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Thinking of buying this

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New to Corrado's i want a vr6 but unsure of the prices corrado's go for,


spotted this and was intrested if someone could tell me if it seems a gudden and the price is right?



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Given the owner states 'I HAVE BEEN IN VW SEEN SINCE 2000' this car is a clear example of scene tax.


This will probably translate into it's had some coilovers and been slammed on some illegally stretched tyres but with nothing else replaced on the suspension resulting in a car with terrible ride and dangerous handling.


But it will look mint init...

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They look like the cheap ebay coilovers aswell. Poor fitting wheels and not a lot else


Defo spend a bit more time having a look around and try to actually go a see some for sale to give you a better idea of a good c. you can get alot better for your money.

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Given the owner states 'I HAVE BEEN IN VW SEEN SINCE 2000' this car is a clear example of scene tax.


"AND WHEN IT COME TO SELL IT I KNOW WHAT ITS WORTH." :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Given the owner states 'I HAVE BEEN IN VW SEEN SINCE 2000' this car is a clear example of scene tax.


This will probably translate into it's had some coilovers and been slammed on some illegally stretched tyres but with nothing else replaced on the suspension resulting in a car with terrible ride and dangerous handling.


But it will look mint init...


took the words out of my mouth :lol:


looks nice due to different wheels and some extra lowz, but doesn't mention much maintainence etc

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Sorry, but I wouldn't even go to view a car with an advert that badly written. Its an unfortunate litmus test of ownership, that might be completely wrong, but probably isn't.




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Given the owner states 'I HAVE BEEN IN VW SEEN SINCE 2000' this car is a clear example of scene tax.


This will probably translate into it's had some coilovers and been slammed on some illegally stretched tyres but with nothing else replaced on the suspension resulting in a car with terrible ride and dangerous handling.


But it will look mint init...


I have to agree with Yan here. Worth a look I'm sure - but I'd probably keep looking. £3,500 should net you a well loved example of a VR6!

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Don't normally like banded steels but that doesn't look too bad actually.


Car appears to be in fab condition, but it might be a different story close up :D


Unfortunately even some genuine, low mileage, original cars in the £4 - £5K bracket are sheds up close and personal as well.


It certainly seems like the GOOD corrados still around are being clung onto, or sold at hugely inflated price. There's no middle ground any more.

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Dear Lord. Stuff the car, the guy can barely spell by the looks of it. For some reason I'm put in mind of Cletus the Slack jawed Yokel trying to sell a car, but with a mockney accent.


And it appears he's breeding....... ah what future leaders I look forward to.

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It hurt my eyes to read all those naughty words! Were they really necessary to describe a car? :shrug:

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If the car is local to you then you could just take a look if you like it? Can't hurt, the guys getting a hard time because he can't spell and it may well be the case he's a bit of a dosser but giving the benefit of the doubt the car generally looks in good condition, nothing too crazy bar the 10" rears! The interior would benefit from a good scrub, I wouldn't pay more than 3k and then leather would finish it off. Pictures can be deceptive but everything has potential ;) just because it might have cheaper suspension and wider wheels won't necessarily make it dangerous, I run a low car with wide wheels as it's my preference, driving safely will obviously help, driving a tricycle can be dangerous In the wrong hands ;)


As said tho there's been some very nice cars advertised on here lately, just depends on your budget and future plans. If you viewed this at least you could be sure the guys a bit of a geezer and talking crap? You never know He may love his cars and it's well looked after? Hope you find one soon :)

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