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17978 - Engine Start Blocked by Immobilizer

P1570 - 35-10 - - - Intermittent

I get this occasionally, if your car starts ok dont worry about it.


00561 - Mixture Adjustment Control

15-10 - Please Register/Activate - Intermittent

Possibly a lambda fault? dunno tbh


00553 - Mass Air Flow Sensor -G70

29-10 - Please Register/Activate - Intermittent

Maf sensor, changing this may also solve the problem with 561


00518 - P0121 Throttle Position Sensor - Signal Out of Range (G69) Also check for loose ECM power relay

30-10 - Please Register/Activate - Intermittent

Im pretty sure the ecu uses this sensor as a backup if the maf fails, with both sensors dodgy then this is probably the reason for the 561 code.


00611 -Ignition Output 3

28-10 - Please Register/Activate - Intermittent

Dunno, coilpack?


00513 - Engine Speed Sensor - G28 - Signal Malfunction

03-00 - Please Register/Activate

I think this is the usual code that appears as the engines not running, ignore if you car starts ok.


Thats what the fault codes are, sounds to me like the maf, tps and coilpack could all be dodgy on your car, but im no expert on these things so id wait on a 2nd opinion before splashing out on all the parts.

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Fault codes:

00561 – Mixture adaption limits exceeded.

00553 – MAF defective or wiring short.

00518 – Throttle Position Sensor defective or wiring short.

00611 – Ignition Coil Pack Output 3 Short.


The common point to all these faults is one of three things.


But first check the fuses on the lower edge of the fuse / relay panel.


An intermittent ignition switch in the steering column breaking power to the ECU.


A troublesome Fuel Pump relay (cover number 167).


A troublesome ECU relay (cover number 109).


Do not change out the Coil pack, MAF, TPS. They are red herrings to the cause. From the faults, the order to test is the ignition switch 12 volts contacts. Next the fuel pump relay “167” and finally the ECU relay “109”.


The blocked immobiliser is sorted by spraying a little WD40 on the brown 3 pin connector (shiny black cable) that plugs into the immobiliser box located inside the dash behind the headlight switch. The other box is the spoiler control.


00513 – Engine speed sender but it also appears if the ECU is read with the ignition switched on but the engine is not running. Ignore.




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thanks very much for your help on this one

i dont know if its much help but i did not have the engine running when i got these codes so maby if i tell you whats happening it may help

basicly i have a problem that sounded like it was not running on all 6

i asked a mate (whos head tech for peugeot) :( and he advised that it was the cat that had gone

so trusting him i changed that and the zorst and lambda sensor and it was no different

so seeing the light found this forum and joined the people who know

i have taken off the coilpack and this had cracks around the plugs for 1and 6 so i sealed them with some liquid rubber and she fired up on all 6 and run nice for about 2 miles then the gremlin came back and i limped home

i also have a sharan vr6 baby runabout for the wife should i hook up the coil pack from that and see if the c is a runner to isolate the problem or any other parts that you can think of

any help would be cool



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basicly i have a problem that sounded like it was not running on all 6


There is a power supply voltage problem with engine ECU and its sensor voltage supplies, hence why I said check the 3 things listed previously. IT IS NOT SENSORS, MAF OR CATS etc. The problem is arising cos all the sensors have got no power to them at some stage and a set of faults have been stored.


It's not wiring by the looks of it as none are all common but they all take 12 volts power from the engine ECU.


00513 is to be ignored if the engine wasn't running.


Like wise the immobiliser / ECU blocked.



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hi ppl, being a cheap ass i bought a serial-2x2 cable for my 92 vr6. i downloaded vag-com 311.2 and tried it. the error message i always receive is com status-OK, interface-3 not found or not ready! i have tried it with the car running and also just on the ignition point. I have tried other versions of vagcom too but keep getting the same error message. #Mad my com port is working, so vagcom test says and my pc in "device manager". pls pls if someone can help or shed some light on this it would be much appreciated, thx

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Not sure where to post this but any advice would be great.....................I disconnected the battery on my VR 2 weeks ago as it needed charging, does this mean that I have unwittingly reset my ECU?

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Yes. The Knowledge Base Wiki procedure file is now sorted to make it more easily followed. You will need a registered version of VAG-COM.



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It does have a supersprint chip apparently (that's what the advert said when I bought the car), would this make any difference? I guess it would.

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Just Order OBD2 16 pin connector, so should my VAG COM up and running in a week or so. More than happy to help anyone out in the bristol area.

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What I've read here is that 2 litre 16 valves can only have there ABS codes read?

When I've used vag com,nothing happens but reads ABS codes.So this is true.


But when I used a Snap on automotive scanner it reads the codes from the Engine ECU.


Is this a problem with VAG com ?


Ive used my 2x2 connector on my VR and all works so i know its not software or hardware fault.

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CorradoVR6-n.o.s, the 2.0 16v's are very sensitive to the settings, baud rates etc that you are connecting at, have a search on here as i'm sure RW1 has already posted some useful info about this...

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Hi, Does anybody in the Hull area have the VAG Com for a '95 2.0 16V. I need to check faults with the ABS.





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  ChrisL said:
Hi, Does anybody in the Hull area have the VAG Com for a '95 2.0 16V. I need to check faults with the ABS.





I've got VAG-COM If you fancy a run to sheffield i'll check if for you.

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I've tried altering the baud rate and it wont find the engine ecu.What's wrong with it ?What should i try next?

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I've tried altering the baud rate and it wont find the engine ecu.What's wrong with it ?What should i try next?


If the interface is optically isolated then it won't work. The interface MUST be an electronic isolation type for the 16v 2.0ltr.



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  RW1 said:
I've tried altering the baud rate and it wont find the engine ecu.What's wrong with it ?What should i try next?


If the interface is optically isolated then it won't work. The interface MUST be an electronic isolation type for the 16v 2.0ltr.



What do you me by that?How will i know if it's isolated or not?

I got my lead from skpang.

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Opto isolation is a light isolated coupling using LEDs and sensors inside integrated circuit component casings to "flash" the data pulses which providing voltage isoaltion of the car's circuits from the laptop/PC circuit voltages. Where as in a electronic version, it's intrgrated circuit packaged transistors that do the voltage isolation. In the 16v, the isolation type has to be right.


Ask skprang which sort they supplied to you.



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