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Terribly misted up G60!

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so the verdict is the condesation build up can be a number of things, water ingress into the vehicle,temperature diffrences between inside and outside the car resulting in condensation, and seems quite normal on a corrado these days, so has any one heard of this fault when the vehicle was first manufactured, and complaint when the corrado was first born!!!just out of interest, is this a production normality, slight build up of condesation in the mornings? :shrug: :brickwall:

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so the verdict is the condesation build up can be a number of things, water ingress into the vehicle,temperature diffrences between inside and outside the car resulting in condensation, and seems quite normal on a corrado these days, so has any one heard of this fault when the vehicle was first manufactured, and complaint when the corrado was first born!!!just out of interest, is this a production normality, slight build up of condesation in the mornings? :shrug: :brickwall:


good question, i dnt know :shrug:

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this is actually beginning to bug me - i had originally put it down to the large surface area of the rear window, but i can literally see the rear window starting to mist up again in the driveway. I've adjusted the lock to pull it further down, but this has not done anything. No leaks thankfully (or none that i have detected) badges also seem water tight (will check again). foliage seal is ok, heater matrix fine, carpets are dry, doors seems to pull quite tight (new door pins too) so i'm at a bit of a loss. I'll pick up some silica gel this weekend but i'd rather try and find the cause, than treat the symptoms. Any other suggestions welcomed.

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Silica gel is expensive and saturates fast - you'll be forever replacing it (though you can stick it in the oven on low for a while to dry it back out again and reuse it...)


My ex's uncle had a Ferrari that lived under a car cover during the winter - guaranteed condensation. Don't laugh too hard, but he started putting a tub of rice in the passenger footwell - problem solved! It's a hell of a lot cheaper than a bucket of silica, and you can chuck it out without that stabbing pain in the wallet.


Pretty much all condensation is caused because warm air can have a lot more moisture dissolved into it than the same volume of cold air. That's why your breath fogs things up when you get in - warm (body temperature) air is cooled by the cold air in the car and all the moisture condenses out of it. If there's something large and cold nearby, like say the windscreen, then it cools the warm, moisture-laden air which dumps all the water onto the surface. Putting the heaters on full whack and filling the car until your missus complains (:lol:) will trap all the moisture in the warm air, and opening the sunroof lets it out so the water ends up outside.


If you're finding the windows mist up quickly in the morning then it's far better to set off wherever you're going with the windows open and the heater turned up - making sure there's plenty of airflow stops you from accumulating tons of moisture into the car's atmosphere (from your breath) while it's cold, since it'll just accumulate on the windscreen. Then just whack the windows up when the heater kicks in and you'll be cosy in no time. Heated seats make this a lot more tolerable! Whatever you do don't just sit in the car with the heater on and engine running waiting for the windscreen to clear - it'll take ages because you keep topping the water level up. Opening the windows will clear it a lot faster, and it'll be freezing inside regardless so you've not lost anything :)



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