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What's the worst kind of bad driving?!

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Which actually brings me to my main gripe... Ghost drivers!!! Drivers who get into their car, shut the door and enter a world of their own where no other road users exist! The ones that do whatever they please, not to cause annoyance or danger, just because they're in a "world revolves around me" trance. You'll know them when you see them by the blank expression on their faces, no eye contact, no emotion, nothing, absolutely nothing! :mad2:


Yeah I know the sort. They do something stupid and when you glance over at them, they're sat 3" from the steering wheel, eyes resolutely fixed to the end of their bonnets with a vacant expression. These people don't read the road ahead either.


I really don't know what it is with British drivers. It feels like we on the forum are the last of an intelligent & assertive breed of drivers, having to thread our way through a road network full of Zombies :roll:


In the space of a week and on same stretch of A12, I have seen:-


- A silver BMW drive into the base of a bridge - Girl killed


- A passat drive into the back of a parked lorry - 10 month old baby boy killed


- A red Alfa underneath a Van in a petrol station - Casualties unknown.


I mean, what the f'ck is wrong with people? I'm sorry but there is no excuse for driving into stationary objects other than sudden heart failure, or mechanical failure. 3 fatal accidents in the same bit of road is unprecedented where I live and just smacks of the dumb zombies previously mentioned. I'll put money on these people either f'cking about with their phones or falling asleep at the wheel.


Sure, we all have momentary lapses in concentration but to veer off the A12 at 80mph straight into the back of a van filling up in a petrol station, and driving into the back of parked lorries? :cuckoo:


And guess who has to pay for the carnage they cause, not to mention the pain caused to the families of the bereaved.


This just isn't acceptable any more. It's got to change.

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agreed kev. the hard shoulder is one of the most dangerous places to be, and if you break down you have to leave the car and get out the way! unbelieveable if you ask me, there must be loads of these zombie people out there, driving on the hard shoulder straight at parked cars :cuckoo:

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This just isn't acceptable any more. It's got to change.


This is true, but the people most affected by any laws or changes to combat all the usless w*nkers will be those of us that still enjoy driving and don't just do it to get from A to B. :(

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People who don't move over to let drivers waiting on slip roads join the carriageway, even when the right lane is empty.


But there is no obligation to - when joining a carriageway, the joinee must give way to traffic already on the carriageway :wink: .


Yes I realise that, but that wasn't my point. "Even when the right hand lane is empty" was my point. How much effort does it take to turn the steering wheel an inch and show some feckin consideration?


Yeh agreed - I could decide to stay in the left hand lane, causing the flow of traffic to slow down somewhere, or I could just as easily move into the empty lane to my right, and show some courtesy to the person on my left, just as some people do for me! :)

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Another occurence happened to me today, basically someone pulling out into my lane on the motorway without looking or indicating, as mentioned, but my gripe here is this:


The person was quite an old looking lady, nothing wrong with that. But her face was pretty much in the steering wheel she must've been that short, and when I looked over I literally couldn't see how she'd be able to see over the wheel!! But then again, when did actually being able to see the road ahead of u make a difference? :wink:

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when people just stop in a queue of traffic or slightly pull over in a way that wont actually help when there's an emergency vehicle 50ft behind, even though the cars in front have carried on...


IF YOU DONT KEEP GOING THEN THE F&CKING AMBULANCE WONT BE ABLE TO GET PAST THE PEOPLE BEHIND YOU TO GET PAST YOU, YOU MORON!!! oh, yes, and then they give me grief when i point out their stupidity.. :censored:



Lastly people who pull in behind us and try to follow to cheat the que. I've had to stop on emergency drives before just to get out and tell them off to avoid another accident.

That is all :salute:


What kind of emergency vehicle do you drive?? I drove Fire Appliances for years and never had the time to consider who was following me, let alone the time to stop en route and have a word with them.

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i think i've said this before on here but hey ho....


