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Need to beat a fiesta st150!

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Bah, we all do it! :D


I see your point on straight line hero action. Depends where you live I suppose. Round my way it's a good mixture of dual carriageways and bumpy twisties too, but most of my d1ck measuring contests take place on the dual carriageways because that's where 95% of the aggressive tailgaters (who wind me up) go about their pensioner bullying antics. And as we know, it's all too easy to get way past 100mph on a DC. You just have to be mature enough to put the old pecker back in it's cage when appropriate.


My C isn't as nimble as the Fiesta on the twisties and doesn't ride as well, but it does OK for an old timer :D

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Bah, we all do it! :D


My C isn't as nimble as the Fiesta on the twisties and doesn't ride as well, but it does OK for an old timer :D


Yeah yours is ok Kev, bit lacking in the top end though........... :lol:


In reality no matter how good your car is sooner or later someone will come along and spank you with something better. Just save up, buy an Ariel Atom in full on supercharged form and then just pi$$ on everyone else until you run out of people to overtake.

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Bah, we all do it! :D


I see your point on straight line hero action. Depends where you live I suppose. Round my way it's a good mixture of dual carriageways and bumpy twisties too, but most of my d1ck measuring contests take place on the dual carriageways because that's where 95% of the aggressive tailgaters (who wind me up) go about their pensioner bullying antics. And as we know, it's all too easy to get way past 100mph on a DC. You just have to be mature enough to put the old pecker back in it's cage when appropriate.


My C isn't as nimble as the Fiesta on the twisties and doesn't ride as well, but it does OK for an old timer :D


LOL well if you run a turbo or charger you are obviously exempt from my dual hero action comments. If I had one I would probably do it as well to embarass some newer machinery :grin:


Got a bit of a chip on my shoulder with drag racing. I see so many kids ragging the arse off their cars in a straight line around my way, when we have the most awesome driving roads in the country on our doorstep! Plus when they are 17 they can all only afford the same power cars. Ditto when they are 19 and 21. So they all end up having accidents and killing themselves and their mates cos they take stupid risks trying to overtake a similar powered car :shrug:

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well unless you know the country roads like the back of your hand your only going to race on straight roads?? its fairly dangerous and i have been in many stupid crashes with mates trying to show off.. unfortunately i dont live next door to a race track haha

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The thing is anyone can go on autotrader and buy a faster car, the satisfaction personally is when someone's giving it all that and you thrash them in an "old banger" :D

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Bah, we all do it! :D


I see your point on straight line hero action. Depends where you live I suppose. Round my way it's a good mixture of dual carriageways and bumpy twisties too, but most of my d1ck measuring contests take place on the dual carriageways because that's where 95% of the aggressive tailgaters (who wind me up) go about their pensioner bullying antics. And as we know, it's all too easy to get way past 100mph on a DC. You just have to be mature enough to put the old pecker back in it's cage when appropriate.


My C isn't as nimble as the Fiesta on the twisties and doesn't ride as well, but it does OK for an old timer :D


LOL well if you run a turbo or charger you are obviously exempt from my dual hero action comments. If I had one I would probably do it as well to embarass some newer machinery :grin:


Got a bit of a chip on my shoulder with drag racing. I see so many kids ragging the arse off their cars in a straight line around my way, when we have the most awesome driving roads in the country on our doorstep! Plus when they are 17 they can all only afford the same power cars. Ditto when they are 19 and 21. So they all end up having accidents and killing themselves and their mates cos they take stupid risks trying to overtake a similar powered car :shrug:



i can defintaly see where you 2 are coming from. i dont normally put my foot down until im on a ruraul road of which i know very well. im my example it was the M6 toll of which you have to sort of keep in a straight line "drag" race. and get bac upto speed.

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Yeah I like that M6 toll. Had a fun little 'battle' with an E46 330Ci there a few years ago :D At least you get to travel on a nice smooth (and quiet) road in return for your £3, or what ever it is now.


It's the same at the Dartford crossing, everyone races away from the toll booths to get ahead of the trucks and pensioners before the 12 or so lanes merge into 2.


It's just harmless pedal to the metal action and strangely feels legal because you have to get up to 70mph at a fair lick to avoid congestion :D. It's a a rare treat these days being able to use more than 50% throttle for more than 2 seconds!


Leonard raises a good point about the young uns racing around urban streets etc. We've had 3 incidents locally all within months of eachother where pedestrians have been mown down (and killed) by louts in Saxos doing 100+ in 30mph streets. In all cases the vicims were teenagers.... don't want to get all morbid and emotional, but life had barely begun for them. Taken away by brain dead morons p1ssed or stoned at the wheel. No one in their right mind does those speeds in built up areas, so they should be sectioned for physc evaluation, and then swiftly terminated and buried.


As Leonard says, if they drive like that on the rural roads, the worse they'll do is end up in a ditch and injure / kill only themselves. But there's no McDonalds carparks there for them show off in front of, so no incentive for them to drive there.

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mcdonalds car park haha, classic!! near me its sainsburys, they all think their too kool for skool :cuckoo:

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