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Do they not teach the green cross code any more...?

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I swear people have a death wish these days... the number of times I've had people walking in the road in front of me without a care in the world is just astounding.

Just yesterday, there were these 2 teenagers who seemed oblivious to me, they didnt show any sense of urgency in getting out of the way - I had to stop dead in front of them, then they had the cheek to start swearing at me..?!?!


I remember when I were a lad, Darth Vader showed us how to cross properly - look left, look right, look left again.. :lol:


And even when turning into roads these days, I've noticed people dont look to see it's all clear before they cross..?

I know in Germany pedestrians have right of way, and walk right out in front of you like jay-walkers... :lol: Surely it's not like that over here


Does the car have right of way or not?



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I swear people have a death wish these days... the number of times I've had people walking in the road in front of me without a care in the world is just astounding.

Just yesterday, there were these 2 teenagers who seemed oblivious to me, they didnt show any sense of urgency in getting out of the way - I had to stop dead in front of them, then they had the cheek to start swearing at me..?!?!


I remember when I were a lad, Darth Vader showed us how to cross properly - look left, look right, look left again.. :lol:


And even when turning into roads these days, I've noticed people dont look to see it's all clear before they cross..?

I know in Germany pedestrians have right of way, and walk right out in front of you like jay-walkers... :lol: Surely it's not like that over here


Does the car have right of way or not




Not sure actually that the ca does have the right of way... Have a feeling that pedestrians do....


Anyone know for sure?

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I know, its ridiculous!!! i was turning into a junction the other day and some people looked at me turning in and actually started walking out in front of me as i was turning. no urgency to cross or anything, do these people not understand who will win? have they never played carmageddon?!

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I agree, people especially kids, dont have any road sense what so ever. I once had a kid run from behind a school bus where there was traffic waiting behind it. The only reason i knew someone was there before he popped out was the woman in the car behind the bus waving frantically. I still had to slam on. The kid didnt look and ran across the road and up a little hill didnt even look behind him... :mad2:

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Try living in Cambridge, almost everyone here is a foreign student or tourist. Neither of which seem to have any grasp of even the most basic road laws and just do what ever they like whether that is walking into the road or (and this one is always popular here) cycling across junctions even though it's on red! :cuckoo:


Unfortunately it's such a common occurance that Mill Road in Cambridge is the 3rd highest accident black spot in the entire country....... and most of it is 20mph! Think it's had something like 80 accidents in the last 12 months yet people never get the message that there is a cycle path/walkway that runs parallel the entire length of Mill Road so you don't have to risk getting squashed.


Anyway.... back on topic.... no idea whether the green cross code is taught anymore. But on rights of way, I believe the highway code states something like 'a pedestrian has right of way if crossing a road you are turning into if they have already stepped off the pavement before you arrive at the junction'. As for general rights of way I was always under the impression that in a lot of circumstances it was pedestrians over cyclists over motor vehicles...... but I might have just made that up.... :lol:

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Try getting through Newquay in holiday season, everyone seems to have that 'im on holiday so im gonna amble down the middle of the road without a worry in the world' attitude :?

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I must admit, I scamper across junctions on foot, or through red lights, but only if it's clear etc, I try to make sure I'm not going to end up on a car bonnet as I'd probably do it a lot of damage... :lol:


Was with a random girl waiting to shoot across the junction by my house the other day, stood on the side of the road, off the pavement waiting for an old lady to pass on her bike before we walked across. there was no other traffic in the area, nothing waiting at the junction, or heading towarsds it. She slowed right down, and then called us stupid, before cycling off. :lol:

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I had an old man dive back onto the pavement once when he saw me coming! :grin:


I'm not THAT terrifying on a bike, am I? :eek:

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Try getting through Newquay in holiday season, everyone seems to have that 'im on holiday so im gonna amble down the middle of the road without a worry in the world' attitude :?


i live in cornwall to and newquay is not fun in the summer, its like st ives to, they think they the ones who are ment to be on the road

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I know in Germany pedestrians have right of way, and walk right out in front of you like jay-walkers...


Oh well ... :lol:


Lot of what's written here just makes me laugh. Don't seem to teach how to drive with respect any more in this country, when I think back to how driving was taught back in the olden days in Germany (motorway driving was part of the driving lessons!!) :D


Ah well, let's do it the Italian way then, drive and honk and shout at anything in the way, seems to work down in Spaghetti-Land :lol:



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Turning into a side road, if the pedestrian has started to cross, yes the Ped has right of way and you must give way .


You also mentioned people walking infront of you - you mean along the road in the same direction? They're supposed to walk towards the traffic (see HWC), not away. Common sense tells you its because as a ped', you should try to find cover when a car is coming at full lick; on the flip side we must all drive at a pace that you can stop in the distance you can see.


And what pedestrians dont seem to know, is that on a zebra crossing, they have complete right of way, only once they've started to cross - safest way is to place a toe on the crossing and watch the pileup, lol. They have no right of way without the crossing.


In general, you're right, people seem to have a deathwish. You could always beep your horn to those mindless peds' but then you'll find they start shouting and swearing at you; at which point you run them over, back up again, then drive over again, and the bloody mess smatters the underside of your car, its just so hard to clean off.... oh the nighmares - i cant get rid of them...


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I know in Germany pedestrians have right of way, and walk right out in front of you like jay-walkers...


Oh well ... :lol:


Lot of what's written here just makes me laugh. Don't seem to teach how to drive with respect any more in this country, when I think back to how driving was taught back in the olden days in Germany (motorway driving was part of the driving lessons!!) :D


Ah well, let's do it the Italian way then, drive and honk and shout at anything in the way, seems to work down in Spaghetti-Land :lol:




I *do* drive with respect, but roads are for cars, pavements are for pedestrians. If they are crossing the road, they should get to the other side and not dilly dally around! :D


Lets see what Darth Vader has to say on the matter: :lol:

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I know in Germany pedestrians have right of way, and walk right out in front of you like jay-walkers...


Oh well ... :lol:


Lot of what's written here just makes me laugh. Don't seem to teach how to drive with respect any more in this country, when I think back to how driving was taught back in the olden days in Germany (motorway driving was part of the driving lessons!!) :D


Ah well, let's do it the Italian way then, drive and honk and shout at anything in the way, seems to work down in Spaghetti-Land :lol:




I *do* drive with respect, but roads are for cars, pavements are for pedestrians. If they are crossing the road, they should get to the other side and not dilly dally around! :D


Lets see what Darth Vader has to say on the matter: :lol:


That video is a real sign of the times.... Can you imagine the response of kids today is some freak in a suit turned up and said "Now, that wasn't very clever was it?"... I can....


Happy slapping time methinks???

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Paintball gun, a pistol, not one that can cause pain, but next time they swear just wind the window down and squeeze off a few shots. Should teach em

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A pedestrian does have right of way once off the curb and into the road, but interestingly you don't have to stop if someone is standing at a zebra crossing (they have to step out before you are required to stop) which goes against what I've grown up with *.


Being in a fairly rural area it's also worth noting that Horse's also have right of way if they are in the road. **


* This little fact was given to me by my driving instructor (who was also a driving instructor, er, instructor).

** Off topic I know, but it's another common complaint on the roads.

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