My brother was driving along a national speed limit back road. The road is long, straight and wide so it's perfectly acceptable to be driving up close to the speed limit.


he was behind 2 cars with the lead car doing about 25 MPH


the chap in front of him overtook when safe and my bro followed.

as he began to pass, the person that he was overtaking decided to drive square into the passenger wing of his car sending him off into ditch, flipping the car onto its roof finally stopping about 50 yards down the hedgerow.


He was totally unhurt (very luckily) and got out of his car to go and speak to the guy who'd just wrecked his motor, only to find a shocked and terrified elderly man who was apparently unsure as to where he was and started to make a U turn whilst my brother was overtaking.


It was recommended by the police that the chap handed in his licence which he duly did

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i think i've said this before on here but hey ho....


My brother was driving along a national speed limit back road. The road is long, straight and wide so it's perfectly acceptable to be driving up close to the speed limit.


he was behind 2 cars with the lead car doing about 25 MPH


the chap in front of him overtook when safe and my bro followed.

as he began to pass, the person that he was overtaking decided to drive square into the passenger wing of his car sending him off into ditch, flipping the car onto its roof finally stopping about 50 yards down the hedgerow.


He was totally unhurt (very luckily) and got out of his car to go and speak to the guy who'd just wrecked his motor, only to find a shocked and terrified elderly man who was apparently unsure as to where he was and started to make a U turn whilst my brother was overtaking.


It was recommended by the police that the chap handed in his licence which he duly did


What was the insurance outcome of that if you don't mind me asking? Old man's fault?


That is exactly what happened to me last november (but I didn't crash) and our insurance companies are *still* arguing the toss over liability. It would be good to use some examples as a precedent.

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- with a close second - lack of indicators used.



that will be a BMW driver then, with the optional indicators not fitted then.


Karl (a non indicating BM driver)

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when people just stop in a queue of traffic or slightly pull over in a way that wont actually help when there's an emergency vehicle 50ft behind, even though the cars in front have carried on...


IF YOU DONT KEEP GOING THEN THE F&CKING AMBULANCE WONT BE ABLE TO GET PAST THE PEOPLE BEHIND YOU TO GET PAST YOU, YOU MORON!!! oh, yes, and then they give me grief when i point out their stupidity.. :censored:



Lastly people who pull in behind us and try to follow to cheat the que. I've had to stop on emergency drives before just to get out and tell them off to avoid another accident.

That is all :salute:


What kind of emergency vehicle do you drive?? I drove Fire Appliances for years and never had the time to consider who was following me, let alone the time to stop en route and have a word with them.


Was there a tone there ? I'm either on the ambulances or rapid response vehicles (police spec volvos). You should always consider who's behind you (checking mirrors every 10 secs) and if when on the way to an emergency I spot a crash due to this stupidity then I'm duty bound to stop and deal with it or risk losing my licence to practice medicine.

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I had some pr**k nearly side swipe me today.


By my work there is a cross roads with traffic lights on them and two lanes going into it from every direction.


I know that the right hand lane on the direction I was driving has the left hand lane filter into it. So I usually stay in the right hand lane as its quicker. Today I was going along as I normaly do and ther were two cars in the left hand lane, one in front of me and one behind with enough space in the middle for a corrado to fit with loads of room. So I stayed in the gap between the two cars waiting for them to filter over to my side of the road. The car in front moves over like he should but for some stupid reason the car behind thinks it will be a good idea to speed up and try and get in front of me even tho there is no room. So basicly he was trying to under take me luckly I saw him coming and moved over far enough to avoid anything but he then has the cheeck to blare his horn at me. :eek: WTF :cuckoo: so I stopped the car turned around to look at him out the rear quarter window and gave him a two finger wave before driving off. I nearly gave him a taste of my steel toe caps but the traffic was backing up behind me so decided not too :grin:


Tosser :bad-words:

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Which actually brings me to my main gripe... Ghost drivers!!! Drivers who get into their car, shut the door and enter a world of their own where no other road users exist! The ones that do whatever they please, not to cause annoyance or danger, just because they're in a "world revolves around me" trance. You'll know them when you see them by the blank expression on their faces, no eye contact, no emotion, nothing, absolutely nothing! :mad2:


Yeah I know the sort. They do something stupid and when you glance over at them, they're sat 3" from the steering wheel, eyes resolutely fixed to the end of their bonnets with a vacant expression. These people don't read the road ahead either.


