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Corrado clear out (5 shells) + a scirroco

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Hey lads, due to my sister getting married in a few weeks i was given an ultimatium to clear a few corrado shells from around my parents house, stripped them as much as i could witout going too mad as storage is an issue, anyway i took a few farewell pics :(









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Good grief!


Wonder how mny Corrados are left running and on the road now? Seems to be people breaking Corrados every day!

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if only you were nearer would have had the windscreen out of one of them!


that is an awful sight seeing soo many corrado's in bits.

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I may just print those pics out and show them to my G60 as inspiration to it to stop messing me about and start running properly again... ;) :lol:

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haha, all corrado owners print out the pictures with the words "looks like theres room for one more on the flatbed" and put it in the glove box as a warning to their corrado :lol:

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haha, all corrado owners print out the pictures with the words "looks like theres room for one more on the flatbed" and put it in the glove box as a warning to their corrado :lol:


Er, that might not be wise. It would probably self destruct out of spite! :lol:

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I can't say that looking at those pictures doesn't make me hurt inside! Such a shame! :(

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Good grief!


Wonder how mny Corrados are left running and on the road now? Seems to be people breaking Corrados every day!


Now there is a thought. Be intriguing to find out.

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I think various people have tried to find out at one stage or another to no avail. I don't think that there can be many left at all really. And some of the ones on the road are only fit for breaking now they've been so abused/neglected. :(

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I tried to do this under the Freedom of Information Act with the DVLA. They basically fobbed me off by saying that they don't have to provide information such as this if it is not economically viable for them to do so - the limit being half a day of someones time to provide the information. And they said it would have been not viable for them to do it.


Bull$hit in my opinion as they only need to do a query from their database. I may try and pursue it again, maybe invoking a contact at VW or something.

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im sure there was a topic a while ago from someone that worked for the DVLA with a corrado that had found out

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just seen the pics, im now sad :( suppose we are to blame why so many rados get broke up, because we snap up the parts so fast the post office dont know whats hit them!!

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Wonder how mny Corrados are left running and on the road now? Seems to be people breaking Corrados every day!


Id love to know, id say theres only quarter of the 97k left


You don't have an early tornado red bonnet do you? I NEED, repeat NEED one....


na wouldnt have a good one at the minute, sorry mate


You evil bastard :pale:


:lol: believe me if i had more room they would be kept :D


That's a very sad site :( Were they all crash damaged?


Ya mostly, one had an engine fire and lots of crowbar damage :D and the scirocco was rotten with rust


if only you were nearer would have had the windscreen out of one of them!


There was one good screen and i thought about cutting it out but i left it in the end


I may just print those pics out and show them to my G60 as inspiration to it to stop messing me about and start running properly again... ;) :lol:


:lol: good plan, i might do the same :D


haha, all corrado owners print out the pictures with the words "looks like theres room for one more on the flatbed" and put it in the glove box as a warning to their corrado :lol:




I can't say that looking at those pictures doesn't make me hurt inside! Such a shame! :(


Ya its a petty surely, but i suppose the parts off them will help keep others on the road for longer :D


I tried to do this under the Freedom of Information Act with the DVLA. They basically fobbed me off by saying that they don't have to provide information such as this if it is not economically viable for them to do so - the limit being half a day of someones time to provide the information. And they said it would have been not viable for them to do it.


Bull$hit in my opinion as they only need to do a query from their database. I may try and pursue it again, maybe invoking a contact at VW or something.


You should Jim it would be cool to find out, i could try and see how many is over here in Ireland :D


just seen the pics, im now sad :( suppose we are to blame why so many rados get broke up, because we snap up the parts so fast the post office dont know whats hit them!!


True :?


Yeah, it's a sad time. Rados are worth more in jiffy bags than they are as a whole car. :(


Prices have really gone to the dogs these last few months, hope they pick up again

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Mine is destined to be my coffin when the time comes. So you'll need an exhumation order to get any of the bits.

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Mine is destined to be my coffin when the time comes. So you'll need an exhumation order to get any of the bits.


I keep telling my gf exactly that. I want to be buried in the Corrado. Trouble is I keep thinking, if it is still around and in good condition, I'd hate to be responsible for destroying it. :confused4:

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