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What are your door pins like i.e. can you get a loop under them to pull them up? Could they have used the old coat hanger to open the door, open the bonnet and turn off the alarm?

Good news though. Did you report it stolen to your insurnace?

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I haven't spoken to my insurance company at all yet, should I have? I have an incident number from the cops and they say I can get a CR (crime reference?) number off them if the insurance wants it. As far as the doors go I suppose that's possible. I won't have a chance to look at the car again properly before the weekend as I've garaged it for now. I don't fancy leaving it on the street at the moment, especially in its current state.

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Nice one :D .........weird one with the alarm though :shrug: .........come to think about it, on an old car of mine the alarm fob used to unlock a friends neighbours car???........Did you have the toad fitted recently?.....My alarm went off at midnight 2 nights ago and i was downstairs like a man possessed, nothing there and no-one about.......didn't stop me staying up another hour keeping watch :lol:

Anyway, really pleased you have it back :D

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I noticed that you said there was fag ash, did they happen to leave any actual fag ends? If so you should ensure that the police recover these as they can be used to gain DNA from saliva traces on there, unfortunately this sort of thing is not going to be high on their priorities but if the evidence is there I think they should try to catch the turds

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glad you got the c back mate. makes me so angry that these tossers can go around doin what they want without much fear from old bill.when i was in london the smaller car dealers used to have german shepherds in there small holdings ,they also used to leave one in the car they drove to the pub in ,if they were to george list to drive home,now only the most stupid of thieves would try to nick that! better than an alarm anyday of the week!.hope you get things sorted soon.

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Glad you got it back in relative order. Hope you can fix it up, can you get away with a little filler in the rear quarter. The reason i say is bodywork and spray work soon gets expensive and insurance companies might write it off once it starts getting expensive for them. Are you definitely going to claim, not sure if you have to tell them either?

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Superb news you got her back mate though crushing to hear that it's been damaged so much.. glad to hear you're thinking positively about it though, and looking at what can be fixed! :)


Hope she's not been driven too hard in the time the scum had it :(


Not sure what to say about the alarm - it is a mystery and a bit worrying. Might be worth taking to using other means to immobilize it for a while until you can get to the bottom of it - like disconnecting something important from under the bonnet or leaving the fuse cover off and pulling the fuel pump relay or something so that it simply can't be started even if they bypass the alarm...


How long has the alarm been fitted to the car..? Wondering if it needs an "MOT" to ensure it's working correctly? :(

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good news on getting her back. I don't know what else to say ref alarm, maybe they used those cloning signals. I have started using my crook lock items again. Not totally thieft proof but a deterant none the less :nono:

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hi mate glad you got your car back :clap: made me think about my own security on mine always run around lowish on fuel so if someone did take it they would have to put fuel in it , but if they is gonna wreck the flap not so good :shrug: was your alarm recently fitted had a case a while ago down my way with cars having thier stereos taken with no damage done the old bill traced it back to someone working at a car audio dealer :mad2: guess you cant trust anyone

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As far as the cops go they seem to have washed their hands of it. They didn't bother with talking to ASDA and the PC that phoned me said there wasn't any point in dusting for prints, though he didn't give any reason. I can't say I blame them to be honest. If whoever did it got caught they'd probably just get a slap on the wrists, such is the Scottish judicial system. It's a sad fact that as a law abiding citizen it appears that it is your responsibility to prevent crime. To actually solve these problems properly you either need effective punishment or social reform/education. It seems to me that the society we live in is a combination of too politically correct and economically poor, for these solutions.


As far as the damage goes, scott-mk3 on Scottish VAG has an interesting point with respect to the filler flap.

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Glad you got it back, better than finding it burnt out somewhere... I think you need to notify your insurer within a pretty small time frame or they get arsey. You can let them know the details initially without putting a claim through. I'd do that ASAP and then see what they say. They should assess it for you and still let you choose if you want to claim etc based on your excess and if they think it is a write-off etc.

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oh what, unlucky I stay in Edinburgh and i certainly know where niddrie is, i had a 97 plate polo that looked a like a wreck and was sitting in one of my fields and well out of sight, as it was to be used as a field car when there was enough space. Would you guess someone bricked the window and tried to hot wire a 1.0 polo, they had tried the locks and obvously gave up on that idea and used a brick. I did have the dash out at that point but yeah they found the alarm it had, as i found cut out and on the passenger seat. Suppose i had the last laugh when the battery was so dead so they would have been lucky if the interior light would have even come on hehe

I stay near Edinburgh airport

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fuck man just read the whole post and i was ragin for u....i read on and u got it back. fucking savage tho.

good luck with gettin her fixed

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The fuel filler flap was made worse by all the rust; I was going to have to do something about this sooner or later anyway. At least it was working before though :(. I tried messing about with the filler lock and pneumatic pump thingy and couldn't get the central locking to do anything, so I think the theory here is probably a red herring. I'm back to having no clue how they got in since there is no sign of forced entry around the doors. The steering column is well ****ed. Basically everything from the adjustable part back to the wheel is going to have to be replaced. Dicks.


