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power loss through chicane

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Can anybody explain?


Well it wasn't exactly a chicane but a roundabout! I went into it fast in the VR and on turning hard the revs dropped and came back then truning hard the other direction the revs dropped again, this time i looked at rev counter they'd dropped to 2k. I kept my foot down and the pwer came back. I don't mind saying it was a bit unnerving as we occasionally put alot of trust into these C's.


Traction control?


How do you know if your VR has traction control?




94 VR6 (ABS warning lights missing! plus the cutting out problem and dropped window + always misted up) love it though!

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The traction control is primative to say the least. I don't think thats what you have experienced.


Was the roundabout a big one?


On trackdays my Golf cuts out due to fuel starvation on longish righthanders, if there is less than about half a tank in it.


It could be summat else but that would be the first thing to check.



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When you say the revs dropped, I presume you had your foot on the clutch???

How would the revs drop if the wheels didn't slow down otherwise?

And then, if your foot was on the clutch, why was your foot on the throttle?


I'm sure we missed something there...

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there have been a few people on here who have experienced the same problem,seems like the engine loses power or cuts out for a few seconds,and always on round abouts :?

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mabey its looking after you through the twisty's, nothing like a VW to keep you safe.


not very safe if your sliding towards something and have no power to pull you out :shock:

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There is one particular roundabout on my way home where I can induce this problem.


I'm still experimenting (slow around and fast out, fast in fast out, full tank, low tank etc) to see if it is fuel starvation or Traction control (What Traction control?!). Feels more like power loss (fuel) than anything else and seems to be starved in the roundabout (ie in righthander) that then gives a power loss in the exit.


I read that traction control uses the ABS to apply the brake to the spinning wheel - is that the case? If it is working on my car it should be renamed "Automatic Understeer Inducer" :? As that is all it does. :lol:

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The traction control apparently only works in 1st gear, at less than 30mph.

As you've noticed, it's *very* basic. Yes it just applies the brakes to the spinning wheel.

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The traction control apparently only works in 1st gear, at less than 30mph.

As you've noticed, it's *very* basic. Yes it just applies the brakes to the spinning wheel.


So my "Automatic Understeer Inducer" must just be that pedal on the right then. :wink:

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Yeh i take your point on the rev dropping thing. It fell like the power was taken away and returned both times, it's just that i looked at the revs the second time and expected them to be higher as i had my foot down trying to drive out of the corner. I had a full tank (£50.40 Optimax) which is unusual for me. A mate had a similar prob on his merc, it turned out to be a badly housed and damaged plug lead that was shorting when it touched metal under cornering.


So we're decided it's not traction control?


Is there any other post with the same problem?


Cheers for response

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Same thing happened to me shortly after I got the car and it turned out the battery negative lead was loose. Tightened that up and the problem never returned. Sounds implausible I know, but it worked.


May not be related in your case but check that and make sure the battery is in good and tight. There was a thread about this when I joined up in February, can't remember if it was this or another forum though :?



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Kev - snap. Same problem, tightened battery terminals and I can wing it into any corner now with no problem.


God bless the forums :D

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Forgot to mention that the severed battery connection was not long enough to trigger the dash lights (oil, battery etc), so when it happens you assume it's fuelling, but sensitive devices such as the ECU will notice the voltage drop straight away, and act accordingly.



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Chech that the battery itself is secure and not sliding on its mount. Have had a couple of cases where new batterys were fitted and were insecure. You throw it round a corner, the battery slides and the negative terminal touches the inner wing! You loose power for a bit and when you straighten up it slides the other way and you are none the wiser.


Might be worth a look?

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Um....shouldn't the negative terminal be at the same potential as the inner wing...or any other body part for that matter?? How would negative terminal and inner wing contact cause a problem?


Just a thought. Did I miss something?!

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Um....shouldn't the negative terminal be at the same potential as the inner wing...or any other body part for that matter?? How would negative terminal and inner wing contact cause a problem?


Just a thought. Did I miss something?!


Nice Avatar.


This was my thought also. I have just had a new battery fitted, it is secure and the negative lead is also intact and secure.


My experiments continue (traffic jams last night prevented any decent test! - new Personal worst trip home 3.5 hrs for a 50 min trip :x )

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sorry guys i was getting mixed up. :oops: You are of course correct. The negative and the wing are the same.



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