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Original Speedline vs BBS Solitude

Q. Which one do you think is more aesthetically pleasing on a Corrado?  

59 members have voted

  1. 1. Q. Which one do you think is more aesthetically pleasing on a Corrado?

    • b, BBS Solitude
    • a, Original Speedline

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I’ve just bought a set of BBS Solitude for my non-Storm VR6, which at the moment has got the original Speedline.


I was hoping to have one set with ‘prime’ tyres (i.e. normal road tyres


Just wondering which one do you think is more aesthetically pleasing on a Corrado; Solitude or Speedline?


There is only one way to find out!



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if you put the solitudes on you'll have to change your signature!! :)




They were impulse purchase from ebay!

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i';ve nearly bought some solitudes loads of times, but then i remember the speedline looks better :clap:

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i';ve nearly bought some solitudes loads of times, but then i remember the speedline looks better :clap:




The poll is pretty one-sided atm, 4 to 1 for Speedline.

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i';ve nearly bought some solitudes loads of times, but then i remember the speedline looks better :clap:


me too, but i do feel that a 15" wheel is just tooooo small for the corrado.

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No contest in my oppinion, and speaking from a buffing point of view I hate the fact that the solitude has a stupid clover leaf shaped hub section

(the bit that faces the disc) that collects water when you wash it. I know it's sad but it bugs me :lol: so glad i dont have them and Jude does :lol:

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Mine came with solitudes, it now wears speedlines :D


Solitudes look far to "girly" on the rado :lol:

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bought my rado with bbs solitudes on, have to say at some point it will be wearing speedlines again. looks like i may well struggle to sell the solitudes cos ave seen some speedlines for sale......

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I actually like both as much as each other, although i have to say there are imho better wheels for the Corrado than either :lol:

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speedlines by a country mile, not a fan of solitudes at all.

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My VR came with solitudes.. sourced a set of Speedlines for it immediately as I thought I did not like the Solitudes. But within a few days I was won over and think I like them equally. In less of a hurry to refurb the Speedos now to be honest!

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I'm going through the same dilemma.


I "think" I prefer speedlines, but as its a storm I'll probably go solitudes.



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