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F1 Season Explained 2009

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Cool video! 8)


I really don't agree with making the engines last multiple races though.....F1 is supposed to be a high performance sport, not an endurance one!


The aero regulations are such a massive change that some of the small teams will be caught out as they cant invest the massive amounts required to design a completely new aero package. The idea is to level the playing field by making the cars aerodynamics more simplistic....but the bigger teams with the bigger budgets will always be able to find the loop-holes in the regulations, and come out with a novel aero component. The only way to truly level the playing fields, and introduce a easy/cheap way of generating massive amounts of downforce is to re-introduce proper ground-effect cars (which would also help to reduce the intensity of the wake of the cars & therefore help overtaking too).

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Cool video! 8)


I really don't agree with making the engines last multiple races though.....F1 is supposed to be a high performance sport, not an endurance one!


The aero regulations are such a massive change that some of the small teams will be caught out as they cant invest the massive amounts required to design a completely new aero package. The idea is to level the playing field by making the cars aerodynamics more simplistic....but the bigger teams with the bigger budgets will always be able to find the loop-holes in the regulations, and come out with a novel aero component. The only way to truly level the playing fields, and introduce a easy/cheap way of generating massive amounts of downforce is to re-introduce proper ground-effect cars (which would also help to reduce the intensity of the wake of the cars & therefore help overtaking too).


Would be good to go down the GP2 route and all the cars are identical. Same power same downforce. Just different drivers.

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Yup....I really think A1GP has the potential to be quite good too. It's just a pity it's only on Sky though, so most people cant actually watch it. :?

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Yup....I really think A1GP has the potential to be quite good too. It's just a pity it's only on Sky though, so most people cant actually watch it. :?


Used to love watching the A1GP, GP2, Formula 3000 and formula ford etc on Eurosport :D Along with the clio cup, catrahams (spell) porsche cup.


Sorry slightly off topic :lol:

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What an excellent video.


Really can't wait for the season to start, seems to have been a very long winter. !

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What an excellent video.


Really can't wait for the season to start, seems to have been a very long winter. !


It has been a long winter. But on 29th the clocks change and we will have the first GP. Less than 2 weeks to go! :D

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Top video.


Thank the gods that the motorsport season is about to start again. :clap: I've been getting serious withdrawal symptoms, re-runs of boring rally programs on Dave are beginning to drive me nuts (just like a steering wheel on my pants lol).

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I LOVE the "turbo button"...


Next they will implement "large banana skins" and "turtles' shells" with which the drivers can bombard each other ...

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I LOVE the "turbo button"...


Next they will implement "large banana skins" and "turtles' shells" with which the drivers can bombard each other ...


:lol: and a fish on a cloud to retrieve them from the gravel trap.

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However they've dicked about with the points scheme and also considering an optional £30m budget cap....


Me thinks they will also introduce a 2s/ lap penalty for anyone who is driving for a team that is the same nationality as they are! (Oh and if that don't work, a 5s/lap reduction for any car with a horse on it!) :cuckoo:


This season will go 1 of 2 ways....#





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I LOVE the "turbo button"...


Next they will implement "large banana skins" and "turtles' shells" with which the drivers can bombard each other ...


:lol: and a fish on a cloud to retrieve them from the gravel trap.[/quote:y5j36l9x]



I'm McLaren, I'm a gonna win! Whee! :lol:

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Its a meee, MAAClaren :lol:


Well, bernie the imp has done it. New rules introduced - the driver with the most wins will take the drivers championship... what a load of tosh! What was wrong with the old points system???? Oh yeah, as the news pointed out. If this rule was introduced last season, Massa would have taken the championship not Hamilton....funny that. Its worked fine for decades. Apparently its to encourage drivers to go for the win and not settle for 2nd etc. Although it may do that, i cant help but think Bernie has acknowledged Ferrari's reign is now over and he's trying to give them a helping hand... Sorry to the Ferrari fans, it could be me being touchy due to being a Mclaren fan, but we all know Ferrari were given a few 'helping hands' gaining points last season. :?

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Well...we all know that Mclaren are prone to a bit of cheating and are the whiniest team on the grid....so it all balances out! :lol: :lol:


Last years points system is only a few years old...and I think it was a pile of carp too! Gave WAY too many points to 2nd + 3rd places etc.....The previous: 10, 6, 4, 3, 2, 1 system was pretty good imho (and Hamilton wouldn't have won under that system either :razz: ). I think a point for fastest lap (like you used to have back in the 50's) should have been introduced to that system and it would be perfect.

