 for a set of subframes at the end of the day LOL

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If they advertise a product for a certain price they are obliged to sell it you at that price. Along as there was no small print saying you have to prove purchase of the seats.


Paying for an item whether over the internet or phone, and not recieving that product is classed as fraud, they cannot change there mind and want more money after you have paid for it, or change their mind on the deal after they have recieved your money.

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Yes this is right! I did it with Dell when I bought my pc! They had an offer on where you could upgrade your monitor to a TFT. To cut along story short, they had cocked up on the advertising on their website, and when the purchase came through with a smaller TFT monitor than it should have been they denied all knowledge that they had the offer on, and when I challenged them I got sent round the house's with there customer service monkeys! However luckily when I had looked at there web site with the offer on it had stored the page in my temp internet files!!!hahaha so I e-mailed it across to the monkeys and within two hours I had a lovely 18" TFT on its way! So check your temp Internet files for all transactions copy them on a disk and tell them that you have proof of purchase and that you will be going to citizen’s advice.


Hope this helps Banana Man.

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There must be some kind of trading standards Ant to cover this. The local council where the shop is based must adere to their local council policy. Try searching for trading standards in the local authority.

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Read the terms and conditions, it mat say prices are subject to change at any time, without prior notification, or that they are not responsible for mistakes in pricing on their website. Also if the money for the subframes hasn't been taken yet, then there has been no selling contract made between you and the seller, and they can refuse to accept your order. I do agree with you though, they should sell them at the price advertised.

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errrrmm tricky one - I'm no solicitor, but i don't think its so simple :(


Most goods are sold on an 'invitation to treat' basis, that is to say, if you see a product in a window, then your 'offer' to buy or form contract, is based upon the vendor 'accepting' your offer, and due 'consideration' (usually money :D ) being given by both parties. These are 3 fundamental rules of contract, so technically they can argue that there was only an 'invitation to treat' expressed at the time of paying, and no formal contract to buy. Furthermore, they can argue 'consideration' was refuted on their part.


Regarding the trading standards, I believe the actual product has to be marked. E.g reduced value beer with '4 for £5' embossed on the can, cannot be legally sold for more. In the actual product was not marked.


All that said, just kick up a massive stink - usually works for me :lol:

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ant,if you dont get any joy from them give demon tweeks a call they list the subframes for a vw from £45,sparco actually list there corrado subframes at £35 :?

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hay guys I work in retail, the law states that an advertised price is "only an invitation to buy" a retailer can withdraw an item from sale whenever they like without having to give a reason. Now if we advertise something at the wrong price, we DO honour it, under no obligation to do this but its less effort and good customer service. I would kick up a stink mate!!!! there is always something that can be done!!!

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hope you dont get f****d on that one ant!


i'm not sure what internet 'law' is but over here, if a price is posted in a store, they HAVE TO give it to you for that price. i jusy bought all new drum skins a little while ago... the bass drum skin i found had a $30 sticker on it but was $42 on the price list. they tried to ring me up at $42, i got it for $30 :lol:


** Mod edit - Please don't swear! - Henny **

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Under UK law, yes, an advert is an "invitation to purchase", but if they accept your order and *charge your card* (this is the crucial bit), then they're entered into an agreement with you, and they should honour it.


If they have not yet charged your card then they won't have to honour the price quoted. So really it depends when they called you to say "sorry it's different".

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It's ok lads thanks for all the info got onto the guy at motorsport world earlier had it out with him and they are ok with selling the seats to me for the agreed price now. They were only acting on corbeau's behalf. Once I was done with my temper tantrum and they had agreed to sell the frames to me for £115 the guy explained why they wanted to see proof of purchase for the seats, it turns out that corbeau are losing lots of money through selling the subframes to people that have bought immitation Targa seats that are being imported into the UK from overseas so to try and stop them they put the price up to try and discourage people from buying the immitationsand only offer the 50% discountt to people that have bought genuine corbeau seats makes sense really. Well I'm happy at least now that I'm getting the frames for the right price :D

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