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Spoiler Stopping

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Always worked fine but today when i manuly raised it, it stuck for a few seconds then went up a bit, then stuck, then went up a bit. Same for going down.

Whilst driving, it goes up half way automaticly, sticks for a few seconds, then raises to top. goes down fine.

Anybody have an inkling what this could be?

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had this on mine, nothing to do with the mech, the motor is knackered. you either need a new motor or i think it is possible to bypass the faulty switches inside the motor that are causing the hesitation. hate saying this as it really annoys me when get it as a response, but 'do a search' you should find some info. as i say though, no amount of fiddling or cleaning the mech is gonna help with this issue.

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Try rasing it by hand, take off the plastic cover inside the boot, pull out the knob to engage it and turn it, if its smooth and easy to turn then it sounds like the motor rather than the shafts.

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Most likely a dodgy micro switch, mine did exactly the same. Relatively easy job, just replace the whole motor.

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Try rasing it by hand, take off the plastic cover inside the boot, pull out the knob to engage it and turn it, if its smooth and easy to turn then it sounds like the motor rather than the shafts.


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You'll know if the motor is struggling to push seizing cables because it will keep blowing it's fuse and get stuck. Mine kept getting stuck on the way down as it's more work for the motor against the air flow. Raising seems to be aided by air flow and it never jammed.

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