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Car Tax up again...

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Went to tax my car this morning only to discover that Car tax has been quietly increased yet again.


No annoucement in the budget 10 days ago, nothing on the TV or in the papers - the increase was sneaked in through the small print. Despite having a renewal form from the DVLA showing £185 the renewal cost me £190 because the rules allow them to change the figure whenever they like it, and regardless of what's on the renewal.


This Government are a bunch of sneaky barstewards.

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I'm not too bothered. We're getting away pretty lightly tbh.. if we were paying for these cars with modern CO2 based taxation, it'd be a lot more!

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Anyone who owns a car in the UK is getting royally stuffed up the ass. Be it Petrol, Road Tax, Insurance etc.

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I'm not too bothered. We're getting away pretty lightly tbh.. if we were paying for these cars with modern CO2 based taxation, it'd be a lot more!


I would not normally bother replying, but I think Jim is looking at it the right way, it could be a LOT worse.


For example, here are the tax rates you would pay if you were here:


Engine size cc 12 Months tax in Euro


Not over 1,000 172

1,001 to 1,100 259

1,101 to 1,200 286

1,201 to 1,300 310

1,301 to 1,400 333

1,401 to 1,500 357

1,501 to 1,600 445

1,601 to 1,700 471

1,701 to 1,800 551

1,801 to 1,900 582

1,901 to 2,000 614

2,001 to 2,100 784

2,101 to 2,200 823

2,201 to 2,300 860

2,301 to 2,400 895

2,401 to 2,500 935

2,501 to 2,600 1,120

2,601 to 2,700 1,164

2,701 to 2,800 1,204

2,801 to 2,900 1,248

2,901 to 3,000 1,293

3,001 or more 1,566


I'd love to be paying your rates :help:

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We're not that badly off compared to some countries. Look at Ireland if you wanna talk road tax. PM davebirl on here and ask him how much he pays..! Make sure you're sitting down!


And petrol prices here are the same right across Europe. Driving to Germany last in 2008, if anything it was marginally more expensive there. Their diesel costs were, if I remebemr, slightly more reasonable though and way more in line with petrol prices.

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Well ok, take out the "UK" comment and put in Europe. Comment still stands :D

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but I think Jim is looking at it the right way, it could be a LOT worse.


Hehe - you just helped illustrate my point nicely with actual figures mate. Thanks for that :)


It's just the usual British mentality - apparently we're really hard done by, we live in a police state, the government is raping us for every penny we earn. But you compare tax rates, living costs, the costs of stuff like beer to MANY other countries and really we're doing ok here.


I complain about it from time to time but what's the point. It's life. Put up or shut up :)

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Well we do put up with it, not much else we can do. And just because it's worse elsewhere, doesn't mean that it aint bad here! I'd imagine Petrol/Diesel to be the biggest problem, especially for those without jobs. IE my father, who gets absolutely bugger all on the dole even though he's applying for several jobs a day, and of course he needs to drive to get to interviews etc.


Also, where is this road tax going? Why is it going up? The roads are terrible round here. Have been for years, only the other day a pothole bent the inside of my alloy.

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but I think Jim is looking at it the right way, it could be a LOT worse.


Hehe - you just helped illustrate my point nicely with actual figures mate. Thanks for that :)


It's just the usual British mentality - apparently we're really hard done by, we live in a police state, the government is raping us for every penny we earn. But you compare tax rates, living costs, the costs of stuff like beer to MANY other countries and really we're doing ok here.


I complain about it from time to time but what's the point. It's life. Put up or shut up :)


Agreed, although at least they seem to spend some of the money generated from the various taxes generated by cars on the roads in Europe..


I think I overhead a stat on the radio the other day that estimates car repairs due to poor road surfaces cost £1 million a day and there is a pot hole every 70 feet on average :epicfail:

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I agree on the potholes having been out on the bike yesterday. There were a couple of corners that really shook it up! Still, the tax on a 125 is only £15/year, so I can't complain, I don't think that would pay for a single pothole!

I can thoroughly recommend it as a cheap mode of transport though, and if I had to commute any distance to work, 105mpg would easily sway me!




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I can thoroughly recommend it as a cheap mode of transport though, and if I had to commute any distance to work, 105mpg would easily sway me!


Even on a windy rainy snowy freezing icy morning in the middle of December? :wink: :lol:

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