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Not even funny. (G60death.) - Insurance quote in.

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Bought a G60 a couple weeks ago. Drove it up from Glasgow. Ran about 20 miles in it once I had her back up the road. Got the charger sent off after that for a service. Got it back and running on Thursday. Tried driving it to Aberdeen, thought it would be a good chance to break in the charger too. Would have been over 250 miles by the time I got back.


12 miles out the road, seen a 206 almost smash into a kerb at a roundabout. Thought "Really do not want to be behind this car". Overtook it, which took forever not going over 4k rpm. :lol: 2 miles later, 2 cars in front of me start slowing down to pull off the road, all 3 of us are pretty much stopped. Rear view mirror. A set of lights absolutely FLYING towards me. Just screamed "NOOOO!!" then BANG! Car absolutely flung forward. Car in front just managed to get clear.


Got out the car and the back was absolutely panned in. Absolutely wanted to cry. Was NO reason in the slightest she could not see us. Wasn't like it was just round a corner or anything, it was on a straight. Everyone that seen it and ourselfs think the driver did not even touch the brakes. Must have been txting or something. Seriously SO hacked off. Whats the chances she's gonna get fined? Quite high?

Also what's the score retrieving parts from it? It had a full custom interior and the charger only had about 30 miles on it since the rebuild!


Me and my mate are fine, both suffering pretty bad whiplash though! When I rebounded back into the seat it flew back on the rails then reclined all the way back. Not good. :brickwall:

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im guessing it was the 206 driver that hit you?? Feel for you mate lifes more important though it may not seem like it at the minute but at least your ok!

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Ah yeah, it was the 206. Forgot to mention that.

Yeah everyones okay thats the main thing!


Oh and I know how annoying it is seeing another Rado written off but....


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Ah yeah, it was the 206. Forgot to mention that.

Yeah everyones okay thats the main thing!


Oh and I know how annoying it is seeing another Rado written off but....



Me too mate and i feel for you. But as said the main thing is you're both ok.

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aw shit man, that really is sore to see and really does hit home :(


Main thing is your both ok besides the whiplash, there is far too many drivers on the roads today that have a standard lower than low. I know what you mean about being behind a car that comes close to hitting a kerb, heading through to anstruther, back roads in fife, its a gorgeous little road going slow or enthusiastically and a peugeot expert thing kept veering towards the edge of the road, then onto the other side of the road, couple of times it was close to hitting oncoming traffic so I decided the same, time to overtake.


Really feel sorry for you and the rado though bud :( but again glad you and your mate are ok!

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Ah shit not good, personally I just drop back from people like that for this very reason. As long as you told the Police and got witnesses to the way they were driving then something should happen, the fact you all stopped fine yet she didnt indicates that she was too close or going to fast.

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Gutted for you mate! :-( I nearly had the same thing happen a few years ago but the guy behind managed to turn through the skid and just went down the side of me and wrote off the car in front...


If you havent been through the nightmare that is dealing with :censored: insurance companies yet, I would suggest you head off the "here's a grand for you car mate" standard offer by getting together all the receipets you have for any work done on the car together with as many pics of the car showing what good condition it was in etc and send it off to them as soon as possable.





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Words can't even describe how :bad-words: :mad2: :cry: I am for u mate. That's a REAL schitter. People like that person should just not be allowed on the road. Real feel for u buddy and glad u and ur mate are ok. :bad-words:

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the fact you all stopped fine yet she didnt indicates that she was too close or going to fast.

Nah it wasn't that she was too close, She was a good bit behind us! So there was NOTHING to stop her stopping, she must have been on a phone or something. Yeah I'm def not taking under 1500 for it. Just heard that the lassie is trying to blame me somehow? I stopped my car, she didn't. :censored:


Unfortunately I don't think anyone else witnessed her almost hitting the kerb apart from us in the car.

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when i read this earlier I was so saddened by it I couldn't reply.


Then I realised I needed to let you know I've felt your pain!


