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Whats the best part of having a v6 rado

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Hello i am very drawn to buying a v6 have done for some time now so whats the best thing i mean the engine roar sounds totaly brutal love it !! what are your thoughts :norty:

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I've recently got a van delivery job, and so pretty much only time I get out in the rado is wknds or to have a quick blip. The best part for me atm, is the giddy kiddy feeling I get when I know im going to go for a drive in it!! :D :lol:


It's all about basically waiting for it to warm up enough, then realising how much i've missed driving it!! :D

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Knowing that people won't look disappointed when you tell them which version of Corrado it is :lol: (sorry!!)

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Knowing that people won't look disappointed when you tell them which version of Corrado it is :lol: (sorry!!)


that does happen!!

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having it nicely warmed up, coming off your favourite roundabout in 2nd and then booting past someone in a brand new car that cost over ten times the price. And the noise.


And the look I got from a guy in an R8 Spyder when I let him out in traffic. He seemed more impressed with my car than I was with his . . .

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Knowing that people won't look disappointed when you tell them which version of Corrado it is :lol: (sorry!!)


so true though... when i drove the valver and people asked "is that the V6 one?", i had to say no and that i did have a VR6 as well though, and you could see them thinking "yeah right, you wish pal" :lol:


And i dont think there is many cars i would rather drive around in personally, its everything about them

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I will refer to this thread I posted up viewtopic.php?f=17&t=93509


And I still enjoy the Corrado very much, the fact its a VR6 makes it that much more special for me. I have driven the G60 but I much prefer the VR6 for its power delivery and it feels more refined. I'm not saying it is, but it feels that way. The noise, even after 5 years of owning it, never gets boring.


Plus its that little something in that back of the mind that always pops up, the fact that when the VR6 came out, all the reviews said that the chassis finally has the engine that it deserves....

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the sound, the torque and the feeling the acceleration is never ending, and the heated leather seats in winter.


My corrado is for sale, buy it!

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The noise

The noise

The noise


Also love tootling along on my way to work, just before a dual carriageway and theres always some cleverdick in his beemer come flying down the inside round the roundabout, i then smile as i ruin his day by leaving him along the dual carriageway. Always starts the day well!


Another perhaps annoying but funny thing i found going up the santa pod strip, watching cars leave you off the line until you get to 2.5-3k and the VR sings as you leave them for dead :lol:


And of course that non disappointed face when people ask "is it a VR6"

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3rd gear from 40 - 97mph :D

And of course it's looks (not only the VT6 of course)

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Having previously 16v's and a G60 and now finally having a VR6 to compare directly alongside a 16v, the things that stand out for me are:


* Smoothness. Folks often say that the OBD1 VR is a little unrefined compared to OBD2 and more modern 24v's but compared to the 2.0 16v they're leagues ahead. Nice smooth power delivery, and effortless through the gears.


* The sound. Yeah, it is awesome compared to the valver. But at lower revs it's lovely and quiet as well with just a hint of the grunt lurking beneath. So great off-song, and great on-song.


* Longer gears, more torque at lower revs. This for me makes the biggest difference. I'm changing gear far less often. I can pootle round in 5th at 30MPH and still accelerate no problems. It's much better.


* Feels more steady / planted at speed. My valver at 80MPH on the motorway feels a little uncertain. The VR feels right at home. Can't put my finger exactly on why / what, but it just does.


* No worse fuel economy. I guess bigger engine (less effort to do the same speeds) and more modern design helps here, but I don't find the VR6 to be any more thirsty than my valver. Less thirsty in fact!


Not in a hurry to sell the valver - it still has its charms. But the VR is just significantly better in all areas.. except that the valver is cheaper to fix when it breaks :) :)

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walking up to it or away from it when it's parked up.....anywhere. But especially in service station forecourts. I always feel like one of those guys in the Cannonball Run movies. Not the fat guy with the cape. Just breezing in for fuel having to wait with mere mortals and their strange and sad looking cars, and then.....bbbbur'MPPP! and out we go again into the playground 8)

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Ooooooooooooo i so want one its been ages when ive wanted one been so long i have to have one i have to its my destiny lol :luvlove:

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Ooooooooooooo i so want one its been ages when ive wanted one been so long i have to have one i have to its my destiny lol :luvlove:


Me too, in the exact same boat.


I love my valver, too me the VR is just more of everything which sounds pretty damn awesome to me!

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I realy want one but cant until some1 buys my car :( i admit i love my car very much she is my first rado but ive always wanted the vr beast :D

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I realy want one but cant until some1 buys my car :( i admit i love my car very much she is my first rado but ive always wanted the vr beast :D


Same here again, if i had the money or know how i would Vr mine, having said that, ive reduced the price as much as i believe is reasonable and have still not seen much interest so i might end up keeping it if its still about in a couple of weeks.


Selling rado's at anything other than 'underpriced' is such an annoyance.

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Same here again, if i had the money or know how i would Vr mine, having said that, ive reduced the price as much as i believe is reasonable and have still not seen much interest so i might end up keeping it if its still about in a couple of weeks.


Selling rado's at anything other than 'underpriced' is such an annoyance.


Be patience my friend! :D

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know what ya mean mate sellin mine and need money asap and believe mines well worth the dolla too guess we do have ta be patient :brickwall:

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as above on comments mate .....ooooh yea warmed up gettin to the roundabout on duel carrigeway .......hold it in 2nd .....foot to the floor here that raw n feel that baby fly! :lol: wicked mate you cant beet em .

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yea mate havent checked out auto t one yet be carefull of photo's ,not sayin its not nice but the thing with pics is every car looks good.i know you know this but just sayin. my c looked great in pics before respray ,stonechips n bits dont show in pics .ile be around for viewins if i can mate .

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Seeing the look on pedestrians faces when you nail it and the induction roars!

whilst it sucks in small children n birds as you give it the beans :lol:

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