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C5 oem .....great white hope

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yeah mate they a bugger to get out I smashed one the last time I tried



thats why the professional is doing it...!!! 8)

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Got the car back today and fitted the interior back in... gave it a good clean and i`ll get some pics up over the weekend

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r u happy with everything they did?



Overall yes, i`m never a big fan of bodyshops and the way they treat cars. Luckily i called in everyday and kept an eye on things so they all knew it had to be good and i would not accept anything less.. and they let me work on the car to keep costs down..

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Thats good, I know what you mean about body shops though.


You must be chuffed today, especially if the sun in shinning? Your car always looks immaculate


Let the dog see the rabbit and get some pics up! I

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Thats good, I know what you mean about body shops though.


You must be chuffed today, especially if the sun in shinning? Your car always looks immaculate


Let the dog see the rabbit and get some pics up! I



not having a good car day today..!!! currently writing out a for sale thread 50/50 on what to do..!! oh well tough decisions...!!

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Thats good, I know what you mean about body shops though.


You must be chuffed today, especially if the sun in shinning? Your car always looks immaculate


Let the dog see the rabbit and get some pics up! I



not having a good car day today..!!! currently writing out a for sale thread 50/50 on what to do..!! oh well tough decisions...!!

oh dear :( why is that?

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Why, you love this car as we all do!


Car ownership to a high level is always challenging, there are high and low times. This car is extremly nice and would definately say if you sell, you will regret. Unless it's financial and thats private stuff anyway but I can't see that being the reason as you done so much.


I recall your opening post when you got this car, have a read back through and find some love again.

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Think i`ve overdosed on the car over the last 2 weeks with constantly going back and forth to the bodyshop and then waiting days to get it back..


Ive spent 4 hours on it this morning tidying stuff up and re fitting door cards ect..


Wish i had a garage and could just put it away and out of mind and forget about it for a few weeks..

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You are a perfectionist, its very obvious but don't let that overtake what you have achieved. Like yourself, I want the perfect example but thats because we like them so much. Its a good thing that you want the best out of your C, shows pride and determination, qualities of furture well being.


So, has the paintwork nibbled away at you? You said you were overall happy so what was missing to your high standards?


Just wait for a decent car show, have a good natter and relate to everyone thats been in the same boat as you and at times gets moody with it all. It's tempting to think, new car, dont do much and drive it but its never that simple.


Ive been along this road 4 times with different C's and each time you sell, you want one back. So just formally adopt her and chuck away the log book!


Anything pritty is always high maintenance!

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Speak to Tameside Council about a garage. You can rent them for around £5 a week. I did that in Stockport for a while. Put name on waiting list and within 6 months had one.


Or post an ad locally to see if someone will let you use their garage. Older people sometimes will let out their garage as it has no car in it.


Alternatively there is a place down in Leek where I also used to store.



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Speak to Tameside Council about a garage. You can rent them for around £5 a week. I did that in Stockport for a while. Put name on waiting list and within 6 months had one.


Or post an ad locally to see if someone will let you use their garage. Older people sometimes will let out their garage as it has no car in it.


Alternatively there is a place down in Leek where I also used to store.




Yeah the missus rented a garage in reddish, she was on the list for years, i think she applied to the stockport council or summet and she got one with in no time. Chin up mate you've got one hell of a car there lock it away for a bit and forget about it for a bit. When spring summer comes around im sure your enthusiasm will return



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My car was at my dads for about 2 weeks - i was driving the Audi, which is very nice, quiet, modern and comfortable and has a bit of poke when you need it. But it was great to get back in the Corrado. Its good to leave it for a while - then come back to it and you'll realise what a great machine you have and what you personally have recreated.

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Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ...............................


just been out in the car to borrow my brothers camera, got back home and as i was taking pictures the heater matrix blew...!!!!!


if i didnt laugh i`d go and smash the piece of shit up..!!!!!!!

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Does oven baking have an impact on the heater matrix? Or is it just bad timing? It can happen to the best of us.


Im glad its nothing serious in the context of you selling up, your just mega pissed off right now. :mad:

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Just started pulling the dash apart to replace the heater matrix......


Unless some miracle happens you`ll see it next in a for sale section.. :mad2:

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Just started pulling the dash apart to replace the heater matrix......


Unless some miracle happens you`ll see it next in a for sale section.. :mad2:



Is it me or do corrados always throw a wobbler when they have been in someone elses hands, its like they go fook off i'll blow my matrix that'll teach him or i'll leak some oil to p!ss him off haha.


Good luck with the matrix mate, you need a spare pair of hands through the week give us a shout only down the road



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Its a shame you feel that way after all you've achieved. You're car can now safely stand with the best presented Corrados out there. If you do sell it don't go for another modern classic it will be the same with all older cars regardless of make and model. I strongly suspect that if I didn't own mine I wouldn't go for another older/cherished/classic/weekend car it can be a lot of work expense and hassle so my Corrado will certainly be my last. However much of what i've outlined as drawbacks don't apply to mine with the condition its in and the work carried out and yours is increasingly in the same boat. You were on the home straight where a little TLC and ongoing maintenance would have been enough to keep the car looking and driving beautifully as a nice antedote to modern souless daily drivers and the daily grind.

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The main draw back at the moment is time, every job seems to eat up half a day.... fingers crossed the matrix gets sorted tomorrow...


I honestly dont want to sell the car but maybe something has to give.

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I swear blind Stephen King wrote the screenplay for the film "Christine" about a Corrado :lol:


Every time I've uttered the immortal words "I think I may sell the car". The following week I'm met by a spitting out of the dummy and somethings broken (usually expensive) so don't beat yourself up about it.


I wouldn't be too hasty to sell though Andy. You've put a huge amount of effort into your car since buying it. As soon as it's gone, it's gone for good (money permitting) and you'll be twelve months down the line wanting to scratch the Corrado itch you had only had a few moons previous.


The car's a credit to you and it would be a shame if someone else took all the credit for all your hard work.


Take the time to enjoy it and use these mechanical issues as just one of those things.


All the best with whatever you decide.

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