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Phil K

Best V dub mag - What do you read?

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Just wondering if there's life beyond the likes of PVW and The Golf...


So, what do you read and how do you rate them?


I rate The Golf as a better read than PVW but will always buy PVW as they have more C related features

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I've been a reader of PVW for 5years, although I was a Ford owner for 9 years... :roll: & used to buy there sister mag, PF mag! they featured a couple of my cars in readers rides!!


I sometimes buy The Golf Mag, depends if I can find a copy... :roll: its a good mag, always thought the features were good... :D

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I never buy VW mags, never really interested me to be honest. Not enough Corrado's in them. Not keen on reading about Golfs etc so have been getting PF lately.

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I say The Golf all day long :D


I dont touch or even bother with PVW anymore due to their attitude and its just not me its others that have had talking's to them.


The golf mag has always been true to the true dubber not like these who buy a 2nd car spend crap loads and only use it for 100 miles a year and walk away with every throphy :mad: sorry just my 2p's worth


In the end of the day build them mean & hard and drive them even harder !!!! :evil:

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No offense but I don't read either of those comics, they're too biased toward a certain age group and scene. I prefer quality journalism and to that end, only publications like Top Gear, Evo, VW Motoring, Car and BMW Car find their way into my magazine rack.

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Cool i also read Evo and Vw motoring dont touch BMW's as im kind of sick of them everyone in my area has one :oops:

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Yeah I like Evo, they paint a good picture in your head of what the car they are featuring drives like, where as all that matters to PVW and The Golf is wheels and paint jobs.



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Yeah I like Evo, they paint a good picture in your head of what the car they are featuring drives like, where as all that matters to PVW and The Golf is wheels and paint jobs.




thats very true of EVO i would love to have a job there :D


But i do disagree with your comment about The Golf. PVW is certainly the wildest body/paint and most bling bling wheels get you in there, but The golf looks at the person that owns the car i.e. MAD MAM on club gti forum who builtt and did most of the work himself on his mkI golf and full respect to him with it all.


Thats why i prefer The Golf they take the person that builds the car and shows what they have creasted and thats what i believe makes up the enthusiasm for the VW world.


just my 2p's worth

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Depends what your into :?

I like PVW for vw related bits and pieces.They always seem to have better photographs,than the Golf.Although I do think that the the editorial is aimed a bit at the under twelves. :lol: :lol:

For a really good read and quality photograhs I much prefer BIKE magazine 8) :lol:

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I usually read PVW, which is a good mag, but needs more Corrado's in. :) . Up until i got my c, i used to read vw motoring which is great mag, it's not a boy racers mag and covers the whole vw scene, but because of this not many Corrado's in as well. I haven't got anything against golfs, but when you haven't got one anymore gets a little boring when the majority of articles in some mags are just about them. Maybe i should join the Corrado club and get there magazine. :)

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I used to buy PVW but I think it's gone down hil now. I used to just go and buy it straight away but now i look a it in the shop and find that there is nothing interesting in it. not good really. I also HATE their attitude to actual owners of VW's they only like the cars that have been featured or cars that cost the same as a farrari!!

This has nothing to do with me being a POLO owner as most of you know they don't like them for some reason, fair enough they are'nt as much of a read as a C or a golf but put a few polo's up against there beloved golfs then they'd find out a thing or two about how quick some of our little polo's are!

My car is quicker than alot of cars in there hall of fame and I know many polo's that are as well. Anyway the golf is far better they feature a more mixed rnage and they are a MAG for the Golf which does'nt say much for PVW!!

Anyway bitching over...........lol

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Personally i like 'The Golf' and PVW.

The Golf gives a good insight into the technical side with the problems pages and how to sections and PVW cover a nice variety of car from UK, US and Europe. I used to read max power, revs and fast car previously but they started getting abit tedious specially when you see the typical fast and furious wannabe's, i quite like the look on the jap cars but on fiestas and corsa's ppprrrlllleeeasseee!

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I read PVW have done for years they have some good group thrashs, some times buy the golf. Aslo read Volkwagen Driver which is more based on standard vws but is very intresting to read :)

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PVW... just never cancelled it even after selling my Corrado. Helps me keep my finger on the pulse :)


Scoping out all the stuff I wanna do to my next dub whenever I get it :)

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I used to prefer PVW but I think that’s because of its better graphic design and overall look. However, the quality of the articles in the Golf is better. One of the problems with the magazines is that they seem scared to say a bad word about any garage or product for fear of offending there advertisers. There okay magazines but if you compare them to any bike magazines there not as good. All bike magazines have great articles on products and services giving them honest unprejudiced reviews. I suppose this is because of a small circulation and the advertising revenue being very important.


The problem pages are great!


Dub freak: "my cars not right Mr Awesome..."

Mr Awesome: "bring it round son, we'll sort it!” ........"ch-ching!"


Genius :lol:

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i regulary get VW Driver,VWmotoring and occasionally get PVW or the golf


i also regulary get



Classic Cars


Retro Classics

Practical Classics

Classic and Sportscar



though must admit did buy February's edition of Fast-Ford..............only for the RS 1600i article........honest :oops:

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i read what ever VW or good var make i can get, However i had a years worth of The golf mag come throught the door and it repeats itself

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PVW all the way :-) i will pester elliot roberts on wednesday and ask him for more corrados in the mags.... lol


also he should have my PVW windshild sticker...LOL

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I read both PVW and Golf......and it does seem that the Golf feature more 'daily driver' type of cars rather than some of the big budget Premier creations, although PVW seem to be trying to adress the balance.


Also get the european Dub mags ie. VW Scene, VW-Speed, and VW-WOB!......and yes, my German is getting much better!!! ;-)

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I read both PVW and Golf......and it does seem that the Golf feature more 'daily driver' type of cars rather than some of the big budget Premier creations, although PVW seem to be trying to adress the balance.


Also get the european Dub mags ie. VW Scene, VW-Speed, and VW-WOB!......and yes, my German is getting much better!!! ;-)


hello mate


where do you get the mags??


also do you find them good for parts?

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I subscribe to them, they are actually cheaper than the 'local' mags - about £28 for one years sub posted from Germany!!


Very good for parts, specialist VW tuning websites etc... 8)

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PVW all the way for me. scan it in the shop first, but usually buy it. rarely buy golf, hate it really.


occasioanaly buy any other car mag that going or every one thats going :lol:

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