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my corrado found k39lmk but wrote off

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Bugger sorry to hear that chap...


More details/photo of car/location etc will all help though....


Hope you get it back though!

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Bloody hell mate sorry to hear that, was it outside your house? I will keep my eyes open around Cardiff!!


What have the police said about it?

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Barstewards, pinched a couple of pics from your photobucket, get it posted around as many forums as poss, hopefully you'll get it back :wink:


2.8l 24v Climatronic system.pdf20081110_114910.jpg[/attachment:3mjv18yb]


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Gutting mate. My old man had his motor nicked last week. Hope you find it, I'll keep my eyes pealed, its black right?

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Sorry to hear it mate. I have been pulled over about 3 times in 2 months in my car because they are"desirable cars to steal", so the police officer said. I think it was more so they can check the car over to be honest because they do it every time once they realise I am the owner and fully insured etc.

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yessssssss i had a tip off found my car. no wheels radio speakers parcel shelf bits inside broke.

i dunno if it will be wrote off just hope that when they pull it out of gaaarage the underside isnt wrecked.

cheers every1 for looking about.

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cae fardre lol i think it wrote of coz i had a look where they dragged it out of the garage and there is oil and big scrape marks :( police did tell me if they pull it out it would cause more damage but hoped not too bad.

all i can say is there are some :censored: who cant afford there own cars so steals sum1 elses :mad2: :mad2: :mad2:

if the insurance offer it back ill prob break for spares or let it go dont realy want to coz the body is mint no rust at all..

im just sooo :censored: off cant believe it.

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