I really don't know what it is with British drivers. It feels like we on the forum are the last of an intelligent & assertive breed of drivers, having to thread our way through a road network full of Zombies :roll:


In the space of a week and on same stretch of A12, I have seen:-


- A silver BMW drive into the base of a bridge - Girl killed


- A passat drive into the back of a parked lorry - 10 month old baby boy killed


- A red Alfa underneath a Van in a petrol station - Casualties unknown.


I mean, what the f'ck is wrong with people? I'm sorry but there is no excuse for driving into stationary objects other than sudden heart failure, or mechanical failure. 3 fatal accidents in the same bit of road is unprecedented where I live and just smacks of the dumb zombies previously mentioned. I'll put money on these people either f'cking about with their phones or falling asleep at the wheel.


Sure, we all have momentary lapses in concentration but to veer off the A12 at 80mph straight into the back of a van filling up in a petrol station, and driving into the back of parked lorries? :cuckoo:


And guess who has to pay for the carnage they cause, not to mention the pain caused to the families of the bereaved.


This just isn't acceptable any more. It's got to change.


Watching Road wars, traffic cops, police camera action or whatever which one it is. Ive lost count of the number of times they show a clip from the USA where a cop has pulled a car and is talking to them and a passing car slams into the car thats pulled or the patrol car.


Im shocked at how many times this seems to happen.


Sorry i know its over the pond and not here, but thought it was relevant in a way to what you were saying Kev.

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What was the insurance outcome of that if you don't mind me asking? Old man's fault?


That is exactly what happened to me last november (but I didn't crash) and our insurance companies are *still* arguing the toss over liability. It would be good to use some examples as a precedent.


yeah, old mans fault.

the police took a number of statements from mark, photos were taken of the crash site showing it was clearly safe to overtake and the calculations they made proved he wasn't speeding

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I think I'd seriously consider calling out breakdown cover if I broke down on the motorway with an otherwise fixable problem , even just a flat cos the life expectancy of a driver next to their car on the shoulder does seem extraordinarily low :pale: Worked with someone who lost their father just like that.

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all the above, especially people who can't do roundabouts correctly/competently, ill manners and lack of consideration of others, people who drive dangerously slowly, no indication, inability to use the inner lanes of multi-lane highways and tail-gaters. :censored: :mad2: :bad-words:


Probably loads more but i've got to go out now!! 8)

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Speeding in residential areas really pi55es me off, theres no need. A guy down my road in a S500 (reg V8 GKA if your interested - I'd like to name and shame him) drives like lewis hamilton every time he gets behind the wheel, in a 30 zone, around schools, in rush hour, overtaking at speed in town, the lot. He's in his 40's with a family and frankly should know better.


Otherwise theres good and bad drivers everywhere, both sexes, all ages, all backgrounds. We as good drivers need to be aware of that everytime we get behind the wheel as anything could happen.


On a slightly separate note I find road rage just absolutely comical, whether its at me or whatever. Honestly I just cant understand why people get so worked up in their cars.

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Lastly people who pull in behind us and try to follow to cheat the que. I've had to stop on emergency drives before just to get out and tell them off to avoid another accident.

That is all :salute:


What kind of emergency vehicle do you drive?? I drove Fire Appliances for years and never had the time to consider who was following me, let alone the time to stop en route and have a word with them.


Was there a tone there ? I'm either on the ambulances or rapid response vehicles (police spec volvos). You should always consider who's behind you (checking mirrors every 10 secs) and if when on the way to an emergency I spot a crash due to this stupidity then I'm duty bound to stop and deal with it or risk losing my licence to practice medicine.


Nope, no tone, not even a two tone. Just the way you had worded it seemed strange. What I meant was that if en route to an emergency if someone decided to tag on that was up to them as long as they did not cause me any obstruction. The most that would be done was the police would be contacted and their reg and circumstances reported. Never known it to be done though in my time.


