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i will post some pics later :(

just found out i had £100 cover for personal items in the car :( laptop canon 350 d tripod halfords 150 pcs tools my bloody bmw key and other stuff

gone up in smoke as they say :( :( :(

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Sorry to hear about this fella. Sounds like you did exactly the right thing though. Hope the insurance gets sorted quickly and good luck sourcing a replacement - maybe a good time to buy with prices so low?

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gutted for you, must have been difficult watching and not being able to do anything!

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Same here gutted to hear the news your Corrado is no more. A blackberry aswell :( :( :( :( :( :( . Hope the insurance does you well and you can get back into a C soon. Will you go blackberry again. There are a few nice ones for sale at the mo and also a very good red VR6 in Wiltshire. A one family owner with only 90 odd thou on the clock. Hope the search goes well. Best of luck

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Bloody hell, that must have been torture, just watching her burn! :(


Glad you got out unharmed though chap, that's the main thing.


Good luck with the insurers.


Add yourself a few G to the payout, and land yourself a certain red VRT for sale at the moment. Now that would be a silver lining! 8)

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gutted for you, must have been difficult watching and not being able to do anything!


untill it happens mate you have no idea and to be honest it really has not sunk in untill now especially reading all you kind words all



better start looking for a replacement i guess :D

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gutted for you, must have been difficult watching and not being able to do anything!


untill it happens mate you have no idea and to be honest it really has not sunk in untill now especially reading all you kind words all



better start looking for a replacement i guess :D

cough cough "g60" cough :grin:

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Very bad times for you mate. Hope you can get the insurance sorted quickly. Did you have any agreed value with them? Mine's up for renewel and hearing things like this makes me want to get an agreed valuation policy done.


Best of luck with the search, is there anything that canbe saved from the car? Or a total loss?

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Dam :( really sorry to hear this but glad you ok.


I cant think of nothing worse than watching your pride and joy go up in flames and cant to do anything about it. :(


Best of luck with the insurance

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Sh*t! Sorry to hear this, what a waste of a good car! :( As has been said, I hope it all turns out ok and you are back in a rado again soon!

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I have always carried a cheapo extinguisher in the door shelf,


Yep, I carry one too. It's in the boot bolted to the panel under the speaker shelf. I'd like to think I'd have enough time to grab it and salvage most of the car, but you never know with fires. They can set in ferociously sometimes and you'd have zero time to do anything other than jump out and dive for cover, A Team style!

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I have always carried a cheapo extinguisher in the door shelf,


Yep, I carry one too. It's in the boot bolted to the panel under the speaker shelf. I'd like to think I'd have enough time to grab it and salvage most of the car, but you never know with fires. They can set in ferociously sometimes and you'd have zero time to do anything other than jump out and dive for cover, A Team style!


I carry one in the boot too - makes me think it needs to come inside the cabin.

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to be honest im not sure i could have got the spray from an extinguisher to the fire as it was right behind the dash

but your right should of had one and dont have one in the boot keep it in the cabin


let that be a lesson to you all out there :D

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Under the arm rest would be a good place (stick the FA kit in the boot) but I can't as my battery is there!


That's a good idea - The warning triangle can go in the boot as well.

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Yeah, I keep mine uder the arm rest, although gien the time involved even with getting that I'm considering the passenger footwell.


Really gutted for you Millerman, and I hope the insurance sort you out properly.

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Oh bugger. I am so sorry for you but glad to hear you were unhurt.


Kip has a fire extinguisher. I really must get one. Though having one could mean putting yourself in danger if trying to put out something major.

Agreed value gives a little piece of mind but will never cover the full costs that all of us have been putting into our C's.


Household insurance if it covers personal possessions taken out of the home should cover for things like the laptop though you might have to fight to claim for the Halfords tools.


Good luck with everything.

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dumb luck sir!


as a few peeps have said, your household policy should cover 'items in transit' if they're normally 'home' items - toolkit could be a push though?


all the best for being back on the road again soon.

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Schitt. That's horrendous mate. The main thing is that you got out ok and it wasn't a result of you do anything you can beat yourself up about... it was just one of those things :(


Hope you don't get stiffed on the insurance though.. good luck with getting some good money back.

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