Hope you get it sorted and your necks improve

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Nah it wasn't that she was too close, She was a good bit behind us! So there was NOTHING to stop her stopping, she must have been on a phone or something. Yeah I'm def not taking under 1500 for it. Just heard that the lassie is trying to blame me somehow? I stopped my car, she didn't. :censored:


Unfortunately I don't think anyone else witnessed her almost hitting the kerb apart from us in the car.



She ran into the back of you !!!!!!!

Shes to blame end of !!!!!!! :) :)

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Yup, she should automatically get the blame, especially if there were loads of room between her and you. Makes you wonder why she was unable to pull up in time :cuckoo:

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What a nightmare, but as others have said you're ok that's the main thing - and she hit the back of you so a nice easy open / close insurance claim :) Hopefully you can buy the G60 back from the salvage company for not much and then you've got a nice freshly built G-Lader to go into your next Corrado (assuming it's a G60!) :)

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As far as taking bits of it, you shouldnt really. Your supposed to buy it back from insurance.


But anything not declared, such as your inerior could be exchanged for a standard one. Nothing to stop you taking charger off and putting a belt on in its place.....it wasnt running when this happened etc.


Shame about the motor though.

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Hi sorry to hear bout the accident, stupid probably too busy putting her make up on. :bad-words:

As far as insurance goes you can go through a non fault claims company ( she can either admit liability or the NFC will see it as her liability and get the claim going). Her insurance company will send out an assessor to value your car and see whether its repairable or a write off.

If you need a car asap you should contact the Non fault claims company and they'll send you one out fairly quickly.

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Thats not good from a point of view of getting her charged. A guy pulled right out in front of me last year on my bike and despite there being loads of people about no one would say they were a witness. The Police then said is was my view against his (depsite my bike have no front end and a nice dent in the front of his car) so they treat it as a knock for knock. Only after checking CCTV did they go and charge the bugger.


Hopefully the Police will help as Im sure it helped me get my inusrance money with no problems.

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i had exact same thing happen to me, know how your feeling!! :(


i brought the car back for 10% of what i got... haggle the insurance for as much as possible, i told them to look at autotrader and places to see the prices of a corrado in good condition with this interior etc etc...


i also went to the hospital, informed my insurance i was injured and got a pay out... i got £1700 for whiplash to my neck, i got £2300 and my VR6 back.


I would definately claim as much as possible, you deserve the money for your new car

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I too am sorry to hear this and also glad to hear the injuries are not too bad.


Please get seen as soon as you can by a Physio for your neck as they can be long lasting injuries.

You are normally given some neck excercises to help. Ibrofun is also good for this.


My immediate thought on the other driver and your thought of her probably Texting - if you report this to the Police, they can check this and fine accordingly from my understanding.


Shame too about the car, afraid I don't know what to say, life can be very hard at times, but Cars can be replaced.


Good luck in sorting this all out, hopefully to your overal advantage.



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Gutted for you chap.


I often think about how bad it would be if you completely rennovated a Corrado, acid dipped body, new paint job etc. etc. and then some pillock drives straight into you.



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Oh my god. After 2 weeks of being arsed about my insurance company phoned me up with a price for replacing it. £365. Due to the door having to be replaced. To say I'm livid is an understatement.

I spent more than that on the Charger just a week before!

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Oh my god. After 2 weeks of being arsed about my insurance company phoned me up with a price for replacing it. £365. Due to the door having to be replaced. To say I'm livid is an understatement.

I spent more than that on the Charger just a week before!


Aye £365! For the replacement value of the car????

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Right, crack is it was a Cat C write off previously. I wouldn't have thought that'd effect the value so much when I bought it, 200-300 quid at the most. Instead that's what I'd get for it!! Lesson learned!!

My G-werks receipt from a few days prior to the accident won't even make them budge at all on the price. Been told I need to find another Corrado that's been a total loss before, for sale if I want the price to go up. Originally it was meant to be within 60 miles, but I said I doubt there's even another G60 within 60 miles and I've been given some extension to that.


Don't suppose anyone's seen any Corrado's for sale that've been written off before? I have a feeling this is a loosing battle. Buying the car back regardless and will probably break it or re-shell it.


EDIT, Just sent off this ebay link. Hoping they'll see sense and give me a bit more!! http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/1996-VOLKSWAGEN-C ... 795wt_1167

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