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Stopped by police for being too low....

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do i get added scene points for getting pulled over? :lol:


Yeh but only if you mark them on your drivers door like WW2 fighter kills :D

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and them police traffic programs, sometimes the people they pull over are such idiots i can understand why the cops might be like they are, but sometimes the police are being arseholes so no wonder people abuse them, both as bad as one another i suppose


Typical hammed up for TV trash mate. Road Wars and Police, Camera, Action deliberately only include the t0sser end of society as it makes for better TV and portrays Cops have a really tough life, but I suspect some cops rather enjoy throwing people around on TV :lol:


What we need is a police force full of Harry Callahans. No gobsh1te chav would ever give a cop like that any backchat!


Do you feel lucky Chav? Well, do ya?



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Your all too judgemental, some police are right sods and some arnt, if you are one, be a nice one. Why would you want someone to think your a wanker....


Im polite to anyone i see a police offier is no different, ive been let off things before by some and their sound but some are idiots...


One car pulled my mate over, said we were on a well know drug using area... searched the inside of the car, let us go, we pulled off they followed us again, pulled us over about 1000 yards down the road and said we were on a rount which burgulers used, searched again, then let us go.... wtf....


I get pulled over alot because im out in my car at night(No reason i shouldnt be, i pay to use them)

Theres not a time restriction for when my car sould be in bed.

Eatch time their very fast to react with a negative manner when all i doing is being complient...


Im young, male, have a low, old car...


Many a time ive laughed with the officers who have pulled me over but more times ive been treated like a fool, whos word has nothing to say for anything...

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I think you need to look at the standard of your driving if you've been 'pulled' over twenty five times in four years.


In 17 years of driving (including driving at night), I've been pulled over twice.


Once for having a missing front numberplate (It had been smashed a few days before hand, and I hadn't had time to fix it) on my first car. Got a seven day wonder.


The second time for doing a huuuuge burnout in front of a copper who was on a bike (didn't see him) - this was in my mkII Granada - 2.8i :norty: and my 4th car (was about 20 ish at the time). Was very apologetic and humble, and just got a non endorse-able £30 fixed ticket for 'Failing to have proper control' :D .


I've been pulled over 0 times in the last 12 years - 5 of which I've driven the 'rado. There must be something seriously wrong with your driving style, or failing that, you have a marker on your car for your confrontational attitude to be pulled that many times.


Maybe just chill a bit, or sort out your driving :p

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Exactly - 25 times in that short space of time means you're obviously doing something to attract unwanted attention.


I've been stopped 3 times I think in about 11 years of driving.


- A number plate font they didn't really approve of

- Doing 63mph in a 50 zone

- Hit and run

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I've driven for 20 years had my C 13 years never been pulled but have been camera zapped twice for speeding, once in the C ..........the other in my 1.4 Energy Renault 19 :gag: !! :lol:

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I've been stopped 3 times I think in about 11 years of driving.

they do have police there then?

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I think after seeing people mash themselves across roads, and having to tell parents, and partners of these people the bad news, then coppers have got a pretty valid reason to be arsey when you're driving like a scrotum.

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I think after seeing people mash themselves across roads, and having to tell parents, and partners of these people the bad news, then coppers have got a pretty valid reason to be arsey when you're driving like a scrotum.


:salute: :salute: :salute: :salute: 8)

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In ten years of driving ive been pulled over maybe 5 times. But not once have i got an arsey copper, even when i have done something wrong. I've always got out the car, but been polite and have had no bother at all with the fuzz. As someone pointed out already, maybe it IS a regional thing? :shrug:


Cops in Yorkshire seem friendly enough to be, but maybe my opinion of that will change if i come across an arsey cop.

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if your driving round at night in a high crime area enough your gonna get pulled i used to get pulled all the time i now live in a better area i never get pulled 25 in 4 years sounds about right to me, unfortunatly iv had nothing but bad coppers in the 9 or 10 times iv been pulled.

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been pulled three times, first for teaching my ex to drive on an empty industrial estate, second in the polo for showering the cop car next to me in sparks (low car and camber :p) and 3rd time in the rado for looking too low. everytime i was friendly and everytime i was let on my way

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Bloodyhell, i stated i wasnt speeding can people not read?


Its like all the fags are just ganging up on me stating speeding is bad my driving is obviously the reason ive been pulled over many times etc, when i was doing about 25 in a 30 ... get the point, you aint gaining brownie points being the goody goody here stating anything that may be within the law is bad...


Id hope alot of you think alot of the laws in this country are balls.


You must live away from all the police, i hae one at the top of my road.


My cousin used to be a traffic officer and said they play snooker with the cars, red cars first and if they do them for something, they can then move onto a colour...


Ive owned a red mk1 and 2... gutted.


He now does something to do with armed police...


Plus he also said most the west mids police are cun*s and like to annoy the general public mostly young males, so ill take it from first hand experience that im right in saying 'Some' have attitudes which are not helping soceity be a better place.


I also get searched alot which he also said they should not do if the have pulled you over for no reason.

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i drove past you on saturday afternoon mate by the reddicap traffic lights. The car looked fine 2 me. But you should have got arrested for the music you were playing. Lol

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Dear Fulltimejunglist.


I have been driving since 1966, probably since before your father was a glint in your grandfather's eye. I have never had any points on my licence, I have never been responsible for an accident and have been pulled about half a dozen times in all. I am NOT a slow driver, I own a Corrado because I like fast smart unique cars. Previous cars include an E-type Jag and a Corvette Stingray so I am no shrinking violet when it comes to looking for speed.


If you come onto a forum looking for sympathy using suitably misspelt foul language because you have bee pulled for the 25th time, or does that make it 26? I would not be calling other forum members fags because they may feel some doubt about your driving style, car or whatever. I'm not really that interested to be honest. Get the chip off your shoulder, learn to spell and realise that that the use of obscenities only indicates a lack of knowledge of your native tongue.


As someone has said previously as you sow, so shall you reap. I am not a religious man, despite the previous quote, but I think you should have another look at what's going on, especially yourself.


I sometimes fail to understand why people modify their cars illegally, number plates, decatting, overloud exhausts or whatever then run crying when they are justifiably pulled and done for it


Get a (proper) life.

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Not the pub actually, was doing my poetry thing, (now with suitable music in places) and indulging in copious quantities of free Jacob's Creek Chiraz and really reasonably priced real ale. Only problem is I'm early shift tomorrow, er, today.

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Yeah. The Chiraz ran out, we drank it all so the ale was the next choice. I really am going to bed now.

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But you should have got arrested for the music you were playing. Lol


Hit and run


Great thread!!

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bit off topic but, overhere in Ireland, we're not meant to get out've the car when we're pulled over, till we're told to. Or is this just me being too goody goody?! :D

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I believe you should stay in the car unless asked to get out, makes plod look down on you and therefore increases your level of humble. Do make sure you look at them though.

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i usually get out the car quickly when i have something inside i shouldnt have, and it does work a treat :lol:

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i always get out as soon as i stop. they seem to always ask you to sit in the back of the car now anyway, so might as well get it out the way.


plus i wouldnt want them finding my 9mm and stash of drugs would i :lol:

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