Corrado conversion V2 (3).pdfDSCF4686.JPG[/attachment:18zbj0ro]



ETKA Corrado.pdfDSCF4699.JPG[/attachment:18zbj0ro]



passat climatronic wiring diags.pdfDSCF4705.JPG[/attachment:18zbj0ro]

climatronic wiring-Golf from May 01.pdfDSCF4706.JPG[/attachment:18zbj0ro]

2.8l 24v Climatronic system.pdfDSCF4708.JPG[/attachment:18zbj0ro]


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Just found this thread,so happy you got it back. Going to start looking at improving my security as I too live in Edinburgh.Maybe the wee barstewards have got a taste for Corrados again. Retro car thieves :censored:

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Regarding the alarm....


A guy I work with has a relatively new TTS. His misses has a Mini. A few weeks ago, both of there cars were found unlocked in the morning. They both swear blind that they wouldn't have left them unlocked. Nothing stolen although my mate had left his wallet inside and they nicked the cash and emptied his cards down the street. He went to the Audi garage to find out if they could shed any light on it but they had no idea.


He is a bit dippy but strange that both the cars were unlocked!

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Good news to hear that you've had the car returned!! I kmow that it's really fustrating with the damage that has been done, but atleast you've had a back together. Could have been stripped or even worse torched.


In regards to the locks not being tampered with. About 15 years ago my grandfarther had his mk2 Golf broken onto. There was no damage to the locks at first loock, until the forensic guy came out. He pointed out that the way the car had been opened was by the pikeys putting a screwdriver underneath the handle and pushing it upwards. Take a look under the hadle to check if there are any marks.

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Regarding the alarm....


A guy I work with has a relatively new TTS. His misses has a Mini. A few weeks ago, both of there cars were found unlocked in the morning. They both swear blind that they wouldn't have left them unlocked. Nothing stolen although my mate had left his wallet inside and they nicked the cash and emptied his cards down the street. He went to the Audi garage to find out if they could shed any light on it but they had no idea.


He is a bit dippy but strange that both the cars were unlocked!


You can say that again - leaving a wallet in the car is asking for trouble :scratch: .

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Man that's some story. Really glad you got the car back.

Probably best to sort the damage to the steering column yourself using second hand parts from here/scrapyard.

I'd say a new steering column and labour from a VW dealer would be £££££ and they wouldn't do it right either.

There might be a sympathetic VW Specialist in your area who can help.


Worrying that they seemingly gained entry so easily....

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Well the insurance company's garage have had my car for a week now and have yet to call me back. What if I needed this car daily? (I don't). Anyway. I'm fully expecting them to write it off on the uneconomic basis. I'm hoping that I can convince them to sort out the bodywork problems and I'll deal with the steering column/missing trim/ignition wiring parts, only claiming for the second hand part cost (probably no more than 100 quid or so). Assuming they do write it off (likely) and they do agree to this (less likely), I'm hoping I can get the whole panel around the fuel filler replaced as the arch has a bit of rust on it too.


Also, I found out how they got in. The passenger door has been levered open at the top, but the t**tface s**thead that did it made a relatively neat job of it, if that's possible. It's been bent back into position once the door was open and I simply didn't notice the damage before. There are some scratches and dents on the body where the screw driver or whatever was inserted and the plastic trim around the mirror has been snapped. The door still works, but could really do with being replaced eventually. I could live with it for the time being though :roll:.


The whole thing is infeasibly aggravating.

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To be fair mate after the mess theyve made i think youd be better off with them writing it off.

Time you factor in what the repairs are going to cost and the faffing around with the wiring and column and youve still got the damage on the passenger side door and the roof...

When you can go and buy good VR Corrado for 2.5k nowadays youve got to think is it worth it to settle for a car that has that amount of work needing doing.

All depends on what the insurance companies are willing to pay you though, id be collecting evidence of what good VR's are selling for to submit as evidence in the event of them paying out...

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Perhaps; it depends how much they would be willing to pay out though. I've put a lot of time and effort into this car, so the thought of having to go through that all again on a different car with the same problems makes me wince.

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