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speed bumps

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:mad2: just got home from the missis house,i am sick of people driveing up my a-rse because i have to slow down for speed bumps and theres a lot near her house.does anyone else have same prob.also knobs in corsas,maybe its my age and because ive got to go to work lol

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Yep me as well. Pi55es me right off usually its the 4*4 jobbies who can drive right over the damn things. Dosn't make me drive any faster though usually it as the opposite effect dont want to rip my exhaust off now do I

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ooohh yes......it pi$$ me write off :bad-words:


To be honest I can kind of see it from both sides as when I'm in a rush there is nothing more annoying that sitting behind a Sunday driver, on the other hand I dont vent my anger by driving write up their back side !!

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Usually causes me to slow down to be extra sure my car negotiates the huge mountainous speed bump they plop at work/near schools/middle of residential estates/near shopping centres etc.


I don't understand why they bother, they touch my bumper their insurance is mine. Besides, when the road clears and the speed limit increases again I leave them behind.

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If they really bumper push you too hard, just slow down even more.


If you feel the point is worth making, stop altogether & get out and have a go at them face to face. In my experience 4x4 drivers have big cojones when they're sitting in thier little tanks but that all disappears quickly if you break their safety bubble. It's almost worth doing for the shock on thier faces.


And before anyone says "that's easy to say" I have speed bumps on a one way system at the end of my road and I have resorted to direct confrontation of this kind in the past. It's a very satisfying response to being unable to even see the headlights of a range rover in your mirror when they follow too close.

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I have to admit, I once did that to some rudeboys in a punto. Was helped I had my 6' 5" 20 stone brother in the car with me at the time!


Not something I'd recommend if the other car is full of chavs and you're on your own. The duress speeding option is a better stand in court rather than a hospital visit./

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I do find it annoying the amount of potholes in reverse there are everywhere now. They should take the tarmac and fill the holes in roads instead of these car damaging speed humps.

Other drivers do get annoyed behind me all the time. I have even had people trying to overtake me when going over them. but as soon as my back wheels drop off I am accelerating hard so they dont stand a chance lol. Trouble is there is always another just down to spoil ur fun :(

Wouldn't dream of confronting anyone by getting out the car as there are too many wierdo's out there so u never know who u will get (plus I am a wimp haha)

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I get really childish about this, on the way to my girlfriends they have those speed bumps that you can get a wheel over either side so obviously i hit my sump, my exhaust and anything else that hangs a little lower than my chassis. What I have to do is try get as far over the left hand side and go over alot slower or go through the middle.


My annoyance is that chavs then decide to try overtake me as im slowing down for speed bumps... :mad: and theres where my childishness and annoyance kicks in... as well as the VR roar.

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speed bumps are a pain in the arris. why not have average speed cams? that would stop the speeders, and stops tracking , suspension and the like being abused .

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I don't think sticking camera's everywhere will help. Speed bumps do exactly what the are supposed to do except a lot of them are badly constructed, they need to be right across the road and have a smooth ramp with clear markings. Theres quite a few speed bumps round here that i feel like im dropping off a kerb when i go over them and most have been gouges out of them where standard cars scrape.

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I hate speed bumps too, there are some near me that i need to crawl over because if i go over too fast the suspension will compress and the bottom of the car will hit the tops of them. :bad-words:

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I gave two lads a lift from the pub yesterday and going through Bredhurst to Boxley there are numerous speed bumps of the fecking annoying pimple/lump kind and even crawling over at walking pace or less the bottom of the car scrapped some of them and it's only lowered 35/40mm. :mad2: Oh and we're not 20 stone monsters either!! :lol:


All they do is slow people whom actually care about their car, the general school run parent in their sh!tie euro-box, people carrier or cleasea tractor don't even seem to notice them :censored: .


Classic Ministry of Sh!t Design. :epicfail: Get'em right across the fecking road so it doesn't wear the tyre inners or don't bloody bother -- :bad-words: B@ST@RDS!!!! :bad-words:

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