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Nugget almost done! Well top bit anyway :)

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you have put the sticker on upside down mate.









































only kidding lol

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you have put the sticker on upside down mate.


only kidding lol


Funny that Karl because i did to start with, I fitted it so you could read it when in the boot, went inside the house and thought (have I done it right?) so I went to check Jude's 8v and that was the other way round so I had to quickly go back into the garage to pull it back off, was quite hard to do as the glue had coooled down again so had to warm it back up and fit it right. What a Palarva :lol:

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Jm, if the emissions are that low could it cause damage then? not very familiar with the KR after 15 years since my last one. :/


Kip, i had low emissions with mine on the last mot, just like your`s, the mot guy couldn`t believe it, he just thought it was down to the fact i had just rebuilt the engine and the head was like new, I wouldn`t worry about it as My mot guy is a mate and has been working with vw`s for years and said it was fine

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The Emissions test showed rediculous lows too, CO Limits are 3.50 Nugget was 0.58. HC Limits are 1200 And that was 77 :lol: it's blowing fresh air man he said :)


Normal, engine is in excellent fettle.

VW limits (KR engine): 0.5% CO max., HC - not specified, at idle 800 - 1,000 rpm for workshop emmission test at 80'C oil temp..


My Silver Scirocco 8v K-Jet (DX code) is between 0.12 - 0.14% CO, 40 - 64PPM at MoTs for the last 12 years.


VW's engines are quite clean if set up right and not worn.


MoT limits (3.5 & 1200ppm) are general, not VW's figures for the engine.



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Cheers Chris, thats good to know :) i'll keep an eye on the plugs though as David suggests but it certainly feels ok when idling and indeed when pressing the fun pedal :)

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Still the VR for now Mate as it's still work in progress on the VR too but the nugget may well attend a few events this year.


Certainly a Manchester meet if another is planned and i'm free. was good that :)

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HAPPY DAYS! Well the Nugget went back to the bodyshop to have a few little issues sorted and i got it back last wed's so was busy upto last weekend getting it ready to use as lead car in my cycling clubs promoted road race, which was a 75 mile elite event around Stannington in Sheffield.


All went well and finished putting bit's on a around 8 pm saturday :) a few more bits to do but looking much better now.


a few pics anyway :)


Will add more pics when i've resized the damn things :( god i hate computers sometimes....


Here is also a link from my mate Brendon's website, he's a photographer so has probably captured many more images of the car, love the low down sliding shot :)



Edited by KIPVW

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Nice one, Paul. Hope that contraption on the sunroof (like the slanted position of said contraption due to you having tilted the sunroof :lol:) hasn't left any marks :)



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It had to be tilted to feed the radio ariel wires in to the car.

Both Cycle Race Approaching sign & radio ariel were attached by BIG magnets with the roof & magnets well cleaned before attaching.

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First class Paul. The low down shot you speak of appears as though you've just lit the tyres up. You've not sneakily crafted in an AWD system have you ?


Side strips ?


Great standard of work all the same.

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Side strips were attached Sunday evening after the car had been cleaned and the temperature was warmer than Saturday evening. (He ran out of time getting it all refitted before the lead car debute...)

Edited by Butterfly

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Cheers chaps! so nice to be driving it again but i do feel a little paranoid now and keep looking in the rear view mirror :/


A few more pics with the strips on & a happy little addition which i thought very appropriate :)


Sorry for the overload of pics but i'm happy as owt! He He!

Edited by KIPVW

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Top drawer Kip. Expected nothing less from you but still a credit to your determination and perseverance. You've come a long way since the dark days following the crash.


Need some photos of all four in your stable!

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If you haven't already done so I would fit a high level brake light, I was rear ended in my old C and the guy reckoned he didn't notice the brake lights. High level could save another rear ender.

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No way that's gonna happen mate, it has to be standard all the way and to be honest how does anyone hit a yellow car lol! Beyond me i'm sure. :)

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to be fair kip they should defo see you coming and even in front of them. Looking lovely in them extra pics buddy. You best take that valve cover removed if it staying standard!!! ;)

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You best take that valve cover removed if it staying standard!!!


Indeed, or there will be headlines:


First modified car in Kip´s fleet- Shocker!


Aftermarket gash item lets down car at Stanford!





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