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Its a meee, MAAClaren :lol:


Well, bernie the imp has done it. New rules introduced - the driver with the most wins will take the drivers championship... what a load of tosh! What was wrong with the old points system???? Oh yeah, as the news pointed out. If this rule was introduced last season, Massa would have taken the championship not Hamilton....funny that. Its worked fine for decades. Apparently its to encourage drivers to go for the win and not settle for 2nd etc. Although it may do that, i cant help but think Bernie has acknowledged Ferrari's reign is now over and he's trying to give them a helping hand... Sorry to the Ferrari fans, it could be me being touchy due to being a Mclaren fan, but we all know Ferrari were given a few 'helping hands' gaining points last season. :?


We're not feeling a little threatened are we? :wink: :lol: Perhaps a little worried that Hamilton hasn't got what it takes to win more races than Massa?


You're right of course.

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We're not feeling a little threatened are we? :wink: :lol: Perhaps a little worried that Hamilton hasn't got what it takes to win more races than Massa?


You're right of course.


Yes and no...a championship should be about overall performances throughout the season rather than how many times you win. If you're in any other position than 2nd, what's the point of racing? A driver could win 4 times but not finish the rest of the races and win the championship (as long as no-one else won more, but lets assume they haven't) whereas another driver could come could win 3, come second in every other race and still not be champion. Seems a bit pointless if you ask me.

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We're not feeling a little threatened are we? :wink: :lol: Perhaps a little worried that Hamilton hasn't got what it takes to win more races than Massa?


You're right of course.


Yes and no...a championship should be about overall performances throughout the season rather than how many times you win. If you're in any other position than 2nd, what's the point of racing? A driver could win 4 times but not finish the rest of the races and win the championship (as long as no-one else won more, but lets assume they haven't) whereas another driver could come could win 3, come second in every other race and still not be champion. Seems a bit pointless if you ask me.


Hmmmm... I see your point. But it's a level playing field. So Hamilton is just going to have to try REALLY hard to win more races than everyone else. And besides you should be happy shouldn't you? Doesn't this now mean that Hamilton can't have points deducted for wearing orange pants and such like?

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I don't actually hate Ferrari, I just dislike the way they seem to get preferential treatment in the paddock whenever the stewards are involved. I like Raikonnen when he can be arsed to turn up, but Massa only got there cos his manager is Jean Todt's son. And we all know what position old Jean held at the time. :wink:


I don't care who wins as long as its not Alonso the monobrow moaner or Massa the hamster.

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I don't care who wins as long as its not Alonso the monobrow moaner or Massa the hamster.


I'm sure if the points system was different to what it was last year the teams and their drivers would of driven and reacted accordingly. Let's not forget that Massa had a lot of wins handed to him on a plate iirc!


Don't ask me to substantiate that statement, by the way. :grin:

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Well...we all know that Mclaren are prone to a bit of cheating and are the whiniest team on the grid....so it all balances out! :lol: :lol:


Last years points system is only a few years old...and I think it was a pile of carp too! Gave WAY too many points to 2nd + 3rd places etc.....The previous: 10, 6, 4, 3, 2, 1 system was pretty good imho (and Hamilton wouldn't have won under that system either :razz: ). I think a point for fastest lap (like you used to have back in the 50's) should have been introduced to that system and it would be perfect.


Sorry the 10,6,4,3,2,1 system is the one i was referring to. I agree there isnt enough points difference between the 1st place points and 2nd in the last points system.


As long as we dont have the same carry ons this season that we did last season ill be happy. :D


I too dont hate Ferrari (it may not seem like that :lol:), but as corradude said, they do SEEM to get preferential treatment. They're a capable team, which makes it worse when they get silly desicions given towards them. Also knowing Bernie is 'mates' with some of the drivers at their 'poker games', just makes the points situation smell fishy.

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Don't get me wrong, I agree they do seem to get preferential treatment sometimes which I think spoils it despite being an avid fan. I'd rather they won because they have the best cars and the best drivers. Then it's actually an achievement. Also I want the other teams to do well so it's actually a competition. Bring it on I say. I bet Vettel kicks ass this season. He's someone I'm really looking forward to following this year.

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