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Toyotal Recall

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am I the only one getting pi55ed off with this, 'The Press' are just scaring people for no reason at all, from interviews made in the street by the good old BBC it seems the general public has been reliably informed that toyotas are now the most unreliable and dangerous car you can buy.

What a load of complete horse manure, even had a knob from Parkers price guide on TV yesterday saying how they may reduce their book prices for second hand toyotas becasue of this :brickwall:

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Thanks for that, Davidwort.

Glad its not just me thinks this. I may be biased as we bought our first ever Toyota in June. It has had a breakdown due to a loose connection ("quality control issue?" I said on the next questionnaire from them :lol: ) but apart from that we think the car is great. The dealers - SDM of Falkirk - first everToyota dealers in the UK - and all their staff are the best i have ever had experience of in 40 years of running a car. That alone would make me never rule out Toyota around here.

The "news" yesterday was not news, but stuff we had already had hammered home the day before. The missus and I thought the BBC seemed to have some kind of tedious and persistent gloat and schadenfreude (sp?) going.

People who make snap decisions about Toyota on the basis of these recalls and the heavily negative reporting by the media are being rash, IMO.

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Ah the media, got to hate them.


It's all a by-product of this 24 hour news culture that we live in; rolling from one crisis to another.

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The thing that annoys me is that they're now picking up on every recall and presenting it as some kind of car industry wide disaster. There probably isn't a car on the road that hasn't been subject to some kind of recall...

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I watched the head of Toyota UK being attacked by that Charlie bloke on the BBC's breakfast show (Susanna Reid is a babe though!) on Monday morning.


I felt Mr Toyota man reassuringly explained the problem with the brakes very well. It's just a software issue with the ABS ECU which releases the calipers slightly too soon, and a minor update would fix the issue. He repeatedly stressed that the car is NOT unsafe.


That wasn't good enough. Charlie started getting really aggressive and threw ridiculous statements at him about families potentially dying etc etc from these 'unsafe' Toyotas :roll: It's deliberate sensationalism to get the public worked up. What the frig does he know about Toyota's braking system? Stupid idiot.


No mention of Toyota's hithertho faultless track record, no mention of the speed, efficiency and good will of their recall. Considering only a handful of incidents have occurred (the exact details of which kept quiet by the medai oddly enough), Toyota went balls out and recalled the lot regardless and hats off to them.


Compare that to Maclaren Buggy's attitude with their buggies chopping toddler's finger tips off. They only recalled them in the USA and made the bare minimum of effort to reassure the British public.


Whilst on the subject of Toyota, more Supra type cars and less Champagne gold Avensises please.....

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Totally agree with everything you say kev, the press seem to point the public in the direction of a skandal for the sake of a extra sales. Now all these idiot people will assume that because these new toyota's are so 'unsafe' that all toyota's over the years will be unsafe. its totally ridiculous and for the sake of a quick story, toyota who have made an enormous effort to ensure safety with all cars, the press are going to make a huge hit to toyota's sales.

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Agree... it's a load of tosh.... what car hasent had a recall... I believe the rado VR had 2 recalls !


And I'm guessing it's not toyota's part involved it's the OEM contractors.

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might soon be a good time to buy a Toyota though :)


You may want to rethink that... Deathraps the lot of them! Apparently they all have deadly baby-killer braking issues that cause them to randomly spin off and burst in to flames!


Heard about it on breakfast TV...

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My Toyota's accelerator pedal gets stuck down and the car races to 140mph and I can't stop it. Should they really issue me with a speeding ticket ? :norty:

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might soon be a good time to buy a Toyota though :)


perhaps but how long will it take them to recover?


thats a thought, how many people in toyota's do you reckon will get a speed ticket and claim the accelerator pedal was stuck lol... then again how many people in stupid prius will be able to break the speed limit lol

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My Toyota's accelerator pedal gets stuck down and the car races to 140mph and I can't stop it. Should they really issue me with a speeding ticket ? :norty:


there was a bloke in bmw that had the same problem. long story short he was told he couldnt turn the engine off, ended up crashing at a roundabout.


didnt hear bmw being torn to pieces for that though.


still yesterdays news now. its airbags today

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...its airbags today


In Honda's. Which surely only presents any potential issue if it needs to go off.


Media muppets... surprised they haven't considered the ever increasing price at the pumps meaning that there will be no cars to die in on the roads soon anyway :lol:

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...its airbags today
In Honda's. Which surely only presents any potential issue if it needs to go off.


no that is actually quite amusing, they are just randomly going off! well not amusing in the a way i would be laughing at peoples misfortunes or any injured but in my mind in the cartoon form

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. I believe the rado VR had 2 recalls !


And the MK2 Golf with it's heater matrix bypass!. Funny isn't it. With these cars there was a real danger of being severely scalded by an exploding heater matrix, not to mention the impaired visibility from the steam, but I don't remember a scathing attack on Volkswagen like poor old Toyota are going through right now.


Of all the world crisises I've seen in my time, a slightly iffy throttle pedal and brakes that don't 'feel' right has to rank up there with the worst doesn't it?


Most owners of these cars would probably normally think, "The pedal feels a bit odd, I'll drop it off at the dealer and see what they think, or mention it at the next service" but because of the media sticking their beaks in, people are now over reacting about it.


And I'm guessing it's not toyota's part involved it's the OEM contractors.


Yep, a dodgy load of parts from their OEM supplier. I bet they don't get a rollocking for it. Poor old Toyota have to bear the brunt.

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