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Keep your VW badges safe

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Apparently there's a big England v Germany football game tomorrow. For those of you who can remember the 90's I recall that in both 1990 and 1996 after England went out to the Germans there was a degree of anti-german :hitler: backlash after the game and many drunks steaming out of pubs decided to set upon VW's and BMW's nicking badges etc.


Hopefully England will win but for those of you who have to park your C's on the road, or who live near pubs it maybe something to consider. I think with it being an afternoon kick-off the amount of post match trouble should be less than if it was a night-time match.

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i wont put the car in the garage... soon as the match finishes i'll be perched out on the roof with my old air rifle and a beer.... I'd like to see anyone try and get anywhere near my car... i've not taken old Lucille out to stretch her legs in a while, so it would be nice to pop off a few shots! :norty:

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Apparently the Germans can't understand this problem we have with them. There was an article on the BBC about it, talking about the racist crap that the redtop newspapers print and so forth, about how excited we get about "beating fritz", etc.. it mystifies them. And rightly so.


Obviously it stems from the war but jesus.. isn't it time to move on?!

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Time to move on?


I had the silver Opel badge sawn off the boot lid of our Manta in about 1974, so some rock freak could hang it round their neck, and I ain't got over that yet! :lol:

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Apparently the Germans can't understand this problem we have with them. There was an article on the BBC about it, talking about the racist crap that the redtop newspapers print and so forth, about how excited we get about "beating fritz", etc.. it mystifies them. And rightly so.


Obviously it stems from the war but jesus.. isn't it time to move on?!


Well they did try to take over the world twice and we stopped them both times....


Actually I read that as "the war with Jesus" and it got me very confused!


I for one will be watching the GP instead but if I had my car I'd be going for a drive as the roads are always empty and you can get some good runs.

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Apparently the Germans can't understand this problem we have with them. There was an article on the BBC about it, talking about the racist crap that the redtop newspapers print and so forth, about how excited we get about "beating fritz", etc.. it mystifies them. And rightly so.


Obviously it stems from the war but jesus.. isn't it time to move on?!


Of course they want to move on, they lost!

I'm not overly impressed with the fact they tried to bomb the crap out of us aswell

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to make sure we kept on top of things we converted the side of our house for overseas students [money worries durin resesion] what nationality have we got at mo .....yep germans! they love it when me mates come round in the c's they want to watch the game with us ! sure it will be good fun :)

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Apparently the Germans can't understand this problem we have with them. There was an article on the BBC about it, talking about the racist crap that the redtop newspapers print and so forth, about how excited we get about "beating fritz", etc.. it mystifies them. And rightly so.


Obviously it stems from the war but jesus.. isn't it time to move on?!


Of course they want to move on, they lost!

I'm not overly impressed with the fact they tried to bomb the crap out of us aswell


I'm not either. I lost family members in the war and coming from a military family am very proud of those who we lost. But whilst I agree we should never forget, we also need to remember that it's been a few generations of people since that and I'm sure none of them are proud of what they were. They should not suffer insults and racism because of what their grand parents or great grandparents did.

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I agree with Jim, its a completely different generation that 'tried to take over the world' and the now generation shouldnt have to put up with the insults that get thrown at them. It IS time to move on.


This could only happen with football.

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From being from a slightly younger generation than some on here, the way I look at 'beating ze Germans' at football isn't so much to do with the war, but with previous experiences within football that were generated from the wars. If that makes sense?


I have no bad feelings with the Germans, and would happily hold a conversation/watch a match and banter with them, but in no means hold a personal vendetta against them for something they had no control over from their previous grandparents etc.


I can however, side with people from our nation that did suffer losses during the war and have the utmost respect for people who served out nation :salute:

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You know what I think some of the rivallry stems from a grudging respect for Germanic efficiency and order - afterall we all love a German car don't we? If Germany was a class mate it would be the creep, always well prepared and always aiming to be top of the class at all costs. England would be the more laid back, wait till there is a crisis, don't do any revision, messing about at the back of the class type of classmate that somehow pulls it off at the end against all the odds (well hopefully!). At work we are continually benchmarking ourselves against the best in Europe and guess what its usually the Germans!


Don't forget the Queen has German ancestry too :wink:

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What a shambles :gag: . I think after that showing any English fan will be in total shock. As others have said there should be no anti-German stuff just a grudging respect for German efficiency and massive :p blown at the FA for giving Capello a new contract just before the tournament began.

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