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Scotts of Sloane Square "Carry on" Campaign

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I never plan to sell the car. I sold my 16V four years ago and wanted another after seeing it being driven away (and nearly did on two occasions). Okay there "may" be a time when I have to consider it for the sake of the family but in near future that isn't going to happen (he says fingers crossed).


.....I had a feeling the response would go something like that - I feel the same about mine mate, but my miss' always says that if someone came along at the right price blah blah !!!....... :nono: I dont think so :D ......thing is with yours is that by the time its finished that 'right price' might just be higher than you might imagine :lol:


To be fair to my missus, she is 100% behind the car and its restoration. Maybe because she's a named driver on it has something to do with it !


Funny but when somebody asks me what I drive the conversation usually goes something along the lines of:


"Oh a Corrado, that was the Scirrocco replacement (or Mk2 Scirrocco), yeah"

"Is it a VR6"

"Is it a storm"

"Oh its not a storm"

"A campaign.. naaah sorry mate, never heard of it. What's one of them then"


They then also start talking about its worth but honestly it matters not one jot (apart from to the insurance) as the enjoyment I get out of it is priceless.


I've a friend who's a 911 fan and showed his 964 turbo 2 and used to get many offers of purchase but always declined as if he was to get rid of it, it must be on his terms.

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To be fair to my missus, she is 100% behind the car and its restoration. Maybe because she's a named driver on it has something to do with it !


:shock: brave man :D ........look forward to next instalment matey.

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Had my weekly trip down to the dealers and called in at the bodyshop for an update to see if they had made a start. They've filled the bumps/dings/knocks and started on the prep. Primer to go on next week. Images thus far...

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wow! :eek:


Hats off to you matey.... that's some task you've taken on and you seem to be both enjoying it, and doing it right! 8)


I think you are stark raving mad :cuckoo: but in a seriously good way! :notworthy:


I'll be following this thread with interest as this car is something a little special... Keep up the good work... 8)

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Slow progress at the moment but the cracked screen is out and the first stage of primer is on. Good news when the screen came out as all the metal work was in mint condition, with only a very small amount of surface corrosion. They've mixed a primer in purple so the topcoat doesn't have to go on too thick.

Boring images I know but all part of the overall picture.




Edited by James.

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Any progress to report? Would love to come across and see this as you must be local, be awesome to see a restored Campaign

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Will have a clearer picture (completion date wise) tomorrow as it's tomorrow the bodywork "should" be finished. It's dragging on a bit now, but to be honest I don't mind so long as the result is good. Just need to build it back up then.

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Just need to get the screen fitted tomorrow or Wednesday. Home and in the garage for the weekend. Hoo-bloody-rah !


Bit the bullet and bought a new sunroof seal also.



Edited by James.

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Depends on what you're thinking !


I stripped the car down to a shell and then went to work haggling.


Typical that the sun didn't shine today so couldn't get a full workout from the spray job. Hopefully the Iclandic volcano won't send us spiralling into an ice age and we get some more sunny days !

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To say I am dissapointed is an understatement. Last week all was going well (or so I thought) and now it's not.


Arranged for the car to be collected then that got put back till next Tuesday.


Then I've spent nearly a week phoning and emailing Autowindscreens. I jokingly said to their head office staff that I thought they had ceased trading ! When I got a phone call off their Liverpool branch to arrange fitting it turns out the Warrington arm had been shut permenantly !


I've just had a call from them today that there's a two week lead time on the windscreen parts. When the Warrington branch shut, they threw away all the retained parts, including my parts. I am going spare with frustration.


To be fair to the Liverpool branch they've grabbed the bull by the horns and laid out what they are going to do and when. More importantly they've rang me back when they said they would and kept me up to speed.


I'm going to the body shop on Friday to collect some finished parts and have another peek so the story will drag on a bit longer yet.


Out with friends tonight and it's our annual pilgrimage to the Eagle and Child beer festival tomorrow so it's not all bad :)

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When the Warrington branch shut, they threw away all the retained parts, including my parts.


this is just retarded, even if they were just a franchise the absolute lack of effort by any businesses in general to reuse or pass anything on is pathetic these days. hope you get sorted soon enough but the western world should be embarrassed by the habits we've got into..


i'm glad its still on course though, was worried when i read the first line of your post!

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Not good news matey but hang in there am sure it'll all come good for a superb project, i very nearly bought a campaign too a few years back but just couldn't stretch to it at the time.


It goes without saying that if i ever see this in the flesh i will be utterly jealous :luvlove:


Keep the faith as i know it'll be there soon. :salute:

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Thanks for the moral support. So long as I get a few summer months out of it I'll be a happy man. I think its going to be a long time before its anything like yours though. Luckily I'm in no rush !

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Lol! it's an ongoing project that has lasted 11 years so far & still need loads doing and god knows how much money but love it to bits :lol: :luvlove:

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After what feels like an eternity she's back at home in the garage where she belongs.

Rinsed off the volcanic matter and have cleaned out the inside in preperation for the interior refit.


Birthday today (Weds) so I'm spending the day up a ladder roofing and then will come home for a quick look, evening with the family before an early night in anticipation for the start of the refit the following morning 👏


Quick pictures for the record before retiring for the night

Edited by James.

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