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Increase your gas mileage by up to 27%!

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Or so they say. :wink:


Has anyone actually tried one of these fuel saver pro's?




If you read the FAQ and Test results bit it seems like it may actually work in some cases.

Saving fuel and reducing emissions is not top of my priority list,but if there are performance boosts as well then I would be interested.


With offers like buy 4 get 2 free,it might be worth trying it if 6 people are interested.


They are normally $89.95(£49.63) each, + $6.95 / order, but the offer would work out to about £34 each plus maybe a couple quid local postage.


I'd be interested in trying it out for £34. 8)


Anyone else?

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I'm Convinced.... so if you get enough people then i'll have one.

£34 is nothing really if its true what it says..... worth a try anyway :)

let me know how you want me 2 make payment n how much exactly

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yup, cynic No.2 here too... :wink: :lol:


If you listen to their blurb in the intro to the video, it's just a magnet that they strap around the fuel line "to polarise the fuel molecules".... :|


Utter pants... :roll: :lol:


This is, of course, only my opinion :-P

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You'd think that someone with the budget of VW for R&D might have looked into this if there was anything in it.


Snake oil.. get your snake oil here!

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had one before tho a differant make, and it made no differance to my 18mpg van over 2 years still got within 10 miles consistantly every tank :roll:

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Thanks for all the replies so far,it would be very interesting to hear from anyone who has tried this particular make.


I would be very surprised if vehicle manufacturers don't already build a similar device into there fuel systems,but don't draw attention to it thus enabling them to credit the engine/build quality as reasons for improvement.


The company claims to have sold millions in over 70 countries,been selling them for over 10 years,offer a 30 day money back guarantee, have had less than 1/1000 returned.


It is possible to spend well over 10 times this amount trying to gain 10% on your BHP,exhaust,air filter,etc.(with no other benefits)


I don't believe the test results apply to all vehicles but it may just apply to mine or yours.There is risk in everything,I am prepared to risk £34 to find out.


So far then, Gareth and myself.


4 more and I can place the order.

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I'd be interested to know how aligning your fuel molecules in your fuel line is supposed to help combustion. By the time those fuel molecules have sat around in the injectors waiting to be squirted into a cylinder they'll be well jumbled again (and that's assuming for just one second that it's possible to align non-ionic, non-ferrous molecules using a magnet, which is also questionable).

I mean, good luck to you guys who try it, but the scientist in me says it can't work..

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sorry guys but these things are absolute crap


if we all wanted to save money on fuel etc we wouldnt buy corrado's and all be driving the new generation TDI's


just my 2p's

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ok Guys thanx for the posts which have brought questions about the claims the site makes to the forfront of my mind :oops: so i have e-mailed 1 of the labs that the site says tested the product and hope i will get a reply.


Sorry corvr6 im backing out until im more convinced...... sorry again corvr6

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Agreed, somethings are too good to be true, and that is no exception.


Think about it logically.....27% economy boost for £34? If you want better economy, ease off the gas pedal a bit!

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reminds me of a thread on pvw about the ecotec valves :lol:


Yeah, another 35bhp, economy boosting, engine smoothing device....for 30 quid. What ever! The worrying thing is Stealth have endorsed them and sell them..... :roll:

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No worries Gareth 8) ,I have to admit my own sceptism has increased somewhat,

having only had one positve response to this post.


I would really of liked to hear from someone who had actually tried these successfully.


I was prepared to try one out for £34,but no more than that and with the lack of positve sentiment then I guess I should forget about it and put the money towards more trusted methods of performance increase. :wink:


Only another £300 or so and I could get chipped....hmmmm. :evil:

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I think the £34 would be better spent on


a chocolate teapot/fireguard

an ashtray for the motorbike

t1ts on a bull

a bag of bent nails



Sceptic? ... who me?

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Sorry, complete waste of money....


http://homepage.ntlworld.com/cains1/Fue ... agnets.htm






http://www.chris-longhurst.com/carbible ... tives.html (look down the list to find the magent round the fuel line stuff..)


Send me the £34 instead - it will make just as much difference to your mpg :-)

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After reading the articles put forward by Stormseeker I am too convinced my money would be better off going to him. :)

Again the forum protects me from my worst enemy,myself,lets hear it for the forum,hip hip......



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After reading the articles put forward by Stormseeker I am too convinced my money would be better off going to him. :)




Nice one! My paypal address is .... :-) :-) :-)

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right, I think we're all in agreement then, the only unfinished business is where I have to send my cheque to get one of Bolsters chocolate tea pots, how much did you say they were? :mrgreen:

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['H3R4POR]right' date=' I think we're all in agreement then, the only unfinished business is where I have to send my cheque to get one of [b']Bolsters[/b] chocolate tea pots, how much did you say they were? :mrgreen:


:lol: Well it's not so much the cost of the teapot but a donation to buy shares in the offshore company that makes the teapots. Then find eight friends who will buy shares in the idea that you have a share in the company and then get them to find eight friends ... :roll:


tee hee


Should this post be moved to the General scams section?

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I've got one on my G60 (got it for a christmas present last year from QVC) haven't noticed any benefits.



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seriously enough though.... £300 on a chip from AmD would be better as they give you more torque and actually give you a bit more MPG (according to those who have had it done)

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