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Brawn vs ferrari.... 1-0 1-0, 1-0, 1-0!

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Why can't Ferrari just get on and race rather than throwing their toys out the pram every time something doesn't go their way?! Be interesting to see what the outcome means for both sides though, I doubt Brawn have an alternative design to fall back on?

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This whole debarkle p1sses me off. If there was a problem with the diffuser, it would have been flagged up by the stewards at the first two races. Ferrari are just sour cos they didn't think of it and aren't in the points yet. They certainly wouldn't be complaining if their drivers had been on the podium thus far.

It's quite refreshing not to see Ferrari and Mclaren doing so well, maybe they wont be so complacent next time.

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Was reading somewhere yesterday that the "technical delegates" from the FIA at the two races so far have examined and passed the diffusers as legal.


The FIA committee that Brawn, Williams and Toyota are in front of today however are classed as non-technical and they will be reviewing the appeal from a different angle????


Either the diffusers are legal or they are not - seems to be a classic case of the FIA changing the rules as they go along to keep the great god that is Ferrari happy

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And where's Sonicriot when we need an Un-Biased opinion? :lol: :fondle:



Yet again the Mosley/Ecclestone/Ferrari triumvate rolls on... another complete :epicfail: for F1...

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Its getting annoying, Formula 1 are trying to make the sport more viewer friendly and a more enjoyable sport to watch yet all we seem to hear are races being decided out of races. its bloody annoying!


I've given up watching because its just totally unsporting, it doesn't matter who wins because it will most probably be turned upside down anywhere through some technicality.

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every goddam week.

the fia should be based out of scunthorpe. cos that's what they are. :wink:


the rules were changed to help the small teams, now they're winning the big boys don't like it. thumbs down for sportsmanship.

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every goddam week.

the fia should be based out of scunthorpe. cos that's what they are. :wink:


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The reason Ferrari have such an issue with the whole thing is that unlike the other teams if the diffusser is allowed they will have to redesign their gearbox. Oh and Toro Rosso will to as it's basically a Ferrari..

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And where's Sonicriot when we need an Un-Biased opinion? :lol: :fondle:


Alreet? :lol:


When have I ever been biased? :shrug:


Anyway, like Yanders says imagine the faff of redesigning a gear box after the season has started. Personally I think they are within their rights to complain.


For the good of the sport I hope they rule that the diffuser is legal and all the other teams (especially Ferrari but not necessarily McLaren) put them on their cars to make the playing field more level. Which I thought was supposed to be the point of this season anyway.


Or the other way round. They are illegal, they get taken off the Brawn, Williams and Toyota cars but they get to keep their points and we can just concentrate on the damn racing for once!

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On a tangent, I was at my local scrappies today and they had a Ferrari Mondial in that had had an engine fire - it's not something you see in a scrappies very often! Most of it looked in good nick especially the split rims!



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if this is decided to be an illegal part then f1 will loose my and i'm sure half the countrys attention for the rest of the season - whats ruining f1 is results changing weeks later - it makes it neigh on impossible to work out wtf is going on and last season i lost interest this season i'll just not bother if this happens - i'm only one person but thats my view!

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I think its good and about time, that there is different teams at the top of the table insted of ferrari and mclaren.

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It started to look like a interesting year for F1, but the way things are going I wont bother watching anymore. :sleeping:

How about this for cost cutting no more racing, just pull names out of a hat (of course it'll have to be a "legal" hat). :grin:

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Since when has F1 been a level playing field? :shrug:


He who has the most toys...


I'm not saying it ever has been. It would just be better if it was. Pie in the sky maybe....

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It started to look like a interesting year for F1, but the way things are going I wont bother watching anymore. :sleeping:

How about this for cost cutting no more racing, just pull names out of a hat (of course it'll have to be a "legal" hat). :grin:


But wouldn't "certain" teams complain, unless all the names were Massa and Raikoinnen? :lol:



In the paper today apparently the Maltese Judge was seen "Nodding off" during the Ferrari lawyers 2hr Statement! :clap:

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why don't they just inspect all cars prior to the racing season beginning, or would that cause confusion over common sense being used?


its only because ferrari are probably the richest team in F1 and they are just spitting their dummy out because for once money can't help them.

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Why should the teams that read the technical rules and managed to design something better within the limits than the so called 'big boys' be punished? :cuckoo:


Didn't see too many complaints last year when the Ferrari's and Mclarens were better designed than the rest of the field.


So far we've had some of the best races in years with real competition further down the grid.


Don't the teams realise to everyone outside of the F1 pit lane it all smacks of sour grapes. :camp:


Also, Ferrari, please sack your PR team as yet again you seem to shoot yourself in the foot and do further damage to not only the racing team but the Ferrari brand as well. :epicfail:

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China.... bet they started work on new diffuser/body-work as soon as they saw Braun etc.. versions of it...


Nope they need to redesign their gearbox package so will be one of the last teams to fit a diffuser. I wonder why they protested so hard?

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