If we saw another incident (of any description) the procedure was to radio it in to control and continued to your shout. Control would then mobilise as necessary as they have an overview of all incidents and available resourses and would mobilise accordingly. This may or may not mean changing my destination to the one I had reported.


It just seemed strange that in your original post it seemed you would stop on your way to an emergency to reprimand someone for their driving but your second post clarifies what you meant.

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I think I'd seriously consider calling out breakdown cover if I broke down on the motorway with an otherwise fixable problem , even just a flat cos the life expectancy of a driver next to their car on the shoulder does seem extraordinarily low :pale: Worked with someone who lost their father just like that.


I'd urge everyone to do this, we've lost a few recovery drivers/companies from our network because of motorway traffic fatalaties. (Work in Breakdown recovery if you hadn't guessed"


They're in hi-vis with big vans with flashing lights and that still doesn't make them safe, on an unlit stretch of motorway what chance does a normal person have trying to change an offside flat tyre?



My peeves

  • Non indicating[/*:m:1s8oyf5x]
  • Poor Lane Discipline[/*:m:1s8oyf5x]
  • Poor speed discipline[/*:m:1s8oyf5x]
  • Following too close[/*:m:1s8oyf5x]
  • Not indicating to merge
    (if I'm in the middle lane overtaking and you don't indicate how am I meant to know you want to move over now? Indicate and I move over easy peasy!)[/*:m:1s8oyf5x]
  • It's my f*cking right of way not yours! grrr.[/*:m:1s8oyf5x]
  • People who constantly drive aggressively[/*:m:1s8oyf5x]
  • Yes I might be in a G reg corrado, but it's a damn sight faster than your 10 year old 316 Compact so get off my goddamn bumper.[/*:m:1s8oyf5x]
  • Yes it's a throttle, yes I'm using it to try and overtake you safely, stop giving me the w*nker sign.[/*:m:1s8oyf5x]
  • Can you not see I'm indicating to make a manouver? That generally means I'm going to brake so get off my arse so I can transition from this 40 zone to the 20 zone safely... ta.[/*:m:1s8oyf5x]
  • I'm already reversing into this space... no you cannot have it.[/*:m:1s8oyf5x]
  • I'm doing 10-15 mph in a school zone at 3:15pm, why does this infuriate you so much?[/*:m:1s8oyf5x]
  • It's wet... pouring with rain, and you're tailgating me?!?[/*:m:1s8oyf5x]
  • Fog lights... During the day.[/*:m:1s8oyf5x]
  • Badly aligned HID's[/*:m:1s8oyf5x]
  • Badly driven 4x4's... just because I'm lower than your wheel doesn't give you the right to bully me outta my lane.[/*:m:1s8oyf5x]


Had an occurance the other day when I was following a yaris which was stuck behind a focus doing about 15mph under the limit in the outside lane of the d/c. Everytime the yaris attempted to undertake the focus would speed up or move over to block him. Then proceeded to drive straight over all the lanes at the r/a, the yaris turned off left and I got stuck behind the plonk doing exactly the same to me!


Balls to this, left him standing at the first safe opportunity, looked over and he was well into his 40's!

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Which actually brings me to my main gripe... Ghost drivers!!! Drivers who get into their car, shut the door and enter a world of their own where no other road users exist! The ones that do whatever they please, not to cause annoyance or danger, just because they're in a "world revolves around me" trance. You'll know them when you see them by the blank expression on their faces, no eye contact, no emotion, nothing, absolutely nothing! :mad2:


Yeah I know the sort. They do something stupid and when you glance over at them, they're sat 3" from the steering wheel, eyes resolutely fixed to the end of their bonnets with a vacant expression. These people don't read the road ahead either.


I really don't know what it is with British drivers. It feels like we on the forum are the last of an intelligent & assertive breed of drivers, having to thread our way through a road network full of Zombies :roll:


In the space of a week and on same stretch of A12, I have seen:-


- A silver BMW drive into the base of a bridge - Girl killed


- A passat drive into the back of a parked lorry - 10 month old baby boy killed


- A red Alfa underneath a Van in a petrol station - Casualties unknown.


