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Biggerbigben - Golf sold.. another new project!

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Right, no more buggering about, Tax, Insurance, Drive and Enjoy. 8)

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thats absolute quality, go drive ben and make sure you embarass a few cars its the best bit have fun!


mate all your hard work now dinished you must be well happy credit to you!

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Nice one fella.. bet it will be nice driving it to shows rather than towing it ;)


Can't wait to see it and blag a ride 8)

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Hi guys.... thanks for the kind words!


Yes yes its on the road.. wooohhoo !! sorry I haven't had a chance to come on here all weekend as you can imagine! lol


Right so.. MOT'd yesterday morning, straight to the post office for the tax disc and I was off! I had a party down south to go to yesterday so it was an ideal chance to take it on the road for its first proper shake down.. Roadside cover was paid for and I set off on my travels.. 2 miles later I had stopped and had the car up in the air at the side of the road.. bloody inner front CV bolts had worked their way loose.. tightened them up and got cracking.. So I got to RAF Lakenheath area where I decided to open her up! A long straight bit of road, 8 or more cars in front of me, so I nailed it past them.. Road Angel was reading some large numbers by the end of that but by god does it fly! Overtaking isn't a worry anylonger! So it made the 160 mile journey with no other real probs. Got 25 MPG from it sitting on the motorway at around 80-90.. (rallye ratios are crap, should be able to get 30+ MPG off boost for sure with a VR cogs!)


Anyway hanging like a mo fo (hungover - yeah!) a mate and myself decided to pop by London Volksfest as it was on my way home.. well apart from loosing 5th on the M25 while chasing a TVR ;-) hehehehe... we got to the show ok. (5th keeps popping out so I need to adjust to the selector inside the box - easy fix hopefully)


Show was chilled.. met a couple of people on here - HI .. :) Sorry for the dirt all over the car, for those who saw it.. and the interior was a mess..! Didn't take it up the strip.. didn't want to risk it on its first couple of days on the road.. Anyway blasted a few cars on the way home including an M5 ;-)


Need to do a few bits on it but its pretty much there.. not sure how long the gearbox is going to hold out as it doesn't feel very strong to me.. anyone got a spare rallye/syncro box and matching transfer box as I need to find a home for these VR6 cogs I have ;-)


So 350 miles isn't bad going for a weekend.. at least the roadside recovery wasn't needed!


A tired but very happy Ben!

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well done sounded like you had fun, time to enjoy i would emagine. :D

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Sounds mad. 4 and a half years...I havent even been driving that long. I can only ttry and imagine your joy, lol. Good work.

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mate ive only just been driving that long and never owned anything but a vw lol!


so ben what did you get her up to on the private runway stip lol?


I haven't had her on the runway yet.. Trying to organise something for september.. A coupehaus thrash / beers on the beach! Will keep people posted on that score..


When I overtook those 8 cars near Lakenheath airfield I beleive I saw cough..140..cough.. on the road angel but I may have been mistaken if any of the queens finest are reading this.. :oops: OSV :wink: :lol:


Would like to get it to bruningthorpe sometime to see what she's made off! 8)

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Nice one Ben - I bet your so happy after all this time!!!


We'll have to look at that head to head agina soon as I'm now on the way to completion!!

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When I overtook those 8 cars near Lakenheath airfield I beleive I saw cough..140..cough.. on the road angel but I may have been mistaken if any of the queens finest are reading this.. :oops: OSV :wink: :lol:


Even if it is a maybe.... :shock: :shock:

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excellent news


there's ALWAYS something comes loose ont hat first drive out. for me it was the prop, bloody bolts VW sent me were too short and only held in the VC by 2 threads. spinning up all 4 wheels on the loose onthe way out of york dragway didn't seem to agree with them! but my mate follwing in his golf said the stone chips were worth it for being able to see 2 "rooster tails" os dust launching off the rear wheels.


you will have some meag fun with that car, just go steady, as the syncro system isn't very strong at all.


I stil have a pile of gearbox bits, I may sell you a casing, diff and cast steel transfer box as bits if that's all you need?

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PhatVR6, Thanks for your comments Paul.. I'm taking 1st gear very carefully all the time.. and I don't have 5th at the mo so from 2-4th I'm having some fun!!!





See below!!

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