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Your Insurance Cost For Your Corrado

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1.8 16 valver, 3years no claims, i'm 28 but i did write my last rado off (sorry guys - one less :( ) have three points too, but live in rural Devon and its still £900 :shock:

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2 years no claims, fully comp for 5K miles a year (although they've never asked for the miles - so my hands are tied :lol: ) plus a slightly colourful driving history £1065 EEEK!

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Well I just phoned up my current insurer to get an idea on my current insurance status.. i'm with More Than with my Saxo..


I used the number plate of my old 16v Corrado as a reference for a quote and after a bit of banter found out they wouldn't insure me on a Corrado till I was 25. Hah! I was trying to explain to her i'd already owned one for a year, and racked up a year of no claims driving one.. but you can't argue with policy.


Direct line quoted me £930 fully comp on a 2.0 16v, and £1030 on a VR6 if thats of any interest though. Havent phoned anyone else yet though...


I'm 23 (on Thursday), 3 years no claims, no accidents/points/etc, reasonably high risk area.

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Clean License.

Full NCB (protected)

£590 Fully Comp... only £50 more than it was for my previous 'C' which was a 2.0l 16v

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raddo g60



clean licence

5 years no claims


800 comp with 185 bhp limit and all the mods i want!!!


Brentacre are the daddies!!

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Hm.. just tried getting some quotes for modded G60 (~200BHP) - £2735 F/C or £1320 TPF&T with HIC - OUCH! :( :(


I'm 23, 3 years no claims, no accidents or points on my license.


Gonna try a few more in a little bit.

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Thats more like it! £1297.70 fully comp with Brentacre, and thats with 210BHP limit!


What an excellent quote!! :)


Adrian Flux undercut Brentacre by a smidgen (£1260) but I still like the sound of Brentacre more...

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Just got my renewal through from Chris Knott Insurance. Eventually got them down to £719.50 TPFT. 23 with 3 years no claims discount. A reduction of £130.50 on last year :-P

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Elephant gave me an amazingly good quote, (about £770 comp with full NCD) and as I'm in an 'E' rated postcode area that was easily the best price I got. However I decided to go with Chris Knott purely because they were able to offer an 'Agreed Value' policy. If you've spent a lot of money on your C it's the only way to be sure you're covering it for a fair amount.

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Not actually got around to paying a full 12 months on mine yet as i ain't had it long enough, but ran a couple of online quotes through just to see how it was.


25 yr old

7 yrs NCB - Protected

4 points (SP60)

Fully comp with £200 excess

approx £700


On a standard 94 VR6. 8)

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I'm with Herts Insurance got the g60 fully comp for £420.00 mind you that's on limited mileage and im 30 yrs old with full ncb still pretty good though :)

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That is my main problem Fat Tony, NO NCB, I think.

I'll ring around, Adrian Flux, Bell Direct, Admiral and also Barclaycard and keep my fingers crossed, Liverpool Victoria is quiet high but they give you an added years NCB, I'm not too sure what that's about, where is the catch?

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You're a young lad Jim, when you hit the big 25, you're quotes will come down.


For an old 30 yr old like me, I pay just over £500 comp on my VR thru Mr Flux with all mods declared.....can't grumble at that :lol:



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To be honest, I think £1297 is a pretty fair price considering my age, area, and grouping of the car.


I was expecting a lot worse.. like HIC's eye watering £2800 quote.

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22, 1.8 16v 1 years no claims, just got it 730 quid, with alloys third party fire n theft, company out the back of performance VW! was paying bout 1500 before! not a bad drop!

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looks like i am paying the most £1200 full comp! I am 22 no NCB DOH!!! :x


worth every penny though :twisted:

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1.8 16v 49yrs(old fart) fully comp £360. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D age does have its benefits!!!!!! P.S. im thru lloyds TSB

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