I mean, what the f'ck is wrong with people? I'm sorry but there is no excuse for driving into stationary objects other than sudden heart failure, or mechanical failure. 3 fatal accidents in the same bit of road is unprecedented where I live and just smacks of the dumb zombies previously mentioned. I'll put money on these people either f'cking about with their phones or falling asleep at the wheel.


Sure, we all have momentary lapses in concentration but to veer off the A12 at 80mph straight into the back of a van filling up in a petrol station, and driving into the back of parked lorries? :cuckoo:


And guess who has to pay for the carnage they cause, not to mention the pain caused to the families of the bereaved.


This just isn't acceptable any more. It's got to change.



Unfortunately, the main probelm here is the powers that be perceptions of dangerous driving. They all think that speed kills, however it been statistically proven that it's dangerous/careless driving that kills, which is completely different to speeding ( in a vast majority of cases)

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Watching Road wars, traffic cops, police camera action or whatever which one it is. Ive lost count of the number of times they show a clip from the USA where a cop has pulled a car and is talking to them and a passing car slams into the car thats pulled or the patrol car.


Yeah that does seem to happen a lot over there. Or are they just playing the same few clips over and over? :lol:


It absolutely baffles me, it really does :shrug: But then so does the Human race in general a lot of the time!


Unfortunately, the main probelm here is the powers that be perceptions of dangerous driving. They all think that speed kills, however it been statistically proven that it's dangerous/careless driving that kills, which is completely different to speeding ( in a vast majority of cases)


Yep, agreed. For years, some fairly influential road safety campaigners have proven it's "inappropriate" speed and careless driving that kills, but the anti-car people and the goverment would rather take the blanket "speed kills" approach because it's easier and cheaper to manage.


Every year they spend millions on getting anti-speeding messages across and car makers spend billions on crash protection research, but how much is being spent on properly analysing road behaviour and the more granular reasons behind accidents? Not a lot I suspect.


Britains hate queuing, but we tolerate it because it's in our nature. But put British queuers into cars and we turn into irrational and aggressive idiots!


I think part of the problem is there are too many people on the roads, roads haven't grown to accomodate the increase in population and driving standards have slipped significantly in the last 20 years or so, imo.

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don't think this one has been mentioned yet - queue hoppers, you know the one or two ignorant arses who bypass the long orderly queue of traffic in the lane beside yours, only to surprise surprise stop and indicate into your lane about 30 cars in front... i always wonder why the hell their time is more important than mine :scratch:



At the risk of being controversial, the highway code does say that with two lanes of traffic merging into one you should use all the available space in both lanes, and merge in turn at the point at which the outer lane stops... I don't understand why people feel the need to merge left 600yards before and then sit there in a massive queue with one lane completely empty, it just wastes road space in my opinion.


I have been deliberately held up by someone who'd seen me, in the right hand lane overtaking a queue of stationary traffic in the left lane, they pulled out and sat in the right lane in front of me and went at the speed of the left lane until the last moment... :bad-words:

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600yards before and then sit there in a massive queue with one lane completely empty, it just wastes road space in my opinion.


But it essentially makes no difference, you can either have one 600 yard queue or two 300 yard queues... both will take the same time to filter through, in fact the two queue option would probably take a lot longer due to people not allowing traffic from the right hand lane in. especially if it was 5.30 on a friday...

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600yards before and then sit there in a massive queue with one lane completely empty, it just wastes road space in my opinion.


But it essentially makes no difference, you can either have one 600 yard queue or two 300 yard queues... both will take the same time to filter through, in fact the two queue option would probably take a lot longer due to people not allowing traffic from the right hand lane in. especially if it was 5.30 on a friday...


I guess the problem occurs when cars merge in at different points -- if you get some merging early and some waiting till the last moment then its more chaotic, than say if they had 'Merge Here' signs., so everybody knew